lauren J.

34, Female

Palm Desert , Ca

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Casual Player, Tournament or League Player, Other
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Palm Desert , Ca
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
Hey everyone. I am a 4.5 player in the desert and looking for some more hitting partners or groups. I'm going to be playing for COD this year and need all the practice I can get. I also played in a USTA women's league this season and love to play in the WTT league at the Indian Wells Tennis Gardens.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
Pretty damn good, NTRP 4.5
On the court, I am a:
rightie, doubles partner, singles player, bomber, returner, one-hander, gamer, trash talker, baseliner, all courter, gracious winner, gracious loser, tournament goer
My favorite local courts:
The Civic Center, All country clubs, La Quinta park, whitewater park, Indian Wells Tennis Gardens, Freedom park. Basically anywhere with a court and lights.
Relationship status:
Favorite website:

Comment Wall:

  • chris

    hey there lauren.....i see you've already made friends with some of the people I know. There is a group of us that play locally at the college 5-6 nights a week. singles/ doubles, pretty much whatever...usually 6-10 people playing.

    Hit me up 760-309-8609

    you just move out here?
  • Jay

  • Masio W.

    i am going to try and get people together tonight - are you going to be able to play

    760 409 5957
  • Larry Sanborn

    Would you like to hit at Marriott Desert Springs I will be in town until the 30th.
    707 498-1199
  • Larry Sanborn

    I am staying at the villas for the week and looking for players to hit with.
  • Casey

    Hey if you ever come this way let me know. :-D
  • Jay

    League will be in Palm Desert. I'm still looking for a club that is willing to sponsor us as our "base". I will contact the city to see if we can use civic center as a base. I will let you know when I get things organized.
  • Hans Linke

    Would like to play soon, once I warm up I should b able to give you a challenge. my # is 954-624-5517, available to play whenever.
  • Jay

    Hola back!
  • Jay

    Ha...your car says i love my balls... :P
  • Daniel

    Hi Lauren,
    of course I have been watching, until 3-4am...:)) U know how that is. How about you ?
    Want to hit some balls any time soon ? I'm getting rusty with this bad weather....

  • Daniel

    Hey, any day is OK by me, preferrably after work, after 5.30pm or so, no matter how late. I enjoy playing under the lights. When is good for you ?
  • Daniel

    OK busy lady, Monday at 6pm it is. At the Regent Appartments OK, or you prefer some other place ? Guess what I'm doing now, 11.30pm...? Watching Fed as he is in big trouble against Davidenko :(
  • Daniel

    OK Lauren, tx for not forgetting about it :)) Let me know what day you can play then ?
  • Jay

    Hey Lauren! No, we're not playing at the park on Friday. I have a tournament that day and through the weekend. Let's play next week. Let me know what your schedule is like.
  • Kyle M.

    Oh so you were in hawaii instead? That must have been a relaxing time:)
    So how come you havent been on the court lately Lauren? Too busy? What's more important than playing tennis?
  • Peter Freeman

    nice you look like a pretty good player... are you old school or new school
  • Lendl Jr. (4.5)

    are you a runway model?
  • Terence



    I'll be in Palm Springs/Desert from Feb 12-19.  I'll be staying at the Hyatt hotels in both places.  4.0 player here (used to be 4.5, but haven't played in a while.)


    anyway, i'm looking forward to getting back into shape.  if you're around and interested in hitting, let me know.




  • Lendl Jr. (4.5)

    Hi lauren, just got back from london. i went to wimbledon and saw the lawn tennis club.. it was great!