Sara Fuess


Bakersfield, CA

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Casual Player
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Bakersfield, CA
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
I played through high school and off and on since then. Really rusty, but would like to get back into the sport. I hit hard , just need to get back in the court. Casual player, like to rally and hit more than the matches.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
McEnroe & Agassi are my favorites to watch... need to see more recent tournaments!
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
Not bad, NTRP 3.0
On the court, I am a:
rightie, whaler, doubles partner, singles player, acer, one-hander, lobber, baseliner, gracious winner, gracious loser
My favorite local courts:
Live near Bakersfield College, but open to anywhere.
Relationship status:

Comment Wall:

  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi, I'm Mark, the founder of Tennisopolis, the world's largest and most active tennis network. Please share Tennisopolis with your friends by supporting our Facebook page. Click here for a Guide to Meet Tennis Partners.
    Have a look at our introduction page which will help you navigate the massive network which now has over 30,000 members and 430 local tennis groups.

    Friend me,
    Mark, The Mayor of Tennisopolis
  • Mark T.

    Sara thanks for the accept. Welcome to the Opolis. It is a great website to find like minded players. I hope you can find some to hit with. Welcome aboard.
  • Mark T.

    Sara, thanks for the gift.  How is the tennis in Bakersfield?  Do they have indoor courts for when it gets too hot?  Here, I just get up earlier. 
  • CoachV - William Vazquez

    join my group. I put up free Coaching there.


  • Mark T.

    Sara, I hadn't thought of the camping over night trick.  But I normally don't have a problem getting my courts as early as I play.  During the summer it can get into the 110's.  In the mornings though, it is still 90 or so, not too unbearable.  I too wish I had auto access to indoor courts that would be awesome.
  • Mark T.

    Wow, ya'll are only up to 70's?  We are hitting 90's this week.  So we go back to the sweat attacks, and early morning tennis to avoid some of that.  I play on public courts also, so you never know availability.  But it is what I love to do.  Hey good luck to you too.  Play hard and enjoy.
  • Steven White

    Thanks for being my #1 fan!
  • John Spoerl

    Hey yo. I lost. I was by far the best player out there, but it happens. My client used 2 private lessons for me to play today so it was worth it. I also hit a between the legs shot that was sick. How was your day??
  • John Spoerl

    Are you working too hard while you play? I have a 4.5 client like that. The inside out forhand is sick but if you hit it all of the time instead of backhands you get tired
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Thanks for being such a great new member of 'Opolis Sara!
  • John Spoerl

    Im lookin to get the same number in two minutes. It used to take me 5
  • Mark T.

    Played and lost again.  Wow was I ever off.  It was extremenly windy, it was threatening to rain, and I just wasn't into it.  Not a good day for me.  Sorry you got rained out too.

  • EDDY

    hi los ratones comieron tus deditos :(
  • EDDY


    In spanish when somebody gets speechless, we say that "the mice ate his tongue". Can`t say that about emails. So I decided to change it to what I wrote to you. LOL


    Jus  to say that I miss ur answer back.  Hugs

  • EDDY

    Well, fortunately I can play at least three times a week, for an hour. Actually, my lunch time is dedicated to play. That is the magic of being your own boss.LOL. I do have another bosses but they do not complait about it. ;). SO what do you do for living?
  • EDDY

    U r Funny :) Well, I work for a real state company, Family owned, I also have a small kind of office depot ( I do not know how is said that in English). So that is why I can manage a little my schedule to play tennis. I started to play just about 3 years ago. ( some say  that old parrots never learn to talk), but I have learned a bit. Sadly, my body keeps saying that, "yeap, U r an old parrot after all". last week I was playing with a teenager and my back is crying out loud :(


    Hope you can play again soon.

  • John Spoerl

    Haha the pushups are fine. I did it in 3:20 last time, 10 seconds faster. Imma try again tomorrow.

