
Profile Information:

Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Cambridge, MA
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
Tennis is truly my favorite sport and I used to play well back in high school. Years on the east coast made it difficult to play but am now looking forward to once again getting back into the spirit of the game.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
Federer, Agassi, Borg
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 3.0
On the court, I am a:
singles player, one-hander, gracious winner, gracious loser
Relationship status:

Comment Wall:

  • Skeet

    hey is that Petra, Jordan? looks familiar.....
  • Fatima

    No, it's actually the Valley of the Kings in Luxor, Egypt.
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi Fatima!

    It's great to have you here!
    I see you already joined the OC Group – fantastic, have fun!

    We are all very excited to have created this "community-based" tennis social network which puts the focus on the members. We launched Tennisopolis just three weeks ago, so you are a charter member. :-)

    To get started, please upload a photo or avatar for yourself (if you haven’t already.) Whether it's of you, your dog, your racquet it doesn't matter, but it helps people remember you. You can also personalize Your Page with pictures, links, RSS feeds, colors and more here.

    If you are looking to meet people for tennis matches, Look through the Groups or create a Group of your own and invite your tennis contacts. It's a good place to keep in touch with everyone in your circle.

    Tennisopolis is also a great place to network with people all across the country and talk about this game we love.

    Other places to explore:
    - come talk tennis in the forum
    - add your own photos
    - post your own blog entries.

    …and just hang out and meet great people.

    Welcome aboard,
  • Fatima

    Hi Mark,

    Thanks for starting such a great website!
    I have a feeling it will do really well.
    It has a fun, crisp and playful spirit.
    Look forward to being a part of it.
  • Kevin Woon

    Hi Fatima.. thanks for inviting me onto this website. Hopefully we'll be able to get together to play some tennis soon.
  • Steven

    Hi Fatima,

    Got your e-mail message. I'm available on weekdays and I prefer to play in the morning before it gets too suuny and hot. I live in Huntington Beach and am willing to drive to meet-up as long as the other party is dependable. Do you want to play sometime this week? Please let me know. Thanks.
  • Steven

    Hi Fatima,
    I'd like to play in the morning rather than afternoon. I'm also trying to get several people together for doubles. Can you email directly (spd75@hotmail.com) so that I can give you my phone number. Thanks.
  • John Delatore

    Sure, sounds good! Let me know exactly where the courts are at UCI and I'll see you at 4:30, Sat. Also let me know if there is a change in plan.
  • Fatima

    What is the best way to reach you John? You can reach me at tinaa67@yahoo.com
  • John Delatore

    Hi Fatima,
    Yes, I'm on for Sat @ 4:30 but I hear the weather might be bad as in rain. Hopefully not, but I'm sure it will be a bit cool. In any event I'm planning on being there and looking forward to meeting you and the others.
    Till then,
  • Burleigh

    Hi fatima,

    Do you want to play tennis within the hour? I am trying to find someone to play.
  • Fatima

    I have plans to play singles at 4PM. But if you like, you could join us tomorrow for doubles.
  • Burleigh


    I was out of town that week but now I am back and I would love to play tennis. Are you playing this weekend? Thanks so much for the invite.
  • Mike A

    Thanks for the message! I'd love to play in CDM this (or any)weekend. Just shoot me over the details.
  • Mike A

    Sounds great... Let me know if the time changes. Otherwise, I'll see you there.
  • Mike A

    I sent you a text...I am not 100% sure where the courts are. Please call me in the am (612) 590-1043. Mike
  • Ryan

    Hey, Fatima, I am new to the area and am picking up tennis after playing racquet ball on the east coast. I do not mind traveling to play and times can be worked out between us. If you are interested in playing let me know.
  • Navin

    hi fatima, welcome. I am about 3.0 myself, and i'm kinda new to Irvine. Do u want to play?
  • Aaron

