
43, Female

St. Louis, Maplewood, Missouri

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Casual Player
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Seattle, WA
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
Graphic Designer, Available most of the time for either outdoor or indoor.
I like both singles and doubles and like to play with friendly people.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
Not a big televised sports fan unless you're talking WNBA.
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
Getting there, NTRP 3.0
On the court, I am a:
rightie, trixter, slicer, doubles partner, singles player, bomber, serve-n-volleyer, acer, returner, two-hander, choker, beginner, top-spinner, double faulter, lobber, moon baller, baseliner, drop-shotter, gracious loser
My favorite local courts:
Wallingford Courts or Greenlake
Relationship status:
In a Relationship
Favorite website:

Comment Wall:

  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi! It's great to have you here! This is our *new* generic welcome message that, fortunately, is required due to the enormous growth. We're growing by 100 new members a day, and we just couldn't keep up. But that's a good thing. ;-)

    Invite your friends too. We’re trying to reach 20,000 members by Wimbledon. :-)
    If you need any help, let me know.

    You just joined a super fun and infectious "community-based" tennis social network which connects tennis players, fans, coaches, and you.

    To get started, please upload a photo or avatar for yourself (if you haven’t already.) Whether it's of you, your dog, or your racquet it doesn't matter, but it helps people remember you. You can also personalize Your Page with pictures, links, RSS feeds, colors and more here.

    If you are looking to meet people for tennis matches, Look through the Groups or create a Group of your own and invite your tennis contacts. It's a good place to keep in touch with everyone in your circle.

    Here’s a primer on how to meet other players.

    The Forum is really the hub of the online community. Other places to explore: post youtube videos, add your own photos, write your own blog.

    …and just hang out and meet great people.

    Welcome aboard,
  • Cassandra

    Yeppers. How's Wednesday evening for you? I'm in North Seattle, recently discovered the big bunch of courts at the southwest edge of Greenlake. Let me know what works for you.
  • Sarah

    yeah lets do it! One of my friends is coming into town for tomorrow, but maybe next week?
  • Cassandra

    you're in, i'm in, excellent! would 6-ish work for you? i get off work around 5 and begin to lose momentum at a frightening rate once i get home ;)
    you can email me directly at
  • Ashley

    Sounds good. How about Sunday in the late morning? I don't do well in the heat so if we could play around 10-10:30 a.m. that would be great since it's going to be hot this weekend. Does that work for you?
  • Ashley

    Sounds good. Do you want to meet at the courts near the soccer and baseball fields?
  • Ashley

    Sure maybe next weekend if the weather is good.
  • Ashley

    Hi Sloan! How's your knee? Are you up for playing this weekend?
  • Ashley

    Sounds good.
  • Ashley

    Hi Sloan! How's the knee? Are you up for playing Saturday morning?
  • Biogeek

    I enjoyed playing tennis with you too. Frisbee was a nice change of pace. I'm glad I didn't strike anyone with it. I nearly tagged one person last time I tried playing frisbee if it weren't for his cat-like reflexes. I'll give you a call on thursday. I have work until 7:30 so I can play around 8pm.
  • Mike C

    Hi, I'd be up for some tennis in Wallingford! I work weekdays until 5, so weekday mornings and afternoons won't work though. Are you free any evenings or weekends?

  • Biogeek

    Can we play earlier on Thursday? 4-5pm start?
  • Mike C

    Yeah, should we say 6:30 Tuesday at the Wallingford courts on 43rd NE? I'll bring a can of balls.
  • Mike C

    See you then. My number is 608-209-2101.
  • Aaron

    Thanks for joining the GLBT Tennis Group. Right now its just you and me, but I noticed there wasn't another group like it so hopefully other GLBT tennis players will join us soon....

    I hope to move to Seattle some day, so hopefully then we can play some tennis together.

    Until then, please feel free to invite others to join our group.

  • Ariel Pilpoul

    I am in the area and would love to hit sometime. My schedule is can leave me a comment or email me at I would love to just hit , play singles or doubles.Talk to you soon
  • Biogeek

    Hi Sloan,

    I'm playing with a few people on Thurs around 4pm. We might have enough people for doubles if you show up. Care to join? Otherwise I'll see you around 5:30pm on Thursday as we have scheduled.
  • Biogeek

    I'm trying to change my schedule this week to have Tuesday off so I can take a rock climbing class. If I'm able to change my schedule I may work on Thursday evening. I would then be free to play Tuesday afternoon from 3-4:30 or 7:30-9:00. I'll let you know as soon as I figure out my schedule, mostly this weekend. Enjoy th rest of your week and thanks again for the yummy fruits today. I'll bring some next time.
  • Meg

