Jazz Burks

48, Male


United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Casual Player, Tournament or League Player
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
On the court I'm a hard serving flashy shot maker who is trying to become an Open level player.
Well the Open dream is dead. Age + arthritis have killed it. Just got bumped down to 3.5. Looking to work my way back to 4.0
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
Roger Federer
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 4.0, NTRP 4.5
On the court, I am a:
doubles partner, singles player, bomber, acer, one-hander, gamer, choker, top-spinner, double faulter, all courter, gracious winner, gracious loser
My favorite local courts:
Northeastern University, Touhy Park, Clarendon Park, Hamlin Park, Northwestern University, Chase Park, Roosevelt Park.
Relationship status:
Favorite website:

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  • Rachel

    haha thats awesome. its takes a lot of balance lol oh and by the way i LOVE the video!!! :)
  • Don

    Sure, shoot me an email when it gets warmer out and we'll hook up. Your profile says your a 3.5, you do know I'm a 4.5 correct?
  • Don

    Well you don't have to worry about that issue with me. If I know ahead of time what level you are then that is what I am expecting. I hate when people say they are some high level and then ya go there expecting a big match and they're not even close to the level they said. I think they do it cause higher level players won't hit with them. I feel if nobody is willing to help lower level players how are they supposed to get better if they can't afford private lessons. I've hit with 3.0 and 3.5 women and I hit with two juniors every week. These juniors are extremely good though, one is 10 and the other is 15. I love to help pweople with their games. In the summer I work full time as well as mow lawns with my son and play almost every day if I can fit it in. We'll definitely hook up and can drill or play bash ball whatever ya wanna do. Look forward to it. Have a nice Hioliday
  • Don

    Oh ya I forgot to tell you, Federer is your favorite and Nadal is mine, so be prepared for a ton of topspin (ha,ha). Hopefully you don't have the one handed Federer backhand or my topspin will give you the same issue on that side.
  • Don

    That must be that little hop both the juniors always use when they play me, I always say "what is that a bunny hop or what" whatever it was it didn't win you the point (ha,ha)
  • Jill Werts

    Hey, Jazz, happy holidays to you and your family, too! I think I'll be fine for the McFetridge doubles tournament, altho I have to wait to see if my team wins our flight, 'cause the flight playoffs will be in early Feb. :-) I'd love to do the tournament with you again! ...and Dave wants to come cheer us on, again, too. :-)
  • Rachel

    haha thanks, ive been workin on it! lol
  • Suresh

    Hey Jazz - yes it is. How are things? Still swinging that racket I hope. I just moved out of Chicago and up to suburbia, my wife is about to deliver our first child any day now. I've been out of tennis for the past few months and am looking to get back into it. Hope to see you at one of these USTA tourney's soon! All the best in 2009 and beyond!!
  • Bill

    thanks jazz. we lost 5-7, 5-7. how about you ?
    laura(my partner) got picked on a bit today in our match.....i dont have a strong enough game to prevent that. i may be a bit outmatched at this 7.0 level
  • Bill

    well congrats on your win. i didnt see much of your match either, but it looked the guy you were playing had a pretty big serve....looks like you were able to handle that okay.

    the guy we played hit a heavy topspin ball and laura had a hard time with that. as the ball moved and jumped off the racquet with the extra spin it was hard to control. so a lot of rally exchanges between their male player and laura ended in unforced error winners for them. i tried cutting off more balls to her to help...but like i say, i couldnt do enough
  • Nickk

    Hey Jazz,
    I haven't really worked on navigating this place and missed your question. I was taking the Frank Sacks group in Skokie at Niles West HS. I ended up joining Tam and I'm in a Mixed advanced beginner lesson, it's okay but way too short(1 hr). I think I'm going do the Sacks "league" play in Skokie that starts in April and continue groups at Tam until then. The lighting at Niles West was really bad and the day that we shared the field house with the percussion section of the marching band pretty much iced it for me. =:-)
  • Rose Northon

    Hi Jazz:

    Thanks for inviting me! This reminds me of facebook. I have to warn you, I haven't quite gotten the hang of facebook yet, so I'm not sure how well I'll do on this website. As long as there are links and directions, I should be able to handle it :-) Looking forward to our 2009 mixed matches...I know our team will start winning more matches this year...later..rose
  • Brian

    Hi Jazz. Thanks for the info on the V-day tournament. It looks like Tina and I would get our butts kicked, since we'd have to play in the 4.5+4.5 bracket. Hopefully we'll see some action that Sunday in the mx7 match at Rtrails. But looking forward we're excited about all the tournaments that McFetridge hosts throughout the year :) Have a good weekend.
  • Don

    How's it goin Jazz, been playing much? I've