Kazue Watanabe


san francisco, ca

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Casual Player
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
san francisco
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
I'm getting there.
On the court, I am a:
My favorite local courts:
dolores park, alta plaza park
Relationship status:

Comment Wall:

  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi! Welcome to the "community-based" tennis social network which connects tennis players, fans, coaches, and you.

    What can you do here?
    At Tennisopolis, you can:
    - meet other players. Here's a primer on how to find partners.
    - join a Group. Members have started over 190 Local Groups (and other types of Groups too.) Search for one in your area, or start your own.
    - follow the pros. There are over 500 blog posts on Tennisopolis. Have a good read, or write your own.
    - improve your game. Get tips in the Forum and check out video lessons.
    - post your own Videos or embed your favorites from youtube.
    - add your own Photos.
    - and just hang out and connect with great people.

    To get started, please upload a photo or avatar for yourself (if you haven’t already.) Whether it's of you, your dog, or your racquet it doesn't matter, but it helps people remember you. You can also personalize Your Page with pictures, links, RSS feeds, colors and more here.

    Thanks to everyone inviting their friends, we now have over 9100 members and we're growing by 100 new members a day. Invite yours too!

    If you need any help, let me know.
  • Daryl

    Hi! Just joined and am ready to test this system : ) Are you ever available for some volleying or a game during the weekdays or early evening? I sometimes work from home and can slip out if it's nice.
  • Jean-Francois Gauthier

    NEXT Tuesday the 22nd we're starting the meetups for tennis followed by social at 7 PM at Dolores Park! Join us!
  • Jean-Francois Gauthier

    Bonjour Kazue. Tu écris très bien le français! C'est cool. Où as-tu appris? A mardi!
  • Jean-Francois Gauthier

    Yes. At what time will you come? Let's play mixed doubles for sure, and mix up with more people depending on how many come. Last week we were 5.
  • Ellen

    hello - i live around dolores park too - let me know if you're interested in meeting up for a rally :)
  • Christina Cochran

    I live about 7 blocks from Dolores, and just started playing tennis this past year. I'm definately interested in rallying and getting out there on the courts. Let me know what days/times work for you.
  • Ellen

    does sunday afternoon/evening work for you? i'm up for other courts too~
  • TennisGirl

    Hi Kazue,

    I love to play tennis, but have a hard time finding people to play with me. There's a brand new tennis court in Mission Bay on Berry St., if you're interested in playing some tennis with me, I'm available weekdays after 6:00pm. I'm an OK player, but could use some more practice to get better.

    Write back if you're interested in playing.
  • Maureen

    Hi Kazue
    I'm just getting into tennis wan am looking for people to play with. I generally like going to Dolores Park. I was wondering if you were interested?
  • Prayut

    Hello Kazue,

    I'm new here. I usually play on Sunday around noon at City college Courts with couple friend. U r welcomed to join!

    Where&when do you uaually play?
  • Ellen

    hello! up for playing this weekend??
  • Tom Rhodes

    Hi Kazue,

    Let me know if you'd like to play some tennis sometime soon, weekends are best but also open to weeknights..

  • Tom Rhodes

    Hey Kazue,

    Happy to hear back from you. Next saturday the 25th should work for me, could play either noonish or in the late afternoon around 5. Alta Plaza sounds good (is that the one at the top of pac heights?) Lemme know.. and lookin' forward to it,

  • Tom Rhodes

    Hey Kazue,

    For some reason tennisopolis isn't sending your responses to my email address, so I just got this.. Yes! how about 2:00 at Alta Plaza? First one there claims any court and waits? If nothing open, we can wait and hover.. I'll wait for you to confirm. Here's my direct email, tomnesia@yahoo.com
  • Peter Moose

    hello Kazue,

    Would you like to play some tennis at Dolores Park?
  • Ellen

    Hey! I haven't been around on the site much for the past few months, but am starting to itch to play tennis again :) Are you around on Sunday for a small meet-up at dolores park? Around late-morning?
  • Ellen

    Hey! Agh, I'll be out of town this weekend for a wedding, but maybe the next weekend? I'll follow-up with you next week :)
  • Peter Moose

    Hello Kazue,

    I was in Big Sur this weekend and catching up with email now. Are you available to play next weekend?

  • Peter Moose

    How about Sunday afternoon?
  • Peter Moose

    hello Kazue -

    Let's say 3 or 4:00? FYI I have limited internet access. You can reach me via cell:
    415.948.7022. Your number?

  • Ellen

    Hi Kazue - looks like you've already got something set up for this weekend, but if you're interested in some Saturday morning tennis, let me know :)
  • Ellen

    hey Kazue! Is 9am too early? If it is, we can also play on Monday?