Mark / The Mayor


Albuquerque, NM

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Casual Player, Tournament or League Player, Tennis Media
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Albuquerque, NM
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
Hi. I'm the Community Manager, aka The Mayor of Tennisopolis. Welcome to the site! Tell your friends about us. Use the "invite" tab at the top.

Oh, about me? I'm a website developer as well as a tennis player and huge fan of the pros. I just got moved up to a 4.5 rating - success at last!

I love to follow the pro game. I get fully obsessed during the Grand Slam events to the point where I want to lock the door and just sit around watching in my jammies.

Please invite your friends to join.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
McEnroe, hands down. Agassi is second. Oh, you wanna know current faves? I like rooting for Murray, Azarenka, Radwanska, Coco. Other retired faves are Santoro and Spadea. Weird group I know, but hey. I love Federer and Nadal too, how can you not?
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 4.5
On the court, I am a:
rightie, watcher, poacher, doubles partner, singles player, returner, two-hander, top-spinner, all courter, gracious winner, gracious loser, tournament goer
My favorite local courts:
Tennis Club of Albuquerque
Lobo Club
Wellesley (now that they are fixed up)
Jerry Cline
Relationship status:
Favorite website:

Comment Wall:

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  • Neal

    Mr. Mayor,

    How do I start my disscussion at a group I joined?
    I tried to type a message and start disscussion, but the error message keeps telling me "You need to have first post".
    Thank you.
  • Bill B

    Nope, but he turned it on!!!! Your Mom was really pulling for him...
  • Lara

    Hi Mark, this site is awesome! Thank you
  • vik wadhawan

  • OA McCombie


    Isn't there a feature on this website that you can search for players in your area without joining a group? Let's say I can just type in search for players who are in 10 miles radius of 91604, and then all the players from this site just show up in the result page?
  • Perry Chicaine

    I'm sure he'll bounce back, Mark. He had a very bad day against Djokovic at the open. His unforced errors were higher than usual but the reason he lost is he couldn't find his first serve all day. He'll win another major next year for sure, but his days of outright dominance are finished.

    Nadal is king now and will reign for years, health permitting.
  • Ramon Rodriguez

    I have sent out about 100 friend invites. Everytime I try to send out another invite I am being told that I have reached my limit. Why is it I can only send out 100 friend invites. I travel alot and look to find tennis friends possibly interested in hittng/playing in the various areas/states in which I travel. What can I do? I look froward to you responding back. Thank you.
  • vik wadhawan

    hey mark, can you do a search by members intersted to play in your zip code?
  • Ramon Rodriguez

    How do I delete invites I already sent out? Excuse my ignorance. Waiting to hear back from you. Thank you.
  • Joe Mauldin

    Hey Mark thanks for getting back to me. I played Tennis in HS and am lookin for others in my area to play with. I also play ice hockey and want to add Tennis back in my exercise regiment. Located your place here but don't have the membership just yet, although I will prob sign up once I do. Any ideas and are you in Sacramento?
  • Jorge Morera

    Hello Mark, first of all, congratulations for the site, a great concept! Our company has been producing tennis vacations to Costa Rica ( for three seasons now and I want to obtain more info from you on ways (if any) to promote the trips to your members on your site, via e-mail blasts, online banners, etc. Can you please provide more info? Kind regards, Jorge Morera - 571-244-7248 /
  • Lendl Jr. (4.5)

    Hey Mark, I go as Lendl for Halloween every year. Really, I go as lendl every time i step on the court , except I do wear modern shorts. I never did like the short ones.

  • Lendl Jr. (4.5)

    Hey Mark, I am driving from chicago to texas on thursday. I will be hopefully playing at the John newcombe tennis ranch on saturday (as long as a hurricane doesnt hit texas). Have you heard anything about the JN tennis ranch?

    Ivan Jr. (Mark)
  • Lendl Jr. (4.5)

    No, I only have 5 lendl racquets. That picture is from a friend of mine in the U.K who is a big lendl fan. I do have a racquet my friend doesnt have, a very rare Adidas Lendl Pro with the new paint job. It was a transitional racquet from the Pro to the Pro T . A friend of mine hit with one of my racquets and he was amazed how well he hit with the 80 sq inch head!!!!!
  • Sean

    haha, i fixed it...thankyou for the welcome.
  • Lendl Jr. (4.5)

    Hey Mark, did you see that Agassi vs. sampras and Lendl vs. Mcenroe on Feb 28, 2011 at Madison square garden!! I just bought 4 tickets on ticketmaster!!!! woo hooo !!!!
  • Lendl Jr. (4.5)

