S Chan

Renton, WA

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Casual Player
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Benson Hill
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
Not bad
On the court, I am a:
Relationship status:

Comment Wall:

  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi! Welcome to Tennisopolis which connects you with your tennis network: players, fans, coaches, clubs and groups.

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    To get started, please upload a photo or avatar for yourself (if you haven’t already.) Whether it's of you, your dog, or your racquet it doesn't matter, but it helps people remember you. You can also personalize Your Page with pictures, links, RSS feeds, colors and more here.

    Thanks to everyone inviting their friends, we now have over 19,000 members and we're growing by 80 new members a day. Invite yours too!

    If you need any help, let me know.
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  • Dawn

    Hey Sam!
    Just confirming tennis tomorrow morning at 6:30...same place.
    See you then!
  • Dawn

    Hey Sam!
    I'm back!!!! Hope you were able to get in some practice without me...if you did, I am SO jealous! I haven't played in almost two weeks now so I have a feeling the first day back may look like a complete disaster! However, if you're game, so am I! Let me know what morning/time you're available if you still want to hit!
    Hope to see you soon!
  • Dawn

    Thursday would be great! What time is best for you? I don't have anything until 10 a.m. 6:30? 7:00? Name the time and I'll see you there! I appreciate your bravery!!! Ha!
    Georgia was beautiful...temps in the upper 70's the whole time...great seeing my family, but I'm glad to be home again!
    See you soon!
  • Dawn

    Super! See you then!
  • Dawn

    You had me worried! Glad you're okay! Tomorrow at 6:30 would be great! I practiced my serve for an hour and a half this morning so now I need to practice the ground strokes!
    See you tomorrow! Oh, here's my cell, too, if you need it: 832-881-8690.
  • Dawn

    Hey Sam!
    Just confirming Wed morning 6a.m.!
    See you tomorrow!
  • Dawn

    Bummer about your racquet! No problem about tomorrow. Friday sounds great...6:00 or 5:30?
    I'll send a text to your cell, too, just to let you know I'm still awake and got your message! Thanks for letting me know!
    See you Friday!
  • Dawn

    Hey Sam!
    Sorry to respond so late...I just got home! Sure! I'd love to play in the morning. Send me a text in the morning (or tonight if you're still up) so I'll know you reallly got my message. If I don't hear from you by 5:20, I'll assume we aren't playing afterall.
  • Dawn

    Oops! Hello again!
    Actually, I can't play tomorrow morning...I just remembered my last tennis lesson is tomorrow morning at 7 (which means leaving the house by 6:30). I could play Wednesday morning at 5:30 if you are available. Sorry for the mix-up...if I don't have my schedule right in front of me these days I'm always forgetting something! Sorry about tomorrow but let me know about Wednesday!
    Thanks! (Good luck at your new teacher meetings tomorrow!)
  • Dawn

    Hello! So sorry...I already agreed to go to a Body Pump class with a friend at 5:30. Wednesday is the only morning I have available.
  • Dawn

    Super! Can't wait! Thanks for being flexible!
    See you Wednesday morning.
  • Dawn

    Hey Sam!
    Thanks for playing this morning...it was fun as always! I'm really hoping we can make Tuesday evenings a regular thing. That would be great practice! I was thinking, since the students aren't back yet next week, I can still play in the morning (5:15/5:30ish till 6:15) on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Soooo, if you're interested, let me know! Starting the 24th, my weekday mornings are completely OVER! I have to be out the door and heading to school by 6:30! Well, just thought I'd throw that out there! Let me know if you want to play....otherwise I'll hope to see you at the courts on Tuesday evening!
    Have a great weekend!
  • Dawn

    Great! See you in the morning!
  • S Chan


    Really behind in my classroom setting up for M.T.T night tomorrow. Can you play tomorrow morning at 5:30?

