

Austin, TX

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Casual Player
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Austin, Texas
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
I haven't played in a very very long time (I am ashamed to say how long). But I love tennis, and would like to find someone to play with a few times a week.
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 2.5

Comment Wall:

  • Dean Wright

    Marissa and leela live in Austin, give them a message on here, their your level.
  • leela

    yes, i am looking for partner. I am close to i-35 and wells branch pkwy. can you play in mornings, weekdays? otherwise evenings.
  • marissa

    yea im in Pflugerville
  • kaci lee

    hi! i'm just moved to austin and am looking for someone to just get outside and hit some balls with. i don't know your exact location but i'm located downtown and would be interested to set up some play if you were available. i play casually, and just came off a pretty rusty stint from living in chicago (too cold to play!)

  • leela

    Will wed.,may6th at 6:30pm be good to play ? There are courts in Katherine Fleisher park. See if this location is good for you.
  • leela

    ok, good.
  • leela

    Irina, I will call you. and see you on wednesday,may 6th, at 6:30pm, that is when we play.

    I want to ask you, how do you get "" this mailing address. I dont know. And your mail came to my yahoo email address.
  • marissa

    Aesome that pretty colse to me, I am usually available most of the week after 4:30... I know a few close by courts but most of them are usually locked :( there is one in Conolly High im not sure if its still left unlocked I will check next time I pass by
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi! Welcome to Tennisopolis which connects you with your tennis network: players, fans, coaches, clubs and groups.

    What can you do here? At Tennisopolis, you can:
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    To get started, please upload a photo or avatar for yourself (if you haven’t already.) Whether it's of you, your dog, or your racquet it doesn't matter, but it helps people remember you. You can also personalize Your Page with pictures, links, RSS feeds, colors and more here.

    Thanks to everyone inviting their friends, we now have over 18,000 members and we're growing by 80 new members a day. Invite yours too!

    If you need any help, let me know.
    Friend me!

  • leela

    iraina, park address is : 2106 Klattenhoff Drive

    and is 7pm ok ? sorry for last minute change, but i feel it will be hot earlier. call me on time, i left you phone message.
  • leela

    Irina, can you play on Thursday, may 14th? will 7:15pm be good?

  • leela

    see you on Thursday, may 14th, at 7:15pm.
  • marissa

    Well I passed by Connally High and their court was open around 4ish maybe we could try this weekend or next week if you want?
  • marissa

    I was just informed that I have 2 family things to go to(huge family) sorry =( but I can manage to make it later today or during next week which ever is best for you
  • marissa

  • leela

    Hi Irina, can you play tomorrow,may 19th evening, I guess 7:30pm.

  • kaci lee

    hey girl, still around?
  • leela

    hi Irina, can you play today ? can you call me, at this number 524-7893. I dont have my cell with me.

  • marissa

    Hi would you like to try to play this week/end?
  • leela

    irina, can you play today evening ? if not today, then wednesday or friday ?
