

San Diego, CA

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Casual Player
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
North Park, San Diego, CA
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
I'm new to San Diego from Chicago and am excited at the prospects of getting to play more often in a city with more amenable weather! I am close to the Morley Field courts, but also don't know of many other local courts to North and South Park. I'll go to any courts where I can ride my bike.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
Venus Williams, Steffi Graf... I dream of hitting as hard and as precisely as either of them.
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 3.5
On the court, I am a:
rightie, whaler, singles player, two-hander, top-spinner, double faulter, baseliner, gracious winner, tournament goer
My favorite local courts:
Morley Field
Relationship status:

Comment Wall:

  • Christophe King

    Hey Kelly - Thanks for the tip ! Just made an appointment to check out what Midtown has to offer !
    I moved here a month ago ... been staying inside mostly ... brrr ... not used to this freezing weather.
    Wow 6 cities in 6 years ! And I thought I was a nomad :)
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi Kelly! It's great to have you here!
    I see you already joined a Group – fantastic - introduce yourself in there to meet people for matches.
    If you need any help, let me know. Invite your buddies.

    (oh by the way, see your comment below? yeah, to get that comment to show up on christophe's page, use the "comment back" link. :-) )

    We are all very excited to have created this "community-based" tennis website which puts the focus on the members.

    To get started, please upload a photo or avatar for yourself (if you haven’t already.) Whether it's of you, your dog, your racquet it doesn't matter, but it helps people remember you. You can also personalize Your Page with pictures, links, RSS feeds, colors and more here.

    If you are looking to meet people for tennis matches, Join the group in your area and introduce yourself in there. Some groups have regular meeting times and some are more one-on-one and flexible. If there’s no group in your area yet, start a group page for your town and invite your tennis contacts. It's a good place to keep in touch with everyone in your circle.

    Tennisopolis is also a great place to network with people all across the country and talk about this game we love.

    Other places to explore: come talk tennis in the forum, add your own photos, post your own blog entries.

    …and just hang out and meet great people.

    Welcome aboard,

    HI new ot this site looking for playing (outdoors ideally getting warmer!)
  • Matt

    Hi Kelly, greetings from the West Coast. I love your picture - I can tell it's beautiful lake Michigan behind you. I grew up in Michigan and I travel back and forth from Chicago to San jose for business. I'll be in Chicago in a couple of weeks if you're interested in hittn the courts. Let me know...
  • G Money

    Hi Kelly.....hope you have a nice mother's day with your family! :-) When are we gonna hit some balls?
  • Bill

    Kelly -- Check your email.

  • veronica . J.

    we have same fave pro players.
    I live in northside. Would you like to play tennis sometimes?
    Let me know
  • Brooke

    I would definitely be interested in getting together. I'll travel...just wanna hit some balls.
  • Angela

    I would be interested in hitting some balls sometimes. wanna get together sometimes?
  • SangIkBaek

    Hi kelly
    I really like tennis but I couldn't play in chicago
    but now i found good tennis site and people
    I wanna get together sometimes h
  • Sean

    lookin to hit/play aug. 21-24. where in chicago are u near if your interested or available
  • elena

    hi,I am about same level,if you want to hit sometimes let me know
  • Robert Nowak

    Interested in Monday, late morning - 10ish? I used to play a lot at Portage Park. There are 6 pretty decent courts there. Is that too far for you to bike? If so, I can make it down to Humboldt.
  • Robert Nowak

    I can't tomorrow, so we can try for later today (although the yoga may wear you out) or Wednesday. Let me know.
  • Robert Nowak

    Hey, Kelly. Happy 4th. I do remember you (I'm not THAT old), and I would like to hit with you sometime, but only if you ran the marathon in under 5 hours ;-). I've actually just started playing again with another guy during the weekdays. Maybe we can all get together. He's a really nice guy and about the same level. He is looking to play a lot, and he is pretty much in the same situation as me (home with kids), so you guys might want to meet as I'm sure he is open to meeting other tennis players.

    My only issue is that my daughter is home with me this summer, so I can only play at courts that have an adjoining park. We've played at Jeff Park and a park in the near north suburbs. I don't know much about Humboldt Park. Is there a playground? Also, do you have a car? I remember you always rode your bike to the courts.

    Let me know when you want to play and if you want me to try to get another player involved to meet up.
  • Jazz Burks

    Hey Kelly, if you'd like to play Tuesday mornings when you get back let me know.
  • Quinn Delaney

    I'm up for playing at Humboldt Park.  Can you play in the afternoon during the week?