    As far as efficient footwork goes I teach a plyometric start. Start in your ready position and push one foot behind you to actually help launch you forward. (Try running 40's like that)

    That and split step alot.
  • EDDY

    LOL  Definetely U r fun.  I decided to play the best i could so that is why I try hard. But yeah My body is not very happy with it. I play with anybody who is willing to. Sometimes I win, some times i got beaten, but in the end I always win , `cause I always learn something.  Real state is not as bad here than up there, but yeah now a days is harder and the profits lesser.  Fortunately I work with my sister and I can do many things at the same time. If I don´t, i got bored so easy. Sometimes I take cooking lessons, play tennis, do the office duties and in the  night I go to my little store. I got used to it.  Donde aprendiste español?
  • Michael

    Thanks for the welcome and the info! I will look him up.
  • Jermene Ebanks

    Hey Sara,

    Just read your comment. I haven't been on the site in while and it's been even longer since I've played. So not sure how good of a partner I could be skill-wise. But if you ever want someone to rally with, just le me know. My schedule is somewhat flexible.


  • Jermene Ebanks


    Unfortunately, I had to work Sunday, but will definitely try to make it next time.

    Happy Easter
  • EDDY

    JAJaJAJA  (LOL),   si entiendes como se lee en español sin la ñ ??  very funny!!!  Well, I do love to learn.  I do photography, cooking, baking, and i`m a physician, but out dated :( .  I lived for a year in Cleveland (OH), I took two ESL courses.
  • John Spoerl

    That's a good idea... they "glide" on tv =)
  • Mark T.

    Good morning Sara.  Thanks, on the win note.  I don't get to play this weekend so that kind of stinks.  But I am suffering similarily to you.  My knees have like no juju grease in there.  It is like bone on bone sometimes.  The past two weeks or so, it has taken a lot of recovery time.  Sorry you are in pain too.  When do you think you will be able to play again?
  • Mark T.

    Wow, if you don't sound exactly like me.  Well, I hate to advise this, but, rest goes along way to helping the situation.  The other thing I have learned, is if you can do some stationary bike time, that helps too.  Biking develops the muscles above the knee, which stabilizes and helps it to not be in so much pain.  It helps with the recovery time too.  Hey, good luck back to you, and I hope your knees feel better soon.
  • Mark T.

    Totally agree.  March on we will.  And, yes, anything to play.  Which is why despite my injuries I continue to play.  The worst time of my life was when I had shoulder surgery and wasn't allowed to play for 6 months.  You might as well have poked my eyeballs out.  I ripped my labrum and my rotator cuff.  It was glorious.
  • Mark T.

    Well, you answered way after I got off last night.  I was intrigued by the NFL draft, wanted to see who the 49ers were going to pick.  What a waste, a project DE.  Oh well.  Thats why I have tennis.  Hope you had a great nights work.  I am at mine, loving every minuete of it....NOT.  Anyway, chat later.
  • Mark T.

    If it happens it happens.  I am not going to hold my breath.  I will shop once I am declared victorious.  What about you?  You have been in the top 10 before?  Make a run for it.  You can do it.

  • EDDY

    Hi Sara, Sorry it took me a while to answer. (I do not get in to this very often, I mean this page). I have learned the hard way about being patient in order to learn something. My problem is that I hate waiting. :(   Tennis has taught me that. you know sometimes I play so bad that I feel like insted of going forward I`m going backwards. Pretty awful.  I do cook different dishes but i prefer BBQing. and I love baking but my liver does not help me much with it :(


    HAve a nice day  hugs

  • Mark T.

    Well that is the problem.  The cool gear.  Now that everyone sees there is a competition everyone is participating.  I have held the top spot for 2 months.  Ah well, it is what it is.  I am with you though, I can't be on all the time.  It is just not possible.  Work, life, tennis when I can squeeze it in.  And work right now is crazy.  Well, I hope you have a better day.

  • Mark T.

    Doesn't look like you have been on today.  Busy eh?  Me too, was just looking forward to hearing from a friend.  Have a great day.  Talk later.
  • Mark T.

