Wendy Brown-Benson


Austin, TX

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Casual Player
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Bee Cave
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
I am a casual player have been playing for several years but haven't played in the last year. I am working part time now and would love to play during the week mornings or afternoons.
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
Getting there
On the court, I am a:
rightie, singles player, returner, beginner
Relationship status:

Comment Wall:

  • humberto

    Hi Wendy,

    I just saw your message and I live right of 360 and Bee Cave Rd. If your interested, maybe we can meet up and start practicing (I'm a beginner too). Best times for me is after work, but since you're close to home, we can probably meet between 5 or 6pm. Where do you like to play?

    Carlos :)
  • humberto

    That works! Not sure where the courts are, I guess somewhere near the elementary school, but I'm sure you let know. When would you like to play? Tomorrow would work, but if it's too soon, lets make plans for early next week. -Carlos

    PS. I just got back from Central America...here's a picture of me and my baby girl.
  • humberto

    Great!!...let's make it Mon. at 5:15pm. We can practice for about an hour or until it gets dark. I look forward to meeting you. I'm not sure what my wife's or babysitting schedule will be that day...I hope you don't mind if they happen to come. Please feel free to bring anyone too. Here's my number if you need to reach me: 512.762.6103 -Carlos :)

    PS. If for some reason it rains or plans change...we can reschedule for another day....see you then.
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi, I'm Mark, the founder of Tennisopolis, the world's largest and most active tennis network. Please share Tennisopolis with your friends by supporting our Facebook page.
    Have a look at our introduction page which will help you navigate the massive network which now has over 28,000 members and 430 local tennis groups.

    Friend me,
    Mark, The Mayor of Tennisopolis
  • humberto

    Don't worry, I hope you feel better. We'll reschedule for another time. I'm pretty busy the rest of the week, but maybe next week. Take care ---Carlos :)
  • humberto

    Hi Wendy,

    It's been a awhile since we talked...still interested in getting together to practice.  My doctor told me I have to start to exercise and with this nice weather, there's no excuse.  Let me know if what to meet next week, anytime after 5pm works for me.


  • leela

    hi wendy, I am talking to play tennis with Humberto. And he said you guys , going to play in Bee Caves. Is it possible for you guys to come at Wells Branch pkwy and i-35. That is where , i am. Bee Caves is way to far for me.

    By any chance , can you play this weekend ? thx.
  • humberto

    Let make it for Tuesday at 5pm...in your neighborhood courts.  Check your hotmail for more info.

  • humberto

    Just wanted verify that we're meeting today...right?  I will see you at 5pm.
  • Karen Rowe

    Hi Wendy,


    Are you available to play sometime this week? I'm a beginner and I'm looking for someone to play with during the day, weekdays.




  • humberto

    It was lots of fun last week..hope we can do it again soon. Maybe we can get Karen or Leela to join us.  -ch
  • Karen Rowe

    Yes, let's get a group together for doubles or we can get together individually for singles. I prefer to play weekday mornings, like around 10 if that works for you.
  • Karen Rowe

    BTW, I am playing with Austen Popejoy tomorrow at 10:00 AM at the courts in my complex. There are two courts, so if any of you want to join let me know.
  • humberto

    I think this week might not work out...I just got a couple of last minute appointments.  Lets plan on meeting next Tues. or Wed. either in BeeCave or at Bailey Park on 33rd st. and Wabash Ave.  I see if we can get other players too. -ch
  • Karen Rowe

    Ok, sounds good.
  • humberto

    Do you have time to meet this week?  We can play at Bailey Park on Thursday or I can meet you at BeeCave on Wed.   Any of those days works for me. - ch

  • humberto

    No problem...I'm sure the following week should work...but we'll wait to finalize plans.  Have fun on your break!
  • humberto

    Time sure is flying...too much work and no play.  Do want to try to play this week or next?  Wed. or Thurs works for me.  -Carlos
  • humberto

    Ok that works for me.  I also sent you email (call me if need to).
  • humberto

    Hi Wendy,

    Can you play next week on Wed.(June 1st) or Thurs. (2nd) at 6pm at Westlake High?  Andrea will be joining us.  Let me know which time works best.  -Carlos