Mark / The Mayor


Albuquerque, NM

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Casual Player, Tournament or League Player, Tennis Media
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Albuquerque, NM
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
Hi. I'm the Community Manager, aka The Mayor of Tennisopolis. Welcome to the site! Tell your friends about us. Use the "invite" tab at the top.

Oh, about me? I'm a website developer as well as a tennis player and huge fan of the pros. I just got moved up to a 4.5 rating - success at last!

I love to follow the pro game. I get fully obsessed during the Grand Slam events to the point where I want to lock the door and just sit around watching in my jammies.

Please invite your friends to join.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
McEnroe, hands down. Agassi is second. Oh, you wanna know current faves? I like rooting for Murray, Azarenka, Radwanska, Coco. Other retired faves are Santoro and Spadea. Weird group I know, but hey. I love Federer and Nadal too, how can you not?
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 4.5
On the court, I am a:
rightie, watcher, poacher, doubles partner, singles player, returner, two-hander, top-spinner, all courter, gracious winner, gracious loser, tournament goer
My favorite local courts:
Tennis Club of Albuquerque
Lobo Club
Wellesley (now that they are fixed up)
Jerry Cline
Relationship status:
Favorite website:

Comment Wall:

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  • Dean Wright

    Thanks for reading my blogs, I think your the only one that does,, please forgive the bad spelling and improper english.
  • Dean Wright

    I think Tennis Baller and Svetlana should have their own show on tennis channel, with all the infro those 2 get, they could easily fill an hour a week. It would sort of be an entertainment tonite for tennis fans, even have call ins. Know anyone at tennis channel we could get in touch with. They could even mention tennisopolis on the show. TTC needs some new shows, I'm getting tired of Murphy Jenson.

    Hi Mark,

    I received your message about advertising and would like to do it. Please let me know the banner size requirements so I can send you the appropriate ones. I would like to purchase the Gold package. Thanks!!
  • Wyatt

    Hi Mark,
    Thanks for the warm welcome. I will definitely start the Babolat users group. Thanks!
  • Reibin Amin

    Thanks for the auto message. You have built a great site for tennis lovers to meet, keep it up!
  • Dean Wright

    Who is Teisha Brady? she seems to have left comments for a lot of members; you can't find the comment or her on tennisopolis? if she's not a member how did she leave messages? By the way take the McEnroe trivia quiz on the Mac maniacs page, see how you do.
  • M.C. PRAD

    Perfect, great site, tx
  • Mickey

    Hi Mark,

    Somebody with user name Teisha Brady left comment for me like at least twice but I can't find where her comments were, and everytime I clicked the link it takes me somewhere else. I am just wondering if this is somekind of 'virus' that you should be aware of, since you are the "Mayor"

  • Gang

    Hi Mark,

    Thank for the message and all the wonderful organization!

  • Richard M. Perrotti

    Somebody with user name Teisha Brady left comment for me like at least twice but I can't find where her comments were, and everytime I clicked the link it takes me somewhere else. I am just wondering if this is somekind of 'virus' that you should be aware of, since you are the "Mayor"
  • sara arbogast

    Thanks for welcome so very long ago Just got a around to post my profile.
    Have not met up with anyone as yet, but looking forward to some spring tennis. This site appears to be a great way to do some tennis networking ...
  • PistolPete

    Hello Mark! It's because I'm his twin!
  • missychrissy

    Thanks for your welcome and for this site!
  • Svetlana

    Thank you!!


    I received your invoice for the advertising. I just had one more question...once I pay, does the advertising start the next day? Also, I have prepared and animated gif image. Is that suitable?

  • PistolPete

    You've mistaken me for Pete Sampras. I'm Roger's lesser known twin... I thought about calling myself Smith and Wesson Pete or Glock 22 Pete, but it just didn't sound right. Soooo I had to settle with Pistol.
  • Jason

    sadly no...i wish it was my club, but this was just a picture taken during norcal sectionals for our combo 6.5 league
  • Skeet

    Mark, BOOMER SOONER! didn't know that about you, hopefully we'll be celebrating vs commiserating come the end of next football season! they recently built a first class tennis center. speaking of tennis towns, Norman is up there too. not sure where I'll be moving next, maybe Northern Cal oh well if there isn't a group still I'll start some and turn over the reins. great to see the site is still going strong. back to Murray v. Djokovic....
  • Fumiko

    I have a hard time to meet any player here in AlaMoana. Please help me to contact ones who plays tennis with me.
  • Reibin Amin

    Hello Mark,

    I am going to start up an international Tennisblog that will be about my life and mostly about tennis obviously I have only played tennis for 1,5 but I have completely fallen for the sport and my goal is to get an economic stability so that I can play tennis more than 7h a week, more like 5h a day.

    Anyway, I will put alot of effort into this blog and I would like to cooperate with you guys on Tennisopolis somehow. I would like to add somewhere were people can really see it, "In Association with Tennisopolis" etc.. Obviously in the beggining I will be the one benefitting from this more than you, but I promise you it will be a very serious blog and I believe I will have alot of readers, which will eventually link people in to your website.

    Is there anyway we could advertise for eachothers websites? Maybe you could put my blog somwhere every now and then just so that people can find me on the Internet?

