
Profile Information:

Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Oakdale, MN
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
I went to UW-Stout where I have been on the varsity team the past 3 years.
I am new to Minnesota and looking for a great group of people to hit with.
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 3.5
On the court, I am a:
doubles partner, singles player

Comment Wall:

  • Bri

    I would love to hit sometime. Are you a member to Lifetime? Or maybe we could hit outside we just have to wait a week or 2 for the courts to dry out.
  • Bri

    I work in Minneapolis. But not in St.paul to often but I ate at the Nook lastnight in St. Paul I give it a 9! Here is my email firemanmn@gmail.com
    So what made you move back to Mn. the nice weather?
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi! It's great to have you here! This is my *new* generic welcome message that, fortunately, is required due to the enormous growth. We're growing by 100 new members a day, and I just couldn't keep up. But that's a good thing. ;-)

    Invite your friends too. We’re trying to reach 20,000 members by Wimbledon. :-)
    If you need any help, let me know.

    You just joined a super fun and infectious "community-based" tennis social network which connects tennis players, fans, coaches, and you.

    To get started, please upload a photo or avatar for yourself (if you haven’t already.) Whether it's of you, your dog, or your racquet it doesn't matter, but it helps people remember you. You can also personalize Your Page with pictures, links, RSS feeds, colors and more here.

    If you are looking to meet people for tennis matches, Look through the Groups or create a Group of your own and invite your tennis contacts. It's a good place to keep in touch with everyone in your circle.

    Here’s a primer on how to meet other players.

    The Forum is really the hub of the online community. Other places to explore: post youtube videos, add your own photos, write your own blog.

    …and just hang out and meet great people.

    Welcome aboard,
  • Baseem

    hi im trying to meet people to play. when can you play and what court?
  • Baseem

    yeah the nets have been up for some time.. when can you meet? i can meet the first day its dry i suppose..
  • Bri

    Would love to play this week. If your interested let me know!!!
  • Bri

    I could play around 3. What did you have in mind as far as where to play?
  • Bri

    No, thanks for that!!!! Did I do it right this time?
    Want to hit next week?
  • Bri

    I have to work at my other job that night anyway. Maybe we can hit later in the week....
  • Denny

    do you know whatever happened to the tennis dome in oakdale, I used to have captain's practices there all the time in high school, but it looks like they took it down for some reason. When and where would you want to play? I usually play at the maplewood middle school courts or the courts on mcknight, but it doesn't really matter to me. which courts off of 694? i have a flexible schedule right now.
  • Denny

    6:00 thursday at the courts off of hadley and 14th sounds good to me. Is that the richard walton park? (i had to google map it) It's not that far from where I am.
  • Lee

    want to play sometime?
  • Lee

    cool those are the times im usually available to play too. How about sunday?
  • Lee

    Hi, I can probably make it. I can't make definate plans on weekdays, I never know what time i get done with work. Life of a concrete worker, but i can message you by 5 if i can make it. If that works let me know.
  • Lee

    Sounds good, Oakdale at 6:30. If you don't hear from me by 5 then im still at work.
  • Lee

    Hi Michelle, I'm off work and I can make it today.
  • Lee

    ok, sounds good
  • Lee

    Hi, yeah i drove out too, such a light sprinkle i thought i'd check it out and yeah was soaked. I might be able to play this week, same deal with work. Looks like rain all week too, but on the way there i seen an indoor place wonder how much that would be.
  • Lee

    yeah, woodale funzone i think, tennis and gym. i can get a squeegee to if that would work, not sure. I'll google that funzone now and get prices.
  • Lee

    I called them, its not too bad... i could cover it. But as non-members we can't reserve a court... we could call before hand to see if courts are open though. Looks like a fun place there.
  • Lee

    Hey Michelle, its 15 an hour, plus for non members its an additional 8 dollars each to get in.
  • Lee

    Hey Michelle, just got home 6:10. Yeah i hope we get some good weather one of these days. Looking like chance of showers for the next two weeks however they are wrong alot.
  • Nick S

    Hey there, free for tennis? I am available evenings and sundays usually... let me know!
  • Lee

    Hey Michelle, Would you like to play this evening?
  • Lee

    ok, i'll let you know when i get off work. we'll find a time, just keep checking in.
  • Lee

    Hey michelle that is awesome, I hope you get it. Good luck and let me know how it goes. Yeah i am still free sunday, and friday might work too.
  • Nick S

    The weather is looking grim for tonight, and I have softball anyway! Perhaps this weekend. I live in Minneapolis. There are quite a few courts around, so we could find something im sure. Hope you feel better
  • Derek

    Hey Michelle, I'm just across the highway in Woodbury.... let me know if you want to hit!
  • Derek

    tomorrow @ 6:30 works for me. I am near Woodbury High School, otherwise if you have courts you like in Oakdale that would be no problem either... e-mail me @ DerekJOtto@gmail.com and let me know what works best for you!
  • Lee

    Hi Michelle, I have things i got to do tonight, but will tomorrow work? I hope the weather tomorrow is as good as it is today, its beautiful out . Oh and i hit a little this weekend, oh my.... I need practice.
  • Lee

    Hi Michelle, yep friday will work too.
  • Lee

    Hi Michelle, sorry to hear about your cousin. Where does your mom live? My cell number is 763 439 5150, yeah just let me know when you find out. If you can make it but its raining we can try that indoor place. Congratulations on the getting the new job.... thats awesome.
  • Lee

    Hi Michelle, I have a birthday party to go to Sunday in Lakeville, im not sure when that will be over, maybe last til 4ish. It would be nice to play tomorrow after that though. You can text me anytime. Then i can text you while im there to see if you can make it or not.
  • Lee

    Hey michelle, want to hit sunday?
  • Lee

    Hey Michelle, yeah that would be great... I had fun last time.
  • Vish


    would you be intesrested in playing tennis one of these weekends..
  • Vish

    Thanks for responding.Tomorrow works well with me,i stay very close to woodbury . My No is 201-673-8598 please use this to contact me if there is any change of plans or location.My Email is vishnat001@hotmail.com

  • Ryan

    I am a 3.5 if you want to play. Rjgregory@live.com. I am usually open weekdays after 5pm.
  • Shane Rother

    I am about a 3.5-4.0, and see if you would like to play. I am normally free in evenings. E-mail me here or send an e-mail to chawlee145@yahoo.com
  • Brad Rapp

    just seeing if you would like to play tennis sometime, let me know, thanks :)
  • Vivek

    Hey! Let me know if you are looking to hit. I played in the 3M league this year (3.0-3.5 singles), and live in the East suburbs too. Thanks!
  • paul

    Are you still playing tennis?
  • Satya

    Hi .. Let me know if you are interested to play and good time for you . I am available after work (6pm) or on weekends. I m located in woodbury.