    Hi Sloan, I woudl love to play! I am crazy busy getting ready for a business trip out on Friday. I will contact you as soon as I return to Seattle (8-11-08) and we can make a date to play. Thanks for making the effort for the initial contact! I look forward to playing!
  • Anthony

    hey! hows it goin? sorry i dont check this too often.
  • Biogeek

    Here are dates and times I plan to play this week:
    -Thursday 8-10pm at the IMA courts
    -Friday from 12-2pm with Anique and Betty at the IMA courts.
    -Saturday I plan to go canoeing with another friend. You and Jenny are welcome to join. I intend to see a water fight out on the water by the end of this summer.
  • Gwen

    Hi Sloan,
    Thanks for contacting me. Would love to play. Are you free to hit next week Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday? Say around 10/10:30 am? I'm open to playing at either the Wallingford, Woodland Park, or Greenlake courts. Looking forward to meeting you and playing tennis.
  • Gwen

    Sorry I wasn't able to play on Wednesday. But Monday morning works if you're still up for it.
  • Gwen

    Perfect. Are the courts on the Wallingford playground, on Wallingford Ave, between N 42nd and N 43rd ? Or are there other courts in Wallingford I don't know about?
  • Gwen

    Monday at 10:30 am it is. See you then!
  • Gwen

    It was nice to meet you, too. Thanks for hitting with me!
    Do you mean this Wednesday, the 13th, or next Wednesday, the 20th?
  • Meg

    Yes, I am home and I am happy you are all over it! So...busy busy at work. I think best if we try for Saturday or Sunday. Anytime works. I am in the Central District but willing to meet up anywhere. Not even sure what half way would be. What is best for you? One thing I love about tennis is there are courts everywhere!
  • jennifer C

    Hey Sloan.

    I'm sort of new to tennis and want to practice as much as possible. My schedule is fairly flexible and I can meet up anywhere anywhere near and around the seattle area. Lemme know if you can play.
  • jennifer C

    i wish i could play today, but im tied up until wed evening. How about then?
  • Meg

    Hey, hope you had a great weekend. I am out of town this weekend. We will paly tennis! When is the question.... I will contact you next week so we can set a date!
  • Biogeek

    The ground seems to be dry and the sky seems to mist the air. It could change as I found out yesterday rapidly but I'm willing to take the risk. Afterbeing soak yesterday, I decided if it pours that hard again I will run in Greenlake so I really couldn't lose unless it just rains enough to wet the ground without the duration I need to enjoy running through a summer shower. I hope you're up for it.
  • Mary

    Hi Sloan,
    Would you be interested in playing this Sunday the 5th if it's dry?
  • Mary

    Ok sounds good.
  • Mary

    Hi Sloan, yes, let's play Sunday. In the morning/afternoon? 11ish maybe? Greenlake courts?
  • Mary

    Great. See you on Sunday.
  • Cynthia

    Hi Sloan..

    You can email me at Thanks for your note. Are you interested in playing at the Seattle Tennis Center now that it's getting pretty nippy out? Cynthia
  • Mary

    Hey Sloan sorry about that too. My mind was in a haze that day. I really wanted to play also. It was a good night for it too.
  • anuja

    hey Sloan, i see you commented me back like a year ago, sorry about that, i'm probably the worse member on this site, i rarely check it. i'd still love to meet up to play! email me if you're still free to meet up;
  • Megan Hill

    hey there, looks like we live near each other. would you want to play some time?
  • Megan Hill

    I work M-F, 9-5, but almost any other time works. I can get to the courts at Wallingford Playground pretty easily if that works for you.
  • Megan Hill

    I actually can't play at all this week, I've already got a couple of tennis matches lined up and a few other random things. I know it is still getting dark really early...let's keep in touch though, because I would definitely love to play soon.
  • Megan Hill

    Maybe next weekend in Wallingford if it's not raining?
  • Rebecca

    Hey Sloan,

    I'd love to play with you.... only I'm heading to Canada for 2 weeks but certainly when I get back I'll be up for it.

    I'll post again when I return.

  • Megan Hill

    Looks like Saturday would be our best bet for tennis, weather-wise. Let me know if you still want to play, plus what works for you! Feel free to email me ( or call 504-343-0940.
  • Andrew Snyder

    Hi Sloan, I wanted to give you my number in case you wanted to play sometime when you were free. The weather doesn't look too good for the next few days but I am looking to play if you are free and the weather holds out. Give me a call sometime and we can set something up (even if it's in 2-3 weeks!) HAHA
    See ya,
  • Katie Garrison

    I would love to play. You might be over my skill level, but we might as well play and find out.
    I am out of town this weekend, but if the weather is ok I can play Monday or Tuesday.
  • Niko Lazarakis

    Hi Sloan,

    I work at the University of Washington, and am looking for a mixed doubles partner this Saturday for a University of Washington BBQ mixed doubles tournament hosted by the Husky Tennis Club. The Husky Tennis Club is mostly UW students and some staff who like to play tennis. The tournament will be on May 9th, from 10am till about 3pm or 4pm (when the final will be played). Would you be interested in being my partner? Please let me know asap. Thanks! Niko
  • Katie Garrison

    Are you free this weekend??