andy Rice


Western Springs, IL

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Casual Player
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
I love to hit against the backboard, and I have beaten him 3 times this year already. I still drink my court water out of the Tennis can. Like the old days, man. I am teaching my 3 little girls to play, bribing them with ice cream. I am learning an opposite hand forehand... and it's coming along. Ambi, man.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
Newcombe, Borg, McEnroe, Conners. Oh wait, you mean from today? fed, roddick, blake.
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 4.5
On the court, I am a:
lefty, singles player, top-spinner, baseliner, gracious winner, gracious loser
Relationship status:
Favorite website:

Comment Wall:

  • Dean Wright

    I've been here 2 years, i'm from NC where it's really hot and humid in the summer, i got use to this quickly! This extreme heat is the price we pay for having warm winters!!
  • Dean Wright

    Oh, my fiancee is from Bellville Illinois. Are you anywher close to there?
  • Gajendra Singh

    Hi, You may check our website I am working as C.O.O. here. Mornings conduct advanced coaching program and Afternoon work in office.
  • Fay Kelley

    Hey Andy - Flagstaff climate is much like Minneapolis and Chicago, except it warms up more during the day during the winter ... if we get two feet of snow on a weekend, it might be all melted within the week. but last Dec. we have 18 degrees below zero and four feet of snow ... that took a month to melt ! I play tennis outdoors as much as I can, here, Sedona and Phoenix ~
  • Mark / The Mayor

  • Joey Panchenko

    i don't know them.
  • Dale Yarbrough

    Hi Andy, Glad to have you here and you play tennis too, great. I teach about 3 times a week during the winter months and as much as 5 days a week during the summer when school is out and the good weather is more consistent. Where do you hail from and how long have you been playing?
  • Denise Jordan

    Hi Andy,
    Are you teaching? What did you think about the Australian Open>
  • Chris Smith

    Hi Andy,

    I have not taught in California yet. I plan on teaching some this year after the rain. I coached for Holy Names High School last year and taught back east. Lets hit some if you are nearby. I am in Oakland where are you?
