Bryan T


Arlington, VA

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Casual Player
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Arlington, VA
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
I played tennis in high school and on the club team at VT. I am about a 4.0 or 4.5 player depending on the day.

I am looking for people around that level to hit around with in Fairfax or Arlington. I am up for both singles and doubles. Let me know if you want to play!
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
Sampras, Courier
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
Pretty damn good, Not bad, NTRP 4.0, NTRP 4.5
On the court, I am a:
rightie, two-hander, gamer, baseliner

Comment Wall:

  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi, I'm Mark, the founder of Tennisopolis, the world's largest and most active tennis network. Please share Tennisopolis with your friends by supporting our Facebook page.
    Have a look at our introduction page which will help you navigate the massive network which now has over 26,000 members and 400 local tennis groups.

    Friend me,
    Mark, The Mayor of Tennisopolis
  • Suzan Tugberk

    Hi Bryan,

    I got your message and I live in Fairfax, so tennis in this area works well for me. Do you want to hit sometime this week/end?


  • Suzan Tugberk

    Hi Bryan,

    Saturday works well for me. Are you up for hitting and doubles on Saturday at 5:30pm at Nottoway Park in Vienna? I was going to hit with 2 other people there at that time and we are always up for doubles.

  • Suzan Tugberk

    I can't do earlier on Saturtday this weekend, but maybe another time. We play throughout the week at Nottoway, so if you are free during a weekday evening let me know and I will let you know when we will be there next.

    The other players are 4.0's, too.
  • Suzan Tugberk

    It varies week to week. But next week, I am guessing that we will be playing both Wed. and Thursday, but not Monday. We like to meet around 5pm. Does that work for you?
  • Suzan Tugberk

    Perfect timing, because I wasn't going to, but realized that I got my schedule wrong. I just emailed the others to see if they can play about a half hour ago, but haven't heard back yet. Do you want to hit tonight even if they can't make it? I am not sure if everyone can make it, but either way works for me. If that works for you, does 5:30pm at Nottoway sound good?
  • Suzan Tugberk

    Ok, great. Also, I just heard back and we are going to try to get there at 5pm, to make sure we get a court. Feel free to come earlier or at 5:30pm, whichever works best for you. The 4th person is going to arrive between 5:30 and 6:00pm. My # in case you need is 703.599.8897. I have a red wilson tennis bag, which might help you spot us. See you soon.
  • Kamron Fazel

    4.0 player in crystal city. Would you want to play tomorrow? If not, how about an evening on a weekday this week? Thanks. - Kamron
  • Suzan Tugberk

    Hi Bryan,

    I am hitting on Wednesday at the Nottoway courts if you are free then. One of the guys from last week went back home, so it would be the 3 of us hitting if you are interested. We would just be rallying and maybe play out some singles points.

    Also, I can't do Thursday this week, but can hit over the weekend pending on the time. Let me know what works for you.
  • Suzan Tugberk

    Hi Bryan,

    I realized that I said some of us were playing at Nottoway today. I am not sure about Dennis, but I am not able to go. Just wanted to give a heads up in case you were able to make it.

    Also, did you have any free time over the weekend to hit?

  • Briton

    Have time to hit around 630 today?
  • Suzan Tugberk

    Hi Bryan,

    Sorry I didn't get your message sooner about tennis last week. But are you free at all this week... tomorrow works best for me, but I might be able to play on Thursday. Let me know.


  • Suzan Tugberk

    Hi Bryan,

    Tomorrow works well for me. What time do you have in mind? Is 5pm good for you, and at which court?

  • Suzan Tugberk

    Hope your ankle starts to feel better soon. Message me later when you are free to hit.
  • Eric Letada

    Hi Bryan,

    I live and work in Reston so I think we close.  Interested in hitting / playing some time?  I'm about a 4.0-4.5.


  • Eric Letada

    Hi Bryan, Apologies for the delay.  I have been swamped here at work, but things are clearing a bit.  Is Herndon Comm Center close to you?  Work is close to this for me, although it can get a bit crowded.  Or is there one that you could recommend near Dulles TC?  If not, I am part of Reston Assn and there are a lot of courts around here as well.  I know its short notice, but are you interested in hitting tonight?  or tomorrow?  Thanks, Eric