, Male

Profile Information:

Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Las Vegas, Nevada
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
Cool, laid back....
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
Federer, Nadal
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 3.5, NTRP 4.0, NTRP 4.5, Not bad.
On the court, I am a:
doubles partner, singles player
Relationship status:
In a Relationship, It's Complicated

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  • Svetlana

    You're welcome!

  • Dan Bendtsen

    How are you? Looking for people to hit with. Let me know if you are interested. My email is sabadtb@hotmail.com
  • Dan Bendtsen

    Cool. Let me know when you are in town.
  • Lou Lom

    do you live in las vegas?
  • wendilou26

    Hey, I'm back in town. Just talked to Christine and found out she broke her arm!! Too bad. Let me know when you want to get together to play.
  • wendilou26

    If you want to play doubles maybe Randy knows someone. How's Wednesday at CORP?
  • RC

    Sounds ok to me, Wednesday late afternoon or early evenings...
  • wendilou26

    I spoke with Randy this morning. he'll be there at 530. I think I have a 4th coming with me, if not we can play australian doubles. ok? see you there.
  • RC

    no worries...I'll be there around that time.
  • Randy

    Thank you for you patience and for the play! ANytime you want....I could use the pratice ... my goal is to get a ground stroke similar to yours!
  • wendilou26

    bummer. we'll have to check out that place another time. when you wanna come up here? maybe mon or wed 530? I'm up for playing every week. just let me know. btw my cell is 303-570-5737
  • wendilou26

    you wanna play this week? how about wed? let me know.
  • wendilou26

    530 wed or thurs
  • RC

    Hmm, a choice...ok Thurs would be good. Your neck of the woods or corp?
  • Leilani Magee

    4.5 is the no. you're looking for.
  • wendilou26

    how about waialua elementary?
  • wendilou26

    yeah it was fun even tho I was a bit tired. I like that game. when do you want to play next week?
  • wendilou26

    hey, up for tennis thurs? I can meet you out your way. let me know. wendi
  • Lorie

    Hi RC. I play at 3.5. I teach beginners and intermediate - not yet at 3.5 level. I coach a beginning kids team.
  • Lorie

    lol. You live in Vegas, right? So, what's the Hawaii connection? : )
  • Erika K

    let's play this week. im trying to get more people at ala moana this Wednesday o thursaday! when can you make it?
  • Lorie

    Ok. Thanks for the intel on the Ala Moana gig.
  • wendilou26

    procedures have gone well. I started chemo last week. I haven't gotten back into playing tennis yet. I'm tired a lot. if you're ever in north shore give me a call. nice to hear from you. hope you're enjoying the spring!
  • Teo Nguyen

    Hi RC,
    I'm very interested in taking lessons. Will you give me D's contact info.
    Thank you so much.
  • Elizabeth

    Thanks for your suggestion. I used to play there but now they limited to members of the Fitness Center at the Hale KOA, they put locks on the doors.
  • Teo Nguyen

    Thank you so much for the info. I will definitely call him. As for Saturday, I have canoe practice from 8 to 11. Maybe after the season which will be after the summer, I can join you on Saturday mornings.
  • Erika K

    i get off work at 6*00pm, we usually start around 7:00.. so thursday night then?
  • Elizabeth

    Sorry, I don't like that!
    I like to play one on one!
    Mahalo X the offer!
  • Lorie

    Thanks! : )
  • Erika K

    YES thursday night. tomorrow at 7:00 pm at ala moana tennis court. probably ocean side. Looks like some people from this website are comin so i dont know their level. but me and my friend are about 4.0 email me if you still coming i give u my cell ekayukawa2@washcoll.edu
  • Erika K

    it's not raining so im just gonna head there now. come by if you like- never know if the courts are good so i just gonna stop by and see
  • Mark

    about a 3.8 right now. Trying to get back to my previous level.
  • Erika K

    hey we actually got together last thursday 4 guys showed up so played some doubles- we missed you there ;-( the weather was good u know. it was all dry and all the courts were packed actually- well we probably play sometime this week too so lets meet next time!
  • Patricia

    sure am
    weekends work best so let me know when you'd be available.
  • Mark

    I have a dinner on Thursday, but if you guys want to play on Wednesday at 7:00 I'm free.
  • Mark

    Let's make it next week Thursday at 7:00. Too busy this week.
  • wendilou26

    How about Saturday afternoon? We're having a BBQ...otherwise anytime thurs or fri is fine. I had treatment today so I'm relaxing at home. 61-284 Kam Hwy, Haleiwa (between chuns and waimea) 888-4374. See you!
  • Erika K

    hey sorry i couldnt play this week, it was pretty busy wit my work. ok. can you e-mail me ur number? ekayukawa2@washcoll.edu? I hardly check this website so, it'll make it so much easier if you could just text me the day you wanna play. i live in town so i can get to the ala moana in 10 mins- so email me now!!! bye
  • JB

    yes still playing mostly in costa mesa/newport beach area
  • JB

    Yes I am available next week mostly during the day if that works let me know..
  • Ethan

    Yes I'm still in Irvine. I'd like to get together to hit, but I haven't played in about a year. Let me know. I live in Westpark and have a key to get into the lighted courts.
  • JB

    Well look like I can do this wednesday during the day would be great thanks
  • Jonathan Williams

    Hey RC, Friday should work for me. Give me a call at 760 529-3736 and we'll figure a time and place.
  • robert

    HI RC,

    thanks for the email. Are u in Orange county? it shows you're in Vegas...call me at 949-973-3473 if you are in the area, and if you want to take some lessons on improving your game, then let's talk.
  • carlos

    yes i am, heres my # 951 8348390, i can play in laguna niguel or surrounding areas. thanks & have a good day!!
  • lee

    yes..but I am "healing " my achilles and can't play so much yet...my regular email is lkenigson@yahoo.com

    714 4707069

  • JB

    Next wed bill barber park in irvine would be great thx
  • lee

    I am looking for a match for this Thursday after 6pm....june 4 714 4707069
  • JB

    ok sounds good see you then 949-510-9990
  • Ellen

    Hi RC!

    June 14 sounds like a great date to have group tennis meet - I'll try to get things in motion with everyone - will keep you updated!