
, Male

Redwood City

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Casual Player, Tournament or League Player
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
Looking for the Zen ralley.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
Ok kiddies, watch the ball just like Roger!

And now the slice....

My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 3.5
On the court, I am a:
doubles partner, singles player, serve-n-volleyer, one-hander, choker, top-spinner, double faulter, gracious loser
My favorite local courts:
Red Morton, Canada College, Stanford West
Relationship status:
In a Relationship
Favorite website:

Comment Wall:

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  • Rafael

    Agh yah- can't wait to play when I get back. Not much tennis for me around here- I'll be ready to dominate when I get back- at the REDWOOD CITY OPEN!!! I'm playing against Roddick and you are lined up against James Blake- good luck!! Oh yah, we have a doubles match against the Bryan Brothers...
  • Patrick

    Hey, sorry about that. I came down 101 and picked up Ace on the way, but it took almost an hour and a half to get there through traffic. We didn't play until 6pm. I think I'm going to have to re-think the mid-week events.
  • Rafael

    Hey Jim, I get home Sat night. Want to play Sunday?
  • Patrick

    I probably won't be out for this Thursday night. I don't know how many people are planning to show, but if the list looks short, try to get in contact with some people ahead of time to make sure you're not getting screwed again. I'd hate to drive, as you did, and end up with empty courts. At least you ended up playing, even though it was a one-sider.
  • Rafael

    Heck yah! Let's rock this!
  • GG

    Thanks for the link. Briefly surfed through it & sounds interesting. Congratulations ~ looks like you killed your opponents Sunday. Can you play at your convenience or are you pressured to play a set amount of matches? My scheudle is erratic, so I thought it may not work for me.
  • Rafael

    Yo Jim, I say we reschedule for a morning or day match with those dudes. Playing at night for this particular match might be a bad idea... I am a bit nervous, but technically we could win... I will be meditating on our Championship Win all week!! Later-
  • Aaron C

    Yeah, he is my tennis coach. I've gotten tied up with weddings this weekend so I won't be out at Canada... I've been MIA cause I've been on vacation... I'll hit the team up this week and we'll get a game going... sounds like you and R did some kick doubles playing... congrats!
  • Jim

    Ok, I learned a new trick today, but this is nice!

  • Rafael

    Nice updated page, I love the slo-mo... I.......am.........going.......to.........rip......a........forehand........down......the.......line......
  • Rafael

    The Rodger clip on the top- when Federer finally starts to look up he has an evil looking glance like he's about to kill! funny!
  • Rafael

    How'd it go on Sunday??
  • Craig

    Jim, good hit around today. Like the video of Henin-Hardenne's slice backhand. Not an easy shot to hit well. (for me at least!)
  • joel

    sounds good. I am on one click but have not checked in a while. Either way One click or not - lets match up..... let me know the date/time?
  • joel

    that game is tough! try pressing down at the same time both buttons for running forward/backward and left/right. There is no way you can win using a series fashion on keys..yea ...nothing like a racket. ;) Just like tennis ...Give it all you got! I almost broke that damm keyboard! hahaha! Have some good ZZZZZ's! ttuS.
  • Rafael

    What's up Jimmer?? I'm heading back home tonight, see you tomorrow?? I am ready to play, but I have about 13lbs of fried chicken in my system so I'll be slow as hell... later- raf
  • Rafael

    Yep, the Winter always proves the blood thirsty warriors from the "stay at home in my pajamas playing Wii while sipping on cinnamon tea and nibbling on PopTarts" crowd...
  • Rafael

    You kicked my ass in Doubles twice this weekend, prepare to be anahilated...
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Come play along in the Australian Open Pick 'em Bracket Challenge. A fun way to follow the first major of the year!
  • GG

    'Been playing on this side of the Bay. Woody and I are on a USTA mixed doubles 7.0 league. Our team started play today. I lost, but won his.
    Saw that you had a BBQ planned for today. Would've popped in, but conflicted with our 1st match. Will drop in the near future tho'. How was the BBQ? Still doing One Click Tennis?
  • joel

    hey...thanks for the words. I had a emergency in the family. I bet you guys did have a great time! ttuS...
  • Rafael