    Thank you for reading this,
    Kind regards

    Reibin Amin
  • Lucile Bosche´

    Thanks, Mr. Mayor! I am learning how to use your site as I go. It is really great and I am so glad I stumbled upon it! BTW, do you know of Oscar Wegner yourself? Just curious. Ciao, Lucy
  • Oscar Wegner

    Wonderful, Mark. Lucile Bosche and I spoke today about tennisopolis, and we find it great and a wonderful resource. We'll be contacting you this coming week about your ideas.
  • liz M

    HiMark - I like your web site but, this is new to me so - I am going slow-
  • Dean Wright

    Is there a way to e-mail all tennisopolis members about EXCUSE ME!!! I'm not getting a lot of help from my friends.
  • Daryl Moore

    Yes, I am the sales engineer w/ Coolerado. Does that mean you are familiar with our technology? If so, I'm not only delighted to have a forum to find tennis partners but an enlightened group as well.

    Do tell,

  • Daryl Moore

    By ABQ do you mean Albuquerque or is that the name of you engineering firm?

    I am hoping to get a game going this week with one of the Denver members. I am also trying to rally a half dozen couples from town to get an evening doubles game night going.

    Ping me at my work e-mail if you like instead of here:

    Take care,

  • John Zhao

    Hi Mark. It sounds like a great idea if it hasn't been done yet.
  • Steve

    Yes, I was playing with a wood racquet. It's good for training and proper footwork.
  • Dean Wright

    Sorry wrong space, we now have a group for lefties only, you can become an honarary member if you say all the right things about us and if we deem you worthy.
  • Kristi Hines

    Hi Mark,

    In response to your comment about Twitter, yes, I think that would be a great idea. It would be easy to find followers who are interested in tennis - simply start a Tennisopolis Twitter account, add a few messages, and search for & follow people talking about tennis (using Twitter search or see people who are in the Twellow directory for tennis). It's a great way to get exposure for this site, and when you start one, let me know - I'll put you in my recommendations for FollowFriday. :)

  • Davy Gamm

    Thank you for this website Mark,/Mr.Mayor,I think it's a great idea!Haven't met anyone yet,although I'm still a newbie down here in South Florida.Currently getting back in the swing of things lately,(playing tennis regularly).Presently playing with my old T-2000,and my T-3000 rackets,(Jimmy Connors model,small head).Can't wait to meet up with new partners,and players,all the best Mark,appreciate your efforts,

  • Dean Wright

    Do you remember after Agassi and Boleterri split several years ago Andre saying that you can count whar nick knows about tennis on one hand, i put it in a blog and lucy wants confimation and i;m going by memory, might need someone to back me up.
  • marissa

    hi good thanks
  • Terence

    i'm doing ok. haven't played much yet because of some traveling and work.

    Question: How do I leave a group? I can't figure that out.
  • Dean Wright

    Not for a while!!.
  • CoachV - William Vazquez

    I have endurance, 1000 players from like 10am to 5pm.
  • Gerald Russell

    Mr Mayor, thanks!
  • Fay Kelley

    Hey Mark! Good to hear from you ... I use Dunlop Grand Prix balls and they last a long time here. I play in Flagstaff, Phoenix and Sedona. If you come up here, let me know and I'll try to find some guys for you to hit with.
  • James Forrestal

    thanks mark,

    tennisopolis looks like a great site!

    james forrestal
  • Carvel Edward Lincoln


    Thank you for the welcome. The Tennisopolis site is terrific. I hope I wasn't out of place telling about our product,Tite-Grip, for the tennis population, but we have had such good results from its benefits to enhance the tennis players performance.

    Please tell me if I am out of line posting it in the equipment and classified ads sections.


  • ken sein

    Hey, Thanks for the warm welcome. No, I don't know Will Hamilton personally as I am in South Florida. I frequently get his newsletters though, and highly recommend it. Hey, anybody here from around Coconut Grove? Coral Gables? Key Biscayne? Please drop me a note.
  • Meags

    Have changed the pic Mark, I looked at your post on pixel sizes and will keep it in my head for next time.

    Not been an easy year with the economy. We continue to expand and streamline things to make sure we still hit our goals. Hitting the 20,000 target is coming soon for you guys. Heck, tennis warehouse's forum only has 24,724 member with only 5,600 being "active". Are about 20% of your members active or less?
  • Michael Peterson

    Thank you. I'm having trouble finding a tennis group in the New Jersey area. Any way to make it easier to search thru the groups that you can possibly help me out with?
  • Pierry

    Thanks for the welcome Mark. This site is fantastic! Just what I needed!
  • Michael Peterson

    Thank you Mr. Mayor! That helped a lot!
  • Ian Westermann


    Thanks for the note, I appreciate it. You've done an excellent job building a strong community here, it looks like the members are very active and enjoy using all the different features.

    I would spend more time here promoting my own site if I had it, I currently only have one day per week to devote to working on my site and content. Hopefully in the future I'll start freeing more time up to work on my stuff and I'll start dropping by on a regular basis. What do you think would be most worth my time?

    Thanks again, take care.

  • Karen Bertkau

    Hi Mark..I have not seen any new comments or do I get involved with active players?? I want to play as soon as possible!
    thanks Karen
  • Sandra

    Thank you Mark!
  • rg

    Hola. Got your message. Hope to get out soon with this great wind-free weather.