    Hey Mark, I found a photo of me in 1985 in my lendl gear!!!! See, I really am Lendl Jr.!!! hee hee heeeheeee
  • Myiesha Simmons

    yeah a few not as many as i want to though Most ITF Tounaments are mid west and eastcoast and international so i play Usta Womens leauge times are hard thats why iam looking for sponsors because i want to join the tour i know i can do it ive hit with Asha Rolle and Ariel Ellis over the summer and i have lso hit with Vania King When Zina And Vania came to the bay Zina Garrison said i had one of the fastest serves in the JR's iwas 13 then now iam 15 ive been clock at 102mph and i know its not fast iam only 15 sorry for talking alot
  • Myiesha Simmons

  • Myiesha Simmons

    100pmh is good my 102 was only once ive havent did it again my dad said it was the wind i think it was the new ball and lead tape
    ha ha, it was at the bank of the west serve booth i have video of a 99 mph i try to find
  • Lendl Jr. (4.5)

    Hey Mark, ive been talking up tennisopolis here in chicago. People are blown away by the site! Lots more will be joining up soon....Hey, if you ever have a board of directors, could you consider me?
  • SATennisguy

    Hi Mark..doing well..hope all is well in your world too..not playing any league play this fall..been busy traveling quite a bit..just got back from Seattle, and was in Alaska earlier seems all those places
    Looking to make it out your way soon...catch up with you laters.
  • Lendl Jr. (4.5)

    No, that is a Lotus Esprit 1992 model. My uncle keeps it in an undergound garage in Florence, Italy
  • Lendl Jr. (4.5)

    Hey Mark, check out this cool video I just downloaded. A Mizuno commercial from 1992
  • Mike

    Hi Mark, got my new pic loaded, I just don't understand why is that same picture didn't have the same cut from profile to photo album. Anyway, got it right this time :-)
  • Myiesha Simmons

  • Peter Freeman


    Are you old school or new school my friend
  • Myiesha Simmons
    check me out on Cal-Hi sports
  • Myiesha Simmons

    wow iam from jackson ms
  • Lendl Jr. (4.5)

    Hey mark, i just renewed my USTA membership and I got my old # from the 1980's. they asked where I saw their ad and I told them it was on your website
  • Lendl Jr. (4.5)

    Hey Mark, that doc guy had a great suggestion to put your rating next to your name.. You should send an message out to everyone to do that so we can find players in our level to play with
  • silvia chacon

    thank you for give to me my first gift. And thank you for your advice a my serve.
  • Charlie B

    Found it! Thanks! :-) I live in San Francisco, CA
  • Jason Mauss

    Hey, thanks. Yeah, and I joined from seeing your thread on Reddit. I'm curious about the website cause I'm a web developer too. Send me an email when you get a chance.
  • CoachV - William Vazquez

    Stupid kids in Kroger

    Looking for a New Face of Tennisopolis... Yours!
    Try this PICPhoto_111110_001.jpg
  • Lendl Jr. (4.5)

    I graduated in 1987. Flour Bluff High School Corpus Christi, Texas...Corpus Christi is more like florida or california. It has palm trees, surfers, and LOTS of wind! See, i told you I wore all the lendl stuff back in the day!
  • sam dotson

    ya i am really looking to get a prize! i really need it w/ us tight in money
  • Lendl Jr. (4.5)

    Hey Mark, do you advertise your site on Craigslist?
  • James

    Oh, man, now I know why you were first a bit shy to meet me, "for me to buy YOU a drink"... See you soon, Mark!
  • Kelvinator

    I see you already updated your NEW and IMPROVED USTA rating! Bravo my friend...Bravo!

  • Jason Mauss

    I wish it were - but unfortunately it is a huge undertaking that doesn't get much attention with my lack of spare time. I hope to be able to dedicate more time to it in 2011 though. I'm glad I found out about Tennisopolis though, a good way to build contacts! :)
  • Roddy @ ProAm Tennis

    Hey Mark! ProAm Tennis is a retail tennis shop in Naples FL. We have 3 tennis pros and 2 master racquet technicians on staff. It's great to get on here because all we do at the shop is talk tennis. A lot of our customers constantly ask how racquets or strings feel and play. Then I thought...hey I should post this on tennisopolis so my customers can read up on it here! So glad you guys created a tennis social networking site!
  • Roddy @ ProAm Tennis

    Oh yeah and I had to shut my site down for a little while until I get a new web guy. Hopefully it'll be up soon!
  • Kelvinator

    Red Ribbon
  • Aaron Sussman

    Funny. I checked the USTA ratings and was moved up - that was all I updated. Thanks for letting me know the new ratings were out.
  • Arianne Kim

    Red Ribbon
  • Roddy @ ProAm Tennis

    Thanks for the update Mark! Def like the look of mm!
  • Seung Hoon Oh

    Thank you comment for me. I am wondering that where I play tennis with people. I just arrived at wanut blvd in santababara.
  • Lendl Jr. (4.5)

    thanks for the thumbs up!
  • Alejandro

    Hi Mark! Thanks for letting me join your tennis community. I hope to find players to hit or play a match sometime.