    I absolutely love your bubbly personality.  It is lifting.  My day was not as fun as yours.  6 months ago, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor.  Yesterday, I found out that it is growning and that I need to have surgery.  Kind of puts things into perspective.  I have 4 kids, my oldest is almost 20, my youngest 11.  So when life takes a turn, it makes you think and reprioritize.  Thus my non concern over being top member for the prizes.  I just like the friendships and the personalities and the fact that we all have a common interest in tennis.
  • Mark T.

    Thanks Sara.  I tend to feel my sense of humor keeps me out of trouble, and keeps things lite.  I appreciate your insight.  I will have to look into that book.  I rely heavily on my faith, but always keep an open mind to other things that may help with mentally overcoming doubts and fears.  I am actually looking to change jobs for the very reason you mention.  The stress and wear and tear, is not worth the reward.  It is definitely time to make a change.  But we will see.  Thanks for your thoughts and prayers, every little bit helps.  Thanks for humor "jousting" with me.  I enjoy it.  Have a wonderful day.
  • EDDY

    :(  I hate diets. I have high triglycerids, that mean that the nice pastry things that I love, I should not eat. (sorry I do not mean to bother you for the waiting). Do forgive me. As many times as needed, something like senventy times seven!!!. LOL
  • EDDY

    ... speaking of veggies in a short time my ears will grow, and I already have the fur. I do lost like 25 pounds, Tennis did help me a lot with it. But a doctor tolm me today that I ahve to lose more. :(  %&$/&%"/($%"/!($/"!$/(!&$/()!&(/$·&!)=/(&$·=)/(!&$)/

  • Mark T.

    Great idea.  Lets find another great pic to rag on and get everyone else excited about.  I will look too.  Consequently, it looks like my surgery will take place the first part of June.  Fun times.
  • Mark T.

    Ah, I put in the score wrong.  The (5/7) is the date.  My partner and I destroyed them 1 & 2.  It was a thorough victory.  So tell me what you have done differently?  I honestly would like to lose 30lbs and I think that would help my knees.  Yes, June is right around the corner, but like you said, better early, fix the problem, heal both physically and mentally and then rock on with the rest of life.  So what is it you do for work?  My work has killed me this past month, and I have probably another two weeks to go.  Every quarter.  Pain.  Hope you have a great day.  Thanks for being a friend.
  • Mark T.

    Whoa, sounds intense.  Will look into all the options and let you know how it goes.  Don't know that I could do the watermelon thing at this point, but may elect to pursue it at some point.  I will let you know though.  Thanks for the input.
  • EDDY

    LOL, well the issue is that i got bored eating the same thing. I do take care of my feeding but sometimes I just say go to hell, Lets get that pizza or that burger, or that pastry. I lost like almost 45 pounds. U can see the diference in my tennis pics and the dessert one. I thin if i do not exercise i`ll surely die, (sooner and with many illnesses). My back aches many times but i feel better after a game than after resting.  :=)
  • John Spoerl

    I'm actually in the caribbean right now =)

    On a cruise.

    What's up with you?
  • Mark T.

    I am so glad to hear you had a relaxing weekend.  Mine wasn't too bad.  No tennis, but that was probably good for the knees and shoulder.  I over did it last week a bit, I think.  But feeling good today, looking forward to the weekend.  Rode the bike for 11 miles this morning.  Gotta get the legs ready.  Hopefully your knees are doing better too. 
  • EDDY

    Sadly what I like the most is what i should not eat. I love pastry. Actually the pic I sent was from a course i was taking!!!.  : (

    Now i can not chase after food any more !!


  • John Spoerl

    What do you think?
  • John Spoerl

  • Mark T.

    What did I tell you.  Expand that game girl.  Good for you to find an old dude to teach you.  Make him teach you all the "dirty" tricks old guys use to win matches.  They are totally incredible to watch play and miserable to play against.  Good luck with the lessons.
  • Mark T.

    Cool, getting in the tennis time.  Yes, played this past weekend.  We had only three of us show, so we each took a turn playing on the singles side versus a doubles team.  So three sets.  I was on the winning side of all three.  It is a skill being able to play without moving, it is a jedi force to make sure that ball comes right back to you ; )  Definitely a skill worth learning.  Have fun with the lessons.