

Rocklin, CA

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Casual Player
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Rocklin, CA
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
Love tennis, being outdoors, hitting, getting a workout. Fun players, 3.5.
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 3.0, NTRP 3.5, Not bad.
On the court, I am a:
rightie, singles player, two-hander, baseliner, gracious loser
Relationship status:
Favorite website:
http://craigs list

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  • Patrick

    Rinconada Park in Palo Alto at noon next Saturday the 19th. Be there with your game face... or maybe just some water and a racket. Heck, bring some beer if you want to. Just show up and have a good time. :)
  • Patrick

    Canada College this Saturday the 26th at noon. We've got all levels of play, so come on out. Come early or late if you like, but leave a message on the group page so people will know who's going and when. (And, conversely, we'll know who the poopers are. Heh.)
  • Patrick

    Just in case you can make it...

    This Saturday, May 10th, we'll be playing and picnicking at Rinconada Park in Palo Alto.

    Anyone and everyone is welcome. Bring anything you would like to share. Bring your family, too. There are grills in the park, so charcoal and burgers/hot dogs are definitely doable.

    Please comment on the event page here so people will know what others are bringing.

    And remember, most of us are new and don't know many others in the group, so feel at ease and feel welcome to join us. Meet some new folks and have a good time. Hope to see you there!
  • Patrick

    Poop. Sorry about that. I meant to make it for Saturday and it must have defaulted to that date/time when I reopened the page. I'll see if I can fix it. Although, wed at 6pm might not be so bad... maybe I'll just make both.
  • Michele

    Yep, Wed would be okay with me also but I'll still be there Sat. Thanks Patrick!
  • Patrick

    Thanks for your help. Sometimes I need another pair of eyes. :)
  • Michele

    Sorry, can't agree with you. You do an awesome job here on everything gathering us all together.
  • Chris

    thx michele! i will take care of my shoulders and should be able to play next wednesday. see you soon! =)
  • Patrick

    Please do bring anyone and everyone that would like to come. The more, the merrier.
  • Michele

    Is anyone else having problems signing on the the page/events?
  • Matthieu

    Michelle, the pleasure was all mine. It was great meeting you too and playing for a bit, even though my game is pretty one-dimensional....
    Hope I'll see you next Saturday, hava a great weekend.
  • Patrick


    I think she is Glory in the group listing.
  • Rafael

    Hey Michelle! Nice to see you on Saturday- hope to play again soon, rafael
  • Glory

    Hi Michele...it was great meeting you too last Sat. I'll be out for a while, so I probably won't be playing soon!

    Enjoy the great weather and have fun!!
  • Patrick

    Ah. Thanks for that information. I had switched it for my convenience, really, because I didn't get to really do much after tennis on Saturdays once I showered and ate and fed Olliver and all that sort of thing. My wife was getting a little depressed about losing nearly an entire day to tennis. But of course, if we can't get courts, that changes things. Unfortunately, every other spot I can think of is packed on Saturday mornings, so I'll probably push it back to noon. If you think I should make the change for this weekend, message me and I'll adjust it. I'll just have to take my lumps at home and maybe only play every other Saturday.
  • Matthieu

    It was fun this morning, some of us started at Red Morton, and then when headed to Canada. There was 10 of us, and that's too bad you couldn't make it, next week hopefully.
    There's something set up for Tuesday? I had no idea!
    Have a great weekend Michelle, see you next week!

    PS: I did get out of the slump, or I thought I did, i was playing ok until we hit Canada, then I sucked again (not that I was ever good, but you know what I'm saying!)
  • Patrick

    Yeah. I'll be there today. See you then. :)
  • Aaron C

    Hey Michele,

    Sorry I didn't respond to your message a few days back... I was traveling. I'm headed to the weekend hit-a-round tomorrow if you're interested...

    hope to see you there...
  • Michele

    Hey Aaron, Good to hear from you and I'll see you tomorrow at the hit-a-round also. Have a good 4th!
  • Susan Smith

    Hi Michele
    It was nice meeting you today. My home number is 587-0845. Give me a buzz when you feel like playing...Susan
  • Michele

    Hi Susan,

    Glad you came today. Hope you make it again. Yes, let's play, I'll call you.... Michele
  • Patrick

    Sorry I took so long. Moving is a real pain in the back; my lower back, specifically. I'm by Malibu now, looking for places to live.

    Anyway, I don't know of anything up there besides Sacramento Tennis, and my group map is busted in all my browsers, so the best way for me is to link from other people's pages to groups, but that only works in one region. It's not likely that anyone belongs to a group in SF and one in Grass Valley.

