
, Male


United States

Profile Information:

Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Albuquerque, NM
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
I am a strong 4.0 singles player working my way up to be a 4.5. I am absolutely obsessed with tennis and am ALWAYS willing to play whether it is drills or match play.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
Andre Agassi and Pete Sampras. James Blake is my favorite new player
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
Pretty damn good.
Relationship status:

Comment Wall:

  • fleabitten

    Welcome to Tennisopolis Joe-dog! Change that avatar and invite your friends - I know you are a popular guy!

  • fleabitten

    If you are into pro tennis (and I know you are), come talk trash in the Forum.

    c ya in there, FB
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hey Joey - great avatar. you need to crop it a little higher on your computer and re upload it. you still haven't joined the ABQ group bro. DO IT!
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Joeyyyyyy! The Albuquerque Tennis Group is there.

    Did you see our contest - win 200 bucks by inviting a friend or two or twenty! :-)
  • Nicholas Clawson Stiver I

    Joey, there is too much shit going on in the background here--take those horrible nets off your page!! :)
  • Nicholas Clawson Stiver I

    Ha, I can't believe you listened to me, dork
  • Nicholas Clawson Stiver I

  • Mark / The Mayor

    Cool! The NM Club page is great. Add a lobo logo or something for it. You can also send an invite directly from that page to all your members. You're going to be glad you started that because it will be a great way to make anouncements and have your own club bulletin board. You can also add other people (like whoever is president or secretary for instance) as "admins" for the group. I'm also working on the ability to customize your group page like your profile page...

    by the way, i played a little singles yesterday and seem to be healing up OK. I'm not 100% but I can play now.
  • John

    join the stringers unite group
  • rg

    Hey Joey. Cool pics.

    I'm new to ABQ - in town a couple of weeks a month for work. Interested in hitting late this week/weekend/early next week? I'm a rusty 4.0.

  • Aaron Sussman

    Hey Joey,
    You may remember me. We've played a couple of times before - most recently at UNM where my friend and I played doubles against you and a friend of yours right before you guys played in a tournament. Anyhow, I saw that you were on here and thought you might want to play singles sometime. I haven't been playing nearly as much as I would like and am always looking for someone to play against. Let me know if you're interested.
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hey you need to make a logo for your UNM Coed Team.

    p.s. we reached 10,000 members - woohoo.
  • Vincent Borrelli

    Hi Joey, Want to hit? I played HS/college a long time ago too, and need to get in some practice. I'm at 254-4860 or if you would like to hit. Vincent
  • sean

    I'm looking for someone to hit with. I'm just getting over a back injury and need to find strong players to help "up" my game.
  • Jen

    hey i just moved to abq and am looking for some people to hit around with. where abouts in the city are you? maybe you wont mind hitting with me some time.
  • Ryan Cruz

    I am looking for some tennis in the ABQ area. I will be visiting for two weeks starting on the 25th and then relocating in late July. I am relatively competitive player, 4.5, teaching pro, etc... I have been injured and haven't played as competively as I'd prefer. So I am wishing to change that. Would you be interested in playing?