  • Dawn

    Hey Sam...sorry I didn't get your last message about last week! And I apologize again for not being able to play last Tuesday evening...my friend is out of the hospital now, though!
    Did you want to play tonight around 6:30 or 7:00? If you're feeling a bit overwhelmed or tired this week and want to wait until next Tuesday, I completely understand. Just let me know what you want to do so you're not sitting around waiting for me to show up...or not show up, or whatever!!!!
    Hope your first two days of school went well! Talk to you soon!
  • Dawn

    Whew! I was secretly hoping you'd say that! The "let's wait till next week part--not the "brutal" part! I completely empathize though...these first two days have been just insane!!! I have one of the loudest, immature, selectively "deaf" groups if kids I've ever had! Hope the rest of your week goes better! Here's hoping for tennis NEXT Tuesday! Hang in there!
  • Dawn

    Hey Sam
    I hope this week is better than last! Let me know when you want to start up again. I'll wait till I hear from you so neither of us us just sitting at the jr high waiting to see if the other shows up! Looking forward to playing again soon! Have a great rest of the week!
  • Weijun


    I am now availabel to practice tennis every Saterday morning. About one month later, I will be available on some of the weeknights. Please let me know if we can meet this coming Saterday (Sep 19). Thanks!
  • Weijun


    Thanks for your reply! My time is flexible, the earlier, the better. I have been playing in another place at 7:00am. If this is too early for you, please comment back. We can play in either high school or cinco ranch community lot off Cinco Ranch boulevard.
  • Weijun

    Do you want to try the Cinco Ranch Community lot? off Cinco Ranch Blvd nearby that Park? 281-686-6628
  • Weijun

    Sure! See you at the Cinco Ranch community court. My cell: 281-686-6628...
  • Mike Wu

    I am looking for someone to play tennis in Cinco ranch. If you feel want to hit couple balls, please let me know.

    Thank you,

    Mike Wu
  • Kiwi

    Hey Sam!

    Yea, would love to play some tennis with you sometime. When did you want to hit? Are you a morning or evening playing person?


    Let me know. I live near Fry Rd. & Spring green blvd.


  • Kiwi

    I live about 7 miles from there. Where do you live SAM?

    Evenings would work for me. 

  • Kiwi

    I forgot to write about the courts I have used so far.

    I have played at courts near Cinco Ranch Blvd/Westheimer pkwy  and South Fry Road/Cinco Terrace Dr. Both courts seemed nice, but the Cinco Ranch Blvd/Westheimer pkwy one seemed to have a ton of bugs at night when the lights were on... 



  • Kiwi

    8pm would be good for me. Any time you have in mind?
  • Kiwi

    I'm new to the area, but i played twice at the different cinco ranch courts :) The two locations I listed.
  • Kiwi

    Hey Sam,

    Not sure if you get e-mail notifications for messages, but I sent you one yesterday.



  • Kiwi

    How about Thursday? I can't meet on Wednesday Night.

    For Thursday, I can reserve 5pm-7pm but nothing later :(


    Let me know if you want to play then, or if the junior high isn't busy, we can just head there at 7pm if they have lights and stuff.

  • Kiwi

    Oh for mornings, 7am-9am is available.
  • Kiwi

    The Westside Courts are located on the corner of Cinco Ranch Blvd and Hamptonshire Ln They seem like the closest and most ideal location for both of us. 


    What time did you want to play? I can book from 7am-9am or 5pm-7pm. Let me know.

    I can do either.

  • Kiwi

    Not sure where bush park is.

    Just use google maps and put Cinco Ranch Blvd and Hamptonshire Ln as the destination.

    It is very close to the intersection of Cinco Ranch Blvd and Westheimer Pkwy but in the direction away from the 99

  • Kiwi

    Sam, I reserved the courts at 5pm. We will be on court #2.


    I'll private message you my phone number in case you need to get in touch with me.


    See you at 5pm!


  • Kiwi



    7-8:30 am is available for Sunday and Saturday. I reserved Sunday for now. Let me know if something comes up.


    This is the reservation timesheet. The courts we played at are WS#


  • Weijun

    Hi Sam,  Thank you for sending me a message.  I moved out late last year.  It was great pleasure playing with you!
  • Kiwi

    Hey Sam,

    Did you figure out when you will be getting your demo racquets?

  • Kiwi

    Cool Man. Want to hit Thursday Morning?
  • Kiwi

    Cool. I got us booked on court 3 from 7-9am.
  • Kiwi

    Hey Sam!

    This youtube account had lots of good videos. 


    Check it out!

  • Kiwi

    Want to start hitting it up again?
  • Kiwi

    Any day works for me. Do you have a preference?
  • Kiwi

    How about Tuesday at 7AM? I can't register a court for some reason, but let's meet at the one on the far right. (I think court #3?)
  • Kiwi

    yea, sure. I could only get ~ 1 hour for Saturday, but for Monday, I could reserve 1.5 hours. :)
  • Kiwi

    Not sure if we can play today, SAM. But I got court 2 at 7-8am.
  • Kiwi

    Ground looks wet but drying...