, Male

Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach, Irvine,Newport Beach

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Casual Player
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Newport Beach,Costa Mesa, Irvine, Huntington Beach, Aliso Viejo
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
Love playing tennis, it is fun and great exercises. I've been a tennis fan for many years. Would love nothing more than just to get out and hit several times a week.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
Pretty damn good, Not bad, NTRP 4.0, If tennis is on TV - I am watching
On the court, I am a:
rightie, poacher, doubles partner, singles player, two-hander, gamer, baseliner, all courter, gracious winner, gracious loser
My favorite local courts:
Newport Beach/Public courts/OCC
Favorite website:

Comment Wall:

  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi Dan! It's great to have you here!
    Join the WTA Fans Group.... Can you think of any other cool groups you could start? Like a Graf Fans Group?
    We need a Graf Fans Group page, click that link to start it.
    Can you do me a big favor and tell anyone you can think of that would enjoy Tennisopolis about this place? Please Invite anyone and everyone. We’re trying to reach 20,000 members by Wimbledon. :-)
    If you need any help, let me know.

    We are all very excited to have created this "community-based" tennis website which puts the focus on the members.

    To get started, please upload a photo or avatar for yourself (if you haven’t already.) Whether it's of you, your dog, your racquet it doesn't matter, but it helps people remember you. You can also personalize Your Page with pictures, links, RSS feeds, colors and more here.

    If you are looking to meet people for tennis matches, Join the group in your area and introduce yourself in there. Some groups have regular meeting times and some are more one-on-one and flexible. If there’s no group in your area yet, start a group page for your town and invite your tennis contacts. It's a good place to keep in touch with everyone in your circle.

    Tennisopolis is also a great place to network with people all across the country and talk about this game we love.

    Other places to explore: come talk tennis in the forum, add your own photos, post your own blog entries.

    …and just hang out and meet great people.

    Welcome aboard,
  • John Delatore

    Sure Dan, I'm more available during weekdays and would prefer to play doubles but I'm OK with singles once in a while too. Let me know your schedule and when you'd like to play, and I'll see if I can coordinate with you.
  • John Delatore

    Dan, I can't play today or tomorrow but Friday would be fine. Day time is good for me as well. I have some tennis courts here at the complex where I live in Huntington Beach, or I can meet you some place else if you prefer. I don't know any doubles players locally but would like to find some if you know any yourself. You can call me at 714-791-1949 if you want. Let me know how Friday looks for you and we can go from there.
  • John Delatore

    Dan, Friday at 10 would be fine but I have a very short errand that I will have to run at 11. It should only take me about 10 minutes so not to much of a disruption. If you can find a couple other players that would be great. I may be able to find someone here in my complex as well but I'll have to let you know for sure tomorrow. I'll call you in the morning tomorrow and we can discuss all this further then.
    Take care,
  • Casey

    Hey I replied back. I'm in the area all the time. My phone number was in the post and I also left you my email. Let me know whens a good time for you and we'll go from there...
  • Casey

    Send me your address and Ill see how far away it is then I can give you a date. I'm already playing this wed and Saturday and possibly Sunday but lets get together soon and hit!
  • Adam Clark

    I am down to play when is good for you
  • Adam James

    Hey Dan,

    Im coming from L.A but will be in the costa mesa tomorrow near OCC. I have an apointment at 1:00pm and i can play either before or after.
    text me or call me at 714 336-6842 when u are availble.

    Adam James
  • Burleigh

    Can you play today or tonight? Call me 949-246-2600
  • Mike A

    Thanks for the resonse. Most days are good for me including weekends. I also have two lighted courts where I live across the street from the Spectrum. We're obviously pretty close so that's a bonus. How about Friday at 6:00? Otherwise I am open all weekend or anytime next week. Thanks-
  • Kate Casey

    Hi Dan,

    I just posted an event on the Discussion board. It is an 80s party this Friday at the Newport Beach Tennis Club. We are throwing a party to invite young people in the area to check out the club and meet other tennis players.

    Let me know if you have any questions and if you would like to come and bring friends.

    Best regards,
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi DJB! Cool pic of Fish - can you believe he beat Fed in Indian Wells? I was shocked by that one, and I was at that touney and saw him beat Davydenko.... but Fed, no!?
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi Dan,
    Go here: http://www.tennisopolis.com/group/localgroupadmins
    and request to join.
  • Navin

    Hi Dan, yes I would like to get more practice... I currently play in the WTT league in irvine...
    I can play any weekday evenings except tues&weds, and weekends anytime..
  • James H

    hey dan, would love to play. ill send you an email.
  • Mark / The Mayor

    thx for joining the admin group. did you get any good ideas there yet?
  • ryan farahani

    hey Dan, wanna play today (Monday)?
  • Adam James

    hey dan,
    can u play today
  • Mikael Evans

    Why not!! I'm not as free as you though, I have to work for a living. Pretty much free after 6:30 weekdays, and anytime weekends.
    Let me know

  • John

    Hi Dan,

    Mikael and I will play tennis tomorrow (Friday) at 6:00PM at Quail Hill tennis court. If you would like to join us with your friend for doubles, please come. Tennis court is in Knollcrest Park on Knollcrest and the closest street is Quail Hill PKWY. The tennis courts are located behind the swimming pool and cannot be seen from the street or parking lot. Hope to seeing you all there
  • John

    Take care of your back and hope to playing with you soon.