    Eh Braddah! Maui is awesome! I have been playing at the Wailea club- hella fun! I bought a package for $300 that includes 2 private lessons, 2 group lessons, and 2hours of the ball machine. Island life is the bomb- great weather, great food and Hawaiians are rad, but I am ready to come home... later bro
  • Semisi

    Hey Jim,
    Sorry I have check this post since last i wrote it...but i would love to get some week night rallies? I'm usually good anytime after 6pm during week nights...let me know what works for you?
  • Rafael

    Be back tonight, shakka!!
  • Adri

    Hi Jim,
    Still playing but with the San Jose meet up, so much fun!! Bu, I sprained my ankle like 3 weeks ago and I'm still healing, so I haven't played lately but will soon resume. How are you guys doing? The group @ tennisopolis has grown quite a lot. Please say hi to everyone.
  • Mark

    Hi Jim

    What was that tourny you mentioned
  • Mark

    Yeah give me a call. If you recall that tournament you mentioned let me know where it is, cheers

  • Mark

  • Rafael

    Awww Yeah!
    I'm in for the usta thing at Canada... and cool link for the MidPen Tennis Ladder. Do they make rungs low enough???? Naw, I'm gonna start shredding soon- just the calm before the storm- Raffattack!!
  • Anil Saboo

    Hi Jim,
    How about next Monday? My email is anilsaboo@gmail.com, and my telephone number is+1 408 416 6096.
  • Susan D.

    Thanks for the note, Jim.
    My friend is out-of-town and I have to work tonight but maybe next Thur we'll be able to come!
  • Rafael

    What's up GODZIRRA!! Put 250$ on red for me- psych!!!!! have fun, raf
  • Miguel

    Hey Jim..what was that website you suggested I look at?
  • Rafael

    Yo Jim,
    I still have your Clerks2- is it a rental? I can have Jenny drop it by your house or the video place for you... later man, raf
  • Vincent Osar

    sorry about the delayed response and concern. the MRI evidenced a 2 inch tear on my forearm. Currently doing physical therapy 2-3 times a week at the new Stanford extention on Broadway. Nice facility! I'm not a happy guy because i cant play tennis or golf. My therapist said my recovery is very rapid and i am ahead of schedule. I cant take the risk of playing any sports until i get an okay from my Sports Med Doctor and possibly another MRI. Thanks again for your email...
  • manuel carvalho

    Hi Jim,

    That week should probably work. I just want to warn you, I'm a little "rusty", I haven't played much tennis this summer. Let me know which day/time works best for you.

  • Rafael

  • Eric

    hey jim, who was it that you said also lives in los altos?
  • Taeko

    Good morning, Jim...

    I've not checked "One-Click tennis" yet. I will contact you later after I check it.
    I played tennis yesterday with Vivien after Canada College tennis.

    Thank you!!
  • Taeko

    Hi Jim,

    I checked the One-Click and understand roughly how it works. I'd like to try this website someday when my tennis skills and English skills get better..... >_<
    When you have no plans on Sundays or Sat evenings, let's play together!!

    Congratulations!! You won the match today!! I feel kind of scared to play a match with people whom I first met.

    Yes, I played with Viven on Sat evening. She's been busy with her work recently and tired to get up early on weekends. But when she has some free time, we play. After this busy season has gone by, she will come back to "Canada College Tennis". She said she will not come to the BBQ either....

    See you at BBQ!!

  • Rafael

    Wassabi dude, what's happenin?
  • Rafael

    Hey Jim! Yeah I'm playing this weekend, meet up Sat morning?? Talk soon,
  • Vivek

    Hi Jim -- yeah, it was fun yesterday. Should do it again sometime!
  • Vivek

    Hey Jim, do you want to play today at 7:30 pm? Spinas Park at Redwood City?
  • Vivek

    Hey Jim, do you want to play today, starting at 7-7:30 pm? Spinas Park at Redwood City?
  • Elaine

    Hey Jim, yeah I got to Red Morton a little too early for anyone from Tennisopolis, but did manage to find a pickup match. See you at a future meetup :)
  • Chris

    Hey Jim, do you want me to move the Thursday events to Canada college?
  • Rafael

    Wassabi my Ninja?
  • Rafael

    What a douche bag- should have chalked that up as a forfeit if he's going to walk off like that... Cool- I'm free all day sat, later
  • rebecca

    it totally does fall a little behind. But any mon, tue or friday works for me. Lemme know!