

Profile Information:

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Casual Player
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
minneapolis, mn
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
I love tennis and used to be an avid, competitive player who has taken a few years off. Now I'm about a 3.0/3.5 ntrp player getting back in the swing of things again and getting back to finding my tennis groove. I play up or down a level, I just love getting to hit. I live in the longfellow/seward area and love getting outdoors to play!
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
pete "the bod" sampras, johnny mac, steffi graf,
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 3.0, NTRP 3.5, Pretty damn good.
On the court, I am a:
rightie, top-spinner, grunter, baseliner
My favorite local courts:
brackett park
Relationship status:

Comment Wall:

  • jalli

    Hi Rebecca,

    I am in the uptown minneapolis area and i am a 3.5 level player.

    Want to start playing outdoors depending on the weather and wouldnt mind playing anywhere in the twincities area. Right now i m playing at lifetime indoor courts. Let me know if you would like to start hitting.
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi! It's great to have you here! This is my *new* generic welcome message that, fortunately, is required due to the enormous growth. We're growing by 100 new members a day, and I just couldn't keep up. But that's a good thing. ;-)

    Invite your friends too. We’re trying to reach 20,000 members by Wimbledon. :-)
    If you need any help, let me know.

    You just joined a super fun and infectious "community-based" tennis social network which connects tennis players, fans, coaches, and you.

    To get started, please upload a photo or avatar for yourself (if you haven’t already.) Whether it's of you, your dog, or your racquet it doesn't matter, but it helps people remember you. You can also personalize Your Page with pictures, links, RSS feeds, colors and more here.

    If you are looking to meet people for tennis matches, Look through the Groups or create a Group of your own and invite your tennis contacts. It's a good place to keep in touch with everyone in your circle.

    Here’s a primer on how to meet other players.

    The Forum is really the hub of the online community. Other places to explore: post youtube videos, add your own photos, write your own blog.

    …and just hang out and meet great people.

    Welcome aboard,
  • Lee

    wannna play sometime?
  • Lee

    Hi Rebecca, how about sunday?
  • Anthony Long

    sorry Rebecca,i was looking to play in Eagan,hopefully we can play another time
    tanks for replying
  • Jim

    Hi Rebecca,
    I"ll be in the Twin Cities the first week of July, after the 4th would like to play while visiting.
    Mac Groveland area is fine for me, let me know times that would work. I'm responding now because these posts seem to fall into the abyss after a little while.

  • Jim

    Ok, I'll get in contact when I arrive to see how your schedule looks. Afternoons would work for me most likely.
    I just looked at the Brackett Park area, when I'm in town I'm mostly in South Minneapolis so that could work well. My dad has a business near Hiawatha and Lake. Cool

  • Dennis Webster

    Hey rebecca, I think I might be around a 3.0 level, but not really sure, if you would like to hit sometime let me know