    > i am trying to form a team for a co-ed tennis league in
    > irvine.
    > we are a level 3.0 team and so far we have 3 guys and only
    > 1 girl
    > (we need 3 of each).
    > the matches are either wednesdays or thursdays each week
    > and consist
    > of one set of men's singles, one set of women's
    > singles, one set of
    > men's doubles, one set of women's doubles, and a
    > set of mixed
    > doubles (first to win 3 sets is winning team, although we
    > always
    > play ALL sets).
    > we will also be practicing once a week (either a weekday
    > evening
    > from 6-9pm or a weekend day at whatever time works best).
    > if you are interested in joining our team, and you are
    > between a 2.5
    > and 3.5 player, please email me at abudrow@gmail.com
  • Dana

    HI Fatima,
    I see you guys play on Sat mornings.... I take the lessons usually in the court next to you... Maybe we can play sometime...
  • Craig Tyrl

    Tina, I can't on Thursdays unfortunately. I work Thursday thru Sunday from 4:00-midnight. I am planning on next Tuesday. I can also play any morning adn early afternoon. Everyone seems to be working regular hours. Do you play doubles or singles on Tuesdays? looking forward to meeting your group!

  • Fatima

    I'm trying to arrange for doubles. It might take a week or two to get all the players together. But Why don't you join us Tuesday of next week and we'll take it from there.
  • Stephan

    might be interested to play tonight. MY CELL IS 562 644 5299. I will be coming from Huntington beach.

  • Stephan

    It was fun playing doubles tonight. Good vibes, good people.
    Great workout without anybody taking himself or herself too seriously. I might make it this Tuesday too. Thanks for organizing the meet Fatima.
  • Stephan

    Hi Fatima,
    I will make it on Tu and Th for sure.

    Have a nice week end

  • Frank M

    Hi, Please let me know if you you'd like to play in Irvine or Mission Viejo area during the week after work or weekends.
  • Mike Sharp

    I would be interested in playing. I noticed you would change locations. I'm in Fountain Valley 714-612-6190
  • Ethan

    I read your post some time ago about a group that gets together on Tues. & Thurs. evening to play. I'm around a 3.5 player who wants to get back into tennis shape. Do you still meet to play?
  • Amber

    Hi Fatima,
    I'm interested in playing with you guys if you still hit on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
    Let me know.
  • Amber

    Hi Fatima,
    Sorry I didn't get your message in time to play on Thursday. Thank you for keeping me in mind.
  • Jeff

    Hi Fatima,
    I would like to hit some balls with you.
    Let me know when it's good for you.
    I can be reached at jesslair@hotmail.com
    Hope to here from you soon.
  • Bahman

    Hey Fatima, do you still have the groups meeting in CdM? Still looking for another player??
  • Bahman

    cool, thx!
  • Rafael Garcia

    I think im around a 4...maybe but im in costa mesa...let me know if you wanna get a game going...
  • Farouk Merchant

    Hi Fatima,

    I'm up for some doubles. Let me know when and where.

  • Farouk Merchant

    Thanks Fatima,

    This weekend is tough for me also. Please keep me posted.
  • Bahman

    I can do evenings after 5:30 during the week, and pretty free during the weekend.
  • Jay

    Hi Fatima; Listen, maybe this was just a coincidence but I clicked on your friend "Svetlana's" page and clicked her linked and my computer was immediately attacked...twice by ya-tracker.com. If she is your friend then I understand but that link that shes using is real bad news. Just thought you should know. I play early in the a.m. once a week in Newport and when I know I'm going over there we could hit after, maybe around 11 or so. C Ya, J
  • Ju-An Broyles

    Hi Fatima, Thank you for getting back to me. I can play Sunday July 26 with you if you have time. I have plenty of time during the week days also.
  • Ju-An Broyles

    My week days are very good. I can play Tuesday until 5:30pm, Wednesday all day and Thursday morning. My cell phone is 310-977-9316. Thanks for getting back to me. Ju-An
  • Kyle

    Hi,  I live in Somerville and am looking for people to play with (once the snow melts, unless you have acess to indoor courts).  I'm around a 4.0 when I play regularly.  Monday and Wednesday evenings are generally good for me, along with some weekends.  Let me know if you're interested!

