Rick Ramirez

, Male

Mira Loma

United States

Profile Information:

Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Mira Loma, California
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
I'm a 3.5-4.0 level player
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
Not bad.
On the court, I am a:
doubles partner, serve-n-volleyer
Relationship status:

Comment Wall:

  • Tony Kim

    Just received your message...
    To start things off...I'd be able to play on t,th afternoon or evening during week days...mornings are fine if it's early enough and closer by...
    On Saturdays, early early morning...
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi! It's great to have you here! This is my *new* generic welcome message that, fortunately, is required due to the enormous growth. We're growing by 100 new members a day, and I just couldn't keep up. But that's a good thing. ;-)

    Invite your friends too. We’re trying to reach 20,000 members by Wimbledon. :-)
    If you need any help, let me know.

    You just joined a super fun and infectious "community-based" tennis social network which connects tennis players, fans, coaches, and you.

    To get started, please upload a photo or avatar for yourself (if you haven’t already.) Whether it's of you, your dog, or your racquet it doesn't matter, but it helps people remember you. You can also personalize Your Page with pictures, links, RSS feeds, colors and more here.

    If you are looking to meet people for tennis matches, Look through the Groups or create a Group of your own and invite your tennis contacts. It's a good place to keep in touch with everyone in your circle.

    Here’s a primer on how to meet other players.

    The Forum is really the hub of the online community. Other places to explore: post youtube videos, add your own photos, write your own blog.

    …and just hang out and meet great people.

    Welcome aboard,
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Thanks for creating the Inland Empire group!
    Your going to love it, it will fill up soon enough.

  • Ale.C

    Hey Rick,

    Got your message and posted my response on the groups page. I would like to give some signs of life back to it; it seems kind of dead at the moment. Maybe we can get it twitching, if you know what I mean.

    I saw you created the Inland Empire group. I'll join that one and see which one we can grow. I'll go ahead and post any new comment on the group pages. I think it would entice others to join if they see activity within the groups. Let me know of what you think about what I posted on the Corona group's page.

  • OneLuv (JC for short)

    Rick, What's your schedule like? If you are available during the week let me know maybe we can set up some hitting time.
  • OneLuv (JC for short)

    Rick, I'll definitely give you a call sometimes. i'll give ya' 24Hrs notice to see if your free. Where do you normally play at?
  • Rick Ramirez

    I have a court in my complex
  • jman19

    my schedule is pretty open. i prefer to play in the mornings or late afternoons. it's alittle bit cooler. but the daytime is ok too.
  • Rick Ramirez

    thanks, are you playing with a group? How will I know you?
  • Rick Ramirez

    Hi, I was at Heritage but did not see anyone with red hair and black cap. But I was lucky enough to get into a pretty good doubles match.
  • Rick Ramirez

    No problem, their was a junior tournament going on, so the courts were not free until around 7pm. I played doubles with some of the junior boys, they were pretty good. Take care.
  • Rick Ramirez

    Yes, let me know when your going to play. Hope you had fun at tennis camp, later.
  • Rachel

    oh thats cool. dont get too bored lol c u then
  • Rachel

    hey i dont think im going to be able to make it tomorrow. sorry. but i think i can play next week
  • Rachel

    ok thanks u too
  • jason harvey

    Thank you! I need to meet poeple to play with. I live in san bernardino by parris hill.
  • Rachel

    dang your group has really grown. remember me? lol
  • Rachel

    haha right jk jk. thanks! i thought it was pretty bomb. ya kinda, we started practice a few weeks back. how bout u? u been playin a lot lately?
  • Rachel

    REALLY? lucky!! hope you have fun! what am i saying, of course you will! bomb! ya. doesn't compare to seeing federer play IN PERSON though! fun fun stuff
  • tennistanner

    Hi! I think we're about 30 mins away - I'm in Colton, off of I-10. Maybe we'll play one of these weekends.
  • Ryan

    Hey Rick , I live here in glen avon so if you need someone to play with let me know
  • Ryan

    Hey Rick I am available almost every night, let me know.
  • Caleb

    do you ever go to perris, I can meet you at the courts in perris blvd
  • Rachel

    haha ya im trying. pretty good im startin to take some lessons up at U of R. how u doin?
  • Richard Borashan

    Sorry man, Mira Loma is a bit too far for me to hit at on a consistant basis. If you're ever in the rancho/ontario area I'd be down.
  • Daniel

    Would you be interested in playing near Westwind in Ontario anytime soon? I'm about 3.0-3.5.
  • An

    Hi Rick,

    Looking for some regulars to hit. Depending on the location, I am willing to travel to get some good tennis in. Hit me up if you want to hit around.

  • An

    Hi Rick,

    Sometime next week would be good in the evenings. I'll come to you just name the location and time. I prefer to play some doubles if you can set it up.

  • An

    Hey Rick, I can play in the morning but i really don't have anyone that plays during that time. Most of the people I run across plays in the evenings. We can play Australian doubles or just rally. Sometime during the week is fine for me preferly around 7-10 in the morning is the best I can do. let me know whats the best time.
  • An

    Hey Rick, wanna hit around tomorrow morning? An
  • Brian Tinio

    Be Strong, Have a Happy Holidays and a Prosperous New Year.
  • TIa

    Thanks Rick!  Happy to be a part of the network.  How's Tennisopolis working for you?
  • Anubhav Tagore

    Is it a lighted court? What time would you like to play? You can reply to me directly at mail@tagore.org. Thanks. - Tagore
  • tomas ordonez

    Hey Rick I Live in eastvale. Im a 3.0 player but if you ever want to hit let me know.
  • tomas ordonez

    I normally play at ford park but im pretty open to anywhere.
  • Albert Lara

    Hey in Mira Loma and can play anytime... Lets meet up, a 10 yr player, just a bit rusty 2.5-35... I can travel
  • Leighton Kekuewa

    Hey Rick...

    I live in Eastvale.  Where do you play?  Let's hit some.  LKekuewa@yahoo.com or (951) 314-4420


  • Connie


    Hi all, looking for tennis partners in the IE, OC, and will even drive to Palm Springs. Temporarily staying in Yucaipa right now and am available 7 days a week. Consistent hitter, stronger backhand, competitive but also just love to be on a court! Was on the east coast for nine years and played a few times a week but have not been able to find partners out here. MISS IT! Let's play!


  • Connie

    Hi Rick,

    Sure, I am up for hitting anytime. I can come your way or if you know of courts in Redlands we can play out here. Thanks!


  • Yan

    Yeah, we can play sometime. Which court you usually play at?  -Yan