
, Female

Park Ridge IL

United States

Profile Information:

Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Park Ridge, IL (work in Niles) Willing to travel for tennis.
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
I moved to Chicagoland from LA area where I was a club member and played league tennis (USTA 4.0) and WTT. I haven't played once since I moved here and my sorry shape proves it! (I have some work to do...)

I'm a 49Y/O woman who is a competent doubles partner, not afraid of the net, but I also love singles.

I understand the game and I'm used to playing in the wind (LA's Santa Anas can mimic Chitown gusts!) so give me a call if you want to go out and rally for a while or if you're looking for a fourth.

I'm available evening and weekends.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
Steffi Graf, Martina Navratalova, Boris Becker, Stefan Edberg
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
Not bad.
Relationship status:

Comment Wall:

  • Nanova

    hi gwen, welcome to the tennisopolis. if you need any help finding your way around the site, let me know. (i used to live in l.a. too, venice.)
  • Nanova

    how'd you know i love andre and steffi? id didn't mention them on my profile (i was thinking current players.) i'm going to update that. :-)
  • Gwen

    I've always loved Steffi. She's like a quarterhorse - the best feet in the game. And I really started loving Andre after his comeback. I saw him play a qualifier in Burbank Ca and that's when he started growing a heart and getting all that unfathomable gumption. I'm actually "proud" of him! They are two great people to like. I'm nuts over Mary Carillo as an announcer too (and can't forget the Jensen brothers and their antics! Rock n Roll tennis!)
  • Mark / The Mayor

    I love L.A. Do you ever miss it? I guess I shouldn't ask that in the winter. Industrial Design huh? What kind of projects?
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Good job on your group. Take look at the Bay Area Group. You can embed a google map of the Southbay area. If you need assistance, let me know.
  • hofertennis

    Welcome Gwen, Nice to have you aboard. LA to Windycity...that's a big weather change.
  • Mark / The Mayor

    That's a grreat photo and post you added to WCP. So good, I may have to borrow that for some other groups.
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Curious if you've had any group hits yet?

    BTW, Did you see our contest - win 200 bucks by inviting a friend or two or twenty! :-)
  • Joe Green

    Thanks for the welcom, Gwen. I'm ready to play some tennis now!
  • Christina

    yea, that would be good. there's a nice park near me at montrose and california. they're free and nice, but not plowed so i guess after the snow melts it should be fun!
  • Cheonghyun Lee

    Hello~ I'm from South Korea.

    I really like tennis. But... Chicago's snow...
    I live at Lincolnwood.
    I hope to play with someone in weekdays night.

    I'll upload my picture ASAP.
    I'm 26yo/male, NTRP 4.5

    Take care~^^
  • Suman Stephen

    Hi Gwed, I wanted to reply to ur discussion, " introduce yourself", but I could not
    I am Suman, used to play competitive tennis in high school INDIA, came to US, went to University of Illinois, Chicago (, used to play sometimes with the UIC team. solid 5-6 NTRP player
    Now a bit scrathy, need to hit for 1 week to get back in groove,
    Im staying in little Italy, close to UIC (halsted/Harrison), can hit now 1-2 days /week, in summer can lot more esp in weekends
  • Suman Stephen

    Hi Gwen, I wanted to reply to ur discussion, " introduce yourself", but I could not
    I am Suman, used to play competitive tennis in high school INDIA, came to US, went to University of Illinois, Chicago (, used to play sometimes with the UIC team. solid 5-6 NTRP player
    Now a bit scrathy, need to hit for 1 week to get back in groove,
    Im staying in little Italy, close to UIC (halsted/Harrison), can hit now 1-2 days /week, in summer can lot more esp in weekends
  • Brooke A.

    Hey gwen, I am a 4.0 looking for someone to play tennis with. Also do you have any suggestions for places to take some lessons in the chicago area? I just moved here, thanks!

  • Suman Stephen

    Hi Gwen,
    Not a problem, I did manage to post,
    Yes its getting hot, let me know if you want to hit, I would just love to hit with someone decent but not able to find a partner
  • David Patterson

    Thanks for the comment on the Federer video. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
  • Jim Johnson

    Hi Gwen,

    Awesome group, thank you for starting it!....I forgot to add former pro's to my favorites, I would definitely include Stefan and also Vitas!....
  • WhatTheHack

    Great idea, local Facebook for tennis players.
    Hope to play you sometime.
  • Han

    Hey! I just moved to Chicago less than a year ago. How do I join the Windy City players group?
  • Mark / The Mayor

    long time no talk - i hope you have had a great summer!