  • John

    I usually play at Marina Park, at Edinger and Graham. Then there's Ocean View HS and Murdy Park, too. Sunday mornings are best for me, since I play doubles on Saturday morning.
  • Mikael Evans

    I can pla
    y anytime this weekend Dan call me at 949 302 8965
  • Kendrick

    Hi Dan,

    Do you want to play tennis this weekend? I'm at Irvine this weekend by Jamboree and 405. Have courts available here. Here is my num - let me know (323) 839-3436
  • Stephan


    I am Stephan. I am available to play tennis sundays (morning). I am a 4.5 player. My email is sndrivequest@yahoo.com. Contact me if you are interested.

    Thank you
  • Craig Tyrl

    Dan, Tuesday and Wednesday are my best days to play tennis. Hopefully next week. Fire me an email craigtyrl@aol.com
  • Mikael Evans

    Hope you had a good trip, wanna play friday @ 5?
  • Mikael Evans

    Can we make it 6 PM, I just found out I have to stay an extra hour at work? If thats OK i'll see ya there @ 6
  • Stephan

    Great playing with you Sunday morning. Amazing talent for someone who just started playing tennis last September. A true 4.0 player on the way up.
    Very nice personnality too

  • Raymond

    Hi Dan,

    Just joined this website to find a hitting partner around Irvine and your name popped up. If you're interested in hitting around, I'm pretty free most weeknights, Mon or Tues work best after 5:00 PM. I used to play a bit back in the day (middle school) and play very sparingly nowadays (hardly if ever) but maybe a hit around can shake off the rust.

  • Patricia

    Hi Dan,
    Would you be interested in hitting some balls sometime? I'm a solid 3.5 player.
    Let me know.
    Take care
  • Patricia

    Hi Dan,
    Weekends are pretty open.
    I work in HB so I could also meet you after work (5:30pm for me) if that would work.
    I had been playing w/a friend in Irvine at some nice courts off Culver & Bryan. Let me know if you'd be interested in maybe even playing later today around 6pm.
    you can email me at PLange810@msn.com

    Thanks Dan
  • Bernardo

    Hey hows it going Dan?

    3.5 here in Costa Mesa. Let me know if you're interested in hitting some balls sometime.
  • chris wilson

    Hey Dan, How about Thursday? I'm off work at 5., I'd be totally up for hitting some balls around..


  • Craig Tyrl

    Dan....would you still like to play sometime? It has been a while. I got busy this summer. I can't find your number either. Please give me a call.


  • Ron Moreno

    Dan, I'm in Huntington Beach and work across the street from
    Marina Park at Edinger and Graham. The courts are nice and refinished.
    Let me know if you want to practice sometime.
    Level 4.0 My email rmoreno@bbesound.com Thanks, Ron
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi Dan, how's it going?

    Just wanted to point you to a couple of fun groups that popped up.
    My Racket, What's Yours?? is a place to show off your weapon of choice.
    Prince Players, We Got Next set up by Prince, Inc.
    Fans of Serena - obvious title, but I'm not joining. ;-)
    To see a full list of the "internet-based" or "special interest" Groups that have been created over the last year, click here to check them out.
  • An

    Hi Dan,

    I just happen to run across your profile and found out that you are in La Verne. I am also in La Verne, so if you want to hit around let me know.

  • An

    Hi Dan,

    Those days sound good for me but I want know the times you can play. That way I can schedule some time to hit around. Let me know.

  • RC

    hey Dan, are you still playing tennis?
  • An

    Dan, do you still play in La Verne? If you do let me know if you still visit the area and play. Trying to regain my tennis skills. PM you my number in case you are in the area preferrably weekends.
  • RC

    Hey Dan, Wednesday would be fine but can it be next week Wed...I got pretty beat up on Monday's Tournament....just tell me where and time. thanks
  • RC

    Hey Dan, that's really cool of you to meet me there instead of Costa Mesa or Newport...thanks. I have class on Wed. at 6.30p so we can play before that...let me know the time.
  • RC

    1pm Bill Barber on Barranca/Harvard...sounds good
  • RC

    Hey Dan, thanks for the rally play...you're more a 4.0 than a 3.5...pretty good forehand and back hand.
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi DJB! Become a fan of Tennisopolis on Facebook and earn extra entries - this is for a tennis trip to the awesome Hyatt Regency Scottsdale. Check it out here:
  • Alex

    sure. Let me know when you have some time. Wednesday evenings and weekend mornings are good for me.
  • Lisa D

    Hey Dan! I can hit daytime Tue and Wed and live on the Costa/Irvine/Newport border. Email me at LDunc2@gmail.com. 4.0 here =)