
Profile Information:

Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
West LA
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
I played tennis in high school and I have been playing on and off for the past 6 years. I'm an intermediate player. I can rally and play matches, but I prefer to rally over competing. I'm looking for a fun person to rally with. I'm a lil rusty though. I also enjoy running, pilates and yoga.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
Frederor, Jankovic, Anna Kournikova, Martina Hingis and Tim Henman.
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
I'm getting there.
On the court, I am a:
doubles partner, singles player, two-hander, grunter, baseliner
Relationship status:

Comment Wall:

  • Jennifer

    Hey! Im looking for a practice partner, what city are you in? Im in Los Angeles!
  • Jennifer

    Thats great! We should meet up somewhere soon and practice. Im more in the valley area so there are a few places out here that I know of, but im not sure of any closer to West LA. I'll look some up!
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi Doll! It's great to have you here!
    I see you already joined a Group – fantastic, have fun!
    Invite your buddies to Tennisopolis and earn chances in our $200 giveaway.
    If you need any help, let me know.

    We are all very excited to have created this "community-based" tennis social network which puts the focus on the members.

    To get started, please upload a photo or avatar for yourself (if you haven’t already.) Whether it's of you, your dog, or your racquet it doesn't matter, but it helps people remember you. You can also personalize Your Page with pictures, links, RSS feeds, colors and more here.

    If you are looking to meet people for tennis matches, Look through the Groups or create a Group of your own and invite your tennis contacts. It's a good place to keep in touch with everyone in your circle.

    The Forum is really the hub of the online community. It’s is a fantastic place to get tips for your game, chat about the latest gear, and especially, talk about the pros.

    Other places to explore: post youtube videos, add your own photos, write your own blog.

    …and just hang out and meet great people.

    Welcome aboard,
  • Andy

    hey Betsie, I'm looking for a new tennis partner as my old one broke his clavicle and is therefore out of commission. I enjoy rallying as well. Hit me up if you want someone to hit with.
  • Kristina Valentine

    Tonight? That'd be great! Although, I can't play til 7:00. Does that work?
  • Josh Peters

    Hey there.. just got to LA. Would love a game with you anytime!

  • Jeff

    hi bestiedoll. i would love to play some tennis! if you wanna play let me know.

  • Rayko

    Sure anytime! Don't worry nobody's ever ready for team Pain!!!! :)
  • Li Tai Fang

    Sure, let's play sometime.
    I can play after 6PM on weekdays or on the weekends.
    Give me an email at:

    Li Tai
  • Rayko

    usually penmar/rose in venice.. is that far from you?
  • Rayko

    yes Mar Vista!!!
  • Rayko

    sure, tomorrow? How about in the AM?
  • Rayko

    11 @ Cheviot.. c u there
  • Rayko

    Team Pain got together today... and I sustained some court injuries... sadly I'm going to need a few days of recovery now... Let me know if you're free sometime next week!!
  • chopstik

    Hi: I'm up for some casual rally time. I'd like to practice my new slice shot just for fun if you can handle it. :P

    Just suggest a time and place.
  • darryl mitchell

    If you would like to hit sometime let me know. I'm in Venice..


  • Minh Nguyen

    dude, come play tennis in westwood.
  • Russell


    I'm an amateur player, looking to get started again, very casual. I'm trying to set up a match for Sunday. Let me know if you'd be interested.
  • Vanna

    Hey I was wondering if you wanted to go rally sometime. I also prefer rally over competing as well. Anyways, hit me on myspace.

  • Doug

    Give me a shout if you want to play. I can rally and run and hustle, but not a great server. But I can return pretty much what you do, and I'm perfectly content just rallying to get some exercise. I'm a Santa Monica native and I also work in SM. Give me a shout.
  • Rich H

    For a great play and good laugh, catch me at myspace and let's play on the courts soon.
  • george cho

    Hi, this is George.
    i live in culver city and would love to play after 7 during the weekdays or weekends.
    i am not sure about the rating.. but i claim to be an intermediate..

    shoot me an email at if you want to play.

  • BW

    Hi. I just emailed you...
  • Marcus Dumouchel

    hi-i'm down for fun rally's and have a free schedule ...let me know if you wanna hit this week-end or during the week?
  • Damian Nieman

    Hello there. You seem to be a popular girl....Let me know if you are still looking to hit.
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi BetsieDoll, so who's gonna win the Aussie this year?
  • Mark

    I'm staying in Venice Beach for a month ... would love to get some play in. If you know of some courts nearby I'd love to hit.
  • Marcus Dumouchel

    Hey Betsie I can hit with you this to rally as well!!!
  • Greekguy9999

    I like competing, but I'm pretty mediocre to borderline, Jerry Kids-ish. Drop me a message if you want to hit sometime.
  • Palak

    Hey! Looking to find a new tennis partner - someone to rally with - I've been playing since I was 8 and played Varisty in high school but haven't played the last few years - just getting back into it. Don't need to play with an expert but just trying to get the rust off - would love to hit sometime - let me know. I work for Warner Bros. in Burbank, but have my own hours so can play during the day or evenings as well as weekends.
    Looking forward to hearing from you.
    p.s. my email addy is
  • Rich H

    Hey Betsie- let's play on the westside in the near future! We'll be having so much fun laughing, tennis will be the side-sport activity. Shall we?
  • Jeff

    Hi, I play with a friend in Torrance and Redondo if you want to hit, let me know. Jeff
  • ron

    Hi there, if you're ever in the beverly hills area there's some nice courts on la cienaga whenever you're free to hit. let me know anytime =)
  • Jason D'Mello

    Hey - Do you want to rally this weekend? Looking to play this evening or tomorrow morning.
  • Randy Weinstein

    Hi, I'm in Venice, 3.0-4.0 player looking for a casual game (or just rallying, even better!), let me know if you're up for a game!