
, Male

Profile Information:

Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Hermosa Beach
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
fun, friendly, tall 6'4. enjoy playing and looking to meet fun people in the area to play some tennis.
My favorite local courts:
In hermosa beach the courts by pier ave.

In newport the courts by big belli deli
Relationship status:

Comment Wall:

  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi Jeff!

    It's great to have you here! I see you joined the OC Group already - Great! Invite your tennis friends!. It's a good place to keep in touch with everyone in your circle.

    Tennisopolis is also a great place to meet people all across the country and talk about this game we love. We are all very excited to have created this "community-based" tennis website which puts the focus on the members. We launched Tennisopolis just two weeks ago, so you are a charter member. :-)

    To get started, you can personalize your profile page with your picture or an avatar here.

    You can also:
    - talk tennis in the forum
    - add your own photos
    - post your own blog entries
    - join or start a group

    …and just hang out and meet great people.

    Welcome aboard,
  • Burleigh

    Hi Jeff,

    Do you want to play tennis today? I live in Irvine so location is not a problem. I have a feeling we might have a great game.
  • Kate Casey

    Hi Jeff,

    Check out the event I just posted on the Discussion board. It is an 80s party this Friday at the Newport Beach Tennis Club. We are throwing a party to invite young people in the area to check out the club and meet other tennis players.

    Let me know if you have any questions and if you would like to come and bring friends.

    Best regards,
  • Ashley

    Sure! Let me know when.
  • Ashley

    I just got your message. What about thursday night, say 7:00p.m. ?
  • Ashley

    Monday should be good. Sorry for such confusion. Work is a little crazy right now. Let me know what time on Monday. I haven't played for a few months, so i'll be a little rusty at first.. but i'll get back into it quickly!
  • Ethan

    I'm new to Irvine too and I'm trying to start a men's ladder. go to and sign up (free of course) for the Irvine Men's ladder. Also, I'm available to play tomorrow (sat 21st) if you're up to it. maybe around 8am? Let me know,
  • Bernardo

    hey Jeff. Yeah I'm pretty open...weekdays during the evening and mornings on the weekends...just let me know when you're free and we can figure something out. Talk to you soon.
  • Bernardo

    Can't do 5pm...but could probably do something like 630 or 7pm. If this is too late we could reschedule for another day. My email is
  • Jeff

    no worries yeah that would be a little late for just today as i have some plans later on. let me get back to you...maybe thursday. i'll e-mail you at ur gmail account if you want
  • Bernardo

    ok another day sounds good. I cant the remainder of this week but can sometime early Saturday...otherwise any weekday next week works. Send me a message to my gmail account and we'll figure out the details
  • chris wilson

    Hey Jeff, What up man...Sorry I don't get on here much, but I'd be up for hitting sometime. Shoot me an email.
  • JohnM

    hey man, I'm on the peninsula in NB (at least till June 1st) and looking for people in the area to hit with. Let me know if youre down.
  • JohnM

    no worries i'm not raelly on here much either...i actually moved to HB a couple weeks back but yeah i'm down to hit sometime for sure. what level are you? I can play usually anytime after 6 during the week. let me know
  • Graeme K. Brown

    Jeff, I am down whenever you'd like. I work remotely so I am flexible with scheduling...even down tonight if you're available.
  • Amber

    Haven't played in a while. I would like to play though...let me know if you are up for it.
  • Stephen Salata

    Yeah, Im down for sure. I am just getting over an ankle sprain but Ill keep you posted.
  • Edward Nockles

    Hi Jeff

    You on for a game this Fri, Sat or Sun?