    Good luck on your move and your new country life. Make sure to get some time up in Lassen. The scenery is just magnificent up there.
  • GG

    I'm intending on scaling back from Canada because my workload will escalate over the next 3 months. I also need extra time to tie up loose ends so I can go on an extended vacation later this month. If next Saturday is your last day, I will definitely go. Have a great weekend!
  • GG

    LOL :)!
  • Chris

    oh hey michele, sorry that i didn't see your msg until now. i don't think anyone was going to show up as i talked to rafael also. i didn't know that you were going too.
  • GG

    Hi Michele
    I may not be able to come next week because I have a meeting to prepare for, so I will come tomorrow. See you then.
  • Woody Smith

    Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow Michele.

  • Woody Smith

    I can't make it this weekend. Hopefully there are tennis groups in Grass Valley
    to connect with Michelle. Please stay posted on Tennisopolis, I come through
    the Sac/Colfax area fairly regularly so maybe we can hook up. I know there are courts right where 174 comes into town from Colfax. I'll catch you later,

  • GG

    Glad to hear that you're enjoying the bracelet. Good luck with your move. Keep in touch.
  • Gene

    Hi I joined this group looking for someone local to have fun playing tennis with. I am a pretty good player and would enjoy trying to play regularly. I took lessons from the hillsdale high coach and that helped. Let me know if you are interested.
  • Chris

    hey Michele, take care and please come back to see us sometimes.=)
    let us know how u r doing with the move too. c.
  • Chris

    hey hey!!! Glad to hear from you. when r u coming back to play with us?! =)

    i am not sure what you mean, but i think first of all you can try to search if there's any group in your area from this page:


    if you can't find anything, maybe you can add a new group and try to get people to join your group.

  • GG

    Hey Michelle!
    Just sent you a friend request so I can email you privately. Just got back from an awesome vacation! Hope allis well.
  • Joe

    Hi Michele. I'm a little confused on your location so are you in Bellmont as your profile indicates or in Roseville? I'm up for hitting and am reliable but if you're in Bellmont then that's just a bit too far to go for me.
  • Joe

    Hello again Michelle and thanks for clearing that up! My days are also very flexible as I'm self employed. I'm actually in the Sacramento area and mostly play at Mckinley and Sac City College courts as those are nice courts but I'm willing to meet at other places as long you really want to play. I'm also in the Roseville area at least once a week so i'm flexible with that too. I'm game if you are.
  • Joe

    Ok, that sounds good to me. I'll have to see where there are some courts in Roseville as I'm just starting to find courts outside of Sacramento. If you know of any though that you preffer do tell. I'm sure some local parks will have some. Feel free to contact me through here or also @ 916-612-3865. I'll try and see what I can find online.
  • Joe

    Take a look at this link I just found. It shows some courts in Roseville...
  • Joe

    I'm a little bit familiar with Lincoln as I have an unlce and aunt that live there in the new DelWebb area but beyond that, I've never gone furhter nor do I know the streets. Do you have some courts there that you like?
  • Joe

    As of now, Thursday i'll be playing in the morning at Mckinley (Sac). I do have available today, tomorrow and some of Friday. I don't mind going up there the first time so we can see how we play with each other plus it'll give me a reason to visit my unlce as well, lol. So let me know as i'm good to go.
  • Joe

    Ok, Friday it is then. How about 10 am? If that time works for you just let me know where to meet along with an address or the cross streets.
  • Joe

    Thanks for the link. Don't you have to be a member to play there though? I'm assuming you are. Ok, see you at 10am then on Friday!
  • Joe

    They're ok but don't worry, i'm good at finding places so it'll work. See you then.
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi M,
    It's easy to admin a group. You just use the Court Time tab up top to create a rally. You can email all members in the group in one broadcast email to get some feedback on a day that works. I think it is better to say, "hey lets do a meet-up on Saturday at such and such park - what time works for you" rather than leaving it all up to discussion. I can add you as another admin to either group if you are interested. I think they both could use a bit of organization.
  • joe

    Hi Michele I am Joe from Roseville, just wondering if you are interested in playing tennis in Roseville. Please let me know if you are interested. Joe
  • joe

    There is a few courts behind the aquatics complex. Whats your schedule on wednesday and thursady evening? If you are freee we can meet there for a game. I can send you the address if you are interested.
  • Chris

    michele, just do exactly what i do.
    go to the Court Time tab, set up an event. then post it in your group page.
  • joe

    ok michele thanks for letting me know. Pls let me know when you may be ready.
  • Joe

    You're welcome for Megan Michelle. I'm glad she took care of you. I'll look into those courts you mentioned but i'm sure they'll be fine. Now we just have to wait for some dry days to go and play. Oh yeah, and when the weather is warm enough for you! :-) But remember that playing will keep you warm, it's just the initial first 10 minutes that's cold.
  • Chris Cortopassi

    I'm available to hit Sunday or Monday. We can meet in Lincoln if you tell me where your favorite court is :)
  • Kevin Mac

    HEY Michele,


    Thanks for the quick response!  Just let me know when you'd like to hit and we can arrange something, I am working from home thsi week and can arrange my own schedule as it is very flexible at the moment.



