

Dallas, TX

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Casual Player
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Dallas or University park, Texas
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
Just a cool guy lookin for tennis partners who are a bit above beginner but just lookin for some exercise....
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
Not bad., NTRP 3.0
My favorite local courts:
SMU area
Relationship status:

Comment Wall:

  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi Joey, looks like you found the right group. Introduce yourself to folks in there.


    Welcome to the "community-based" tennis social network which connects tennis players, fans, coaches, and you.

    What can you do here?
    At Tennisopolis, you can:
    - meet other players. Here's a primer on how to find partners.
    - join a Group. Members have started over 190 Local Groups (and other types of Groups too.) Search for one in your area, or start your own.
    - follow the pros. There are over 500 blog posts on Tennisopolis. Have a good read, or write your own.
    - improve your game. Get tips in the Forum and check out video lessons.
    - post your own Videos or embed your favorites from youtube.
    - add your own Photos.
    - and just hang out and connect with great people.

    To get started, please upload a photo or avatar for yourself (if you haven’t already.) Whether it's of you, your dog, or your racquet it doesn't matter, but it helps people remember you. You can also personalize Your Page with pictures, links, RSS feeds, colors and more here.

    Thanks to everyone inviting their friends, we now have over 7800 members and we're growing by 100 new members a day. Invite yours too!

    If you need any help, let me know.
  • Patty Martinez

    Yeah! totally, how about wednesday?
  • Patty Martinez

    No problem. I'll be out of town later this week but how about the following? I'll text you if that's OK
  • Chelsie

    i live between 75 and greenville so im not far from smu either. when are you available to play?
  • Chelsie

    lucky you having the summer off. i've already made plans for tomorrow after work. im free saturday until about 1 and all day sunday. im usually home by 7pm during the week.
  • Billy

    hey! yea we should try to hit sometime, probably later at night during the week based on work/weather, or i'm normally free on weekends... where do you normally play?
  • Todd

    Sorry - out of town this past weekend. Let's try to hit towards the beginning of August.
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Did they reply to you? If so, their posts will be on your page. I recommend sending friend requests to appropriate players (almost everyone accepts) and then you have them all right there.
    Hang in there man. Hope this helps.
  • Kunal

    let's hit as soon as it drys up. Maybe later this week or over the weekend? What do you think?
  • Kunal

    you too - I go through spots when I don't log in for a while, but will try to be better about that. If all else fails, call me at 615-838-6023
  • Phil

    Excellent e-mail me at or call me at 512.417.3925 and we can figure out a good time and place to play.
  • Phil

    Joey, I've lined up some tennis for tomorrow already. I believe Wednesday early evening(5-6 pm) in Dallas is a possibility. Do you know of some public courts in the vicinity of the neighborhood near the Cedar Springs and Oak Lawn intersection? E-mail me at to exchange phone #'s if you wish.
  • mohan

    How about next week day evenings (13, 14,15)?
  • Stuart

    I should be able to play this weekend ill leave you a message when I know for sure.
    I have a few exams next week so I am bogged down studying for awhile
  • mohan

    No Problem, I am available for both days. Do you have courts in close to your place?
  • Teress

    oh wow, sorry it took so long, mega busy right now. would love to play....any weekend plans???
    the weather is great, indeed!!!

  • casey

    Yeah I am out of town right now, but get back on the 12th. What days and times are good for you?
  • mohan

    let me know if you are available tommorow evening (14th Oct) for hitting some balls
  • mohan

    I have to work till 5.30pm. I think 6.30 should be good for me. Let me know the directions to the court. You can also reach me at 770 733 2140.
  • casey

    Sorry I had some time warner problems...I can play this weekend if you are up for it. If you want to call me it might be easier to get a hold of me. @ 214-796-9636
  • casey

    Or I can play tues and thurs mornings till 11 or so. or wed after work around 630 just let me know
  • casey

    anyway you can play sat morning? give me a call I have to be somewhere at noon.
  • bayron

    Hey joey , yes I have been playing ! also i bought a ball machine cuz is hard to find a partner in this area . Are you playing better than last time?
  • Stuart

    I live in Denton but I will be through Dallas for awhile during spring break so we should be able to hit some then... We will set something up, I am out this coming monday
  • bayron

    we'll play on a sunny day ! been raining all week!
  • Johann

    If you live around East (Uptown) Dallas and around 3.0 - 3.5 playing level, add me as a friend if you'd like to play sometime (or know of any group meetups), thanks!
  • Stephen Forman

    Whats going on man? yeah, I am looking to start playing soon. I live around knox/henderson area. If you want to play soon let me know. I dont get on here much, so you can shoot me an e-mail at I would like to get back to playing so I can join a team.
  • Jesse

    sure...would you like to hit today?
  • Jesse

    sure how about this weekend?
  • Jesse

    are you free to hit this evening around 7?
  • Robin

    sure I would be available to hit. just let me know when you are free to meet up.

  • Robin

    Hey Joey-

    I would be able to do after 7pm during the week. I know the heat is killer for sure and I work during the day. I am definitely not a morning person so I would prefer the later evening lol. Just let me know how that sounds and maybe we could set something up!
  • Robin

    Tomorrow probably wouldn't work but I think I could on wednesday. Let me know a time and a place and we could probably work something out.
  • Robin

    sorry for the delay and about wednesday....I got caught up in life. Let me know if you can hit sometime next week and we will set it up!
  • Robin

    For sure just tell me a date and time and I'll make sure to be there.
  • Tom

    Sure, lets try some this friday if you are available, let me know the time and we can meet up at the village tennis courts
  • Tom

    I think you have to pay a fee to book the court for an hour, I am open to play anyplace else you know where we can play for free.
  • Tom

    Cool, lets play at SMU on Friday afternoon, I know where the courts are. Just as a heads up though, I am an absolute newbie so please keep your expectations low.
  • Ching

    Sure, let me know when/where you'd like to play...
  • Ching

    I live in Plano but I don't mind driving down to SMU area to play, or we can pick a place somewhere in between... I'm usually free on weekends
  • Joey

    let me know when this weekend, assuming it is warmer
  • Matt Hibbard

    Hey Joey,

    Sounds good! will send you a message on Monday and we can set up a day to play.
    I will have to get hold of a racket first!....might help haha

    I have been driving past some courts on Mc Kinney ave that look good.
    Just let us know if you prefer any other courts.


  • Matt Hibbard


    Just got myself a racket so keen for a game!
    Are you free after work tomorrow? earlier the better for me.

    here is my number 214 289 7992


  • Matt Hibbard

    Hey Joey,

    should we reschedule or match for Tuesday same time! same place?!


  • Matt Hibbard

    Hey Joey,

    Sorry I dont think I am going to be able to play on Tuesday....something has come up!
    Any chance we could shift our game to Wed afternoon at the same time, same place?
  • Matt Hibbard

    Hey Joey,

    I was at the courts last night but didnt see you there....not to sure if we just missed each other or you forgot.

    Nevermind....let me know if your up for a game next Wed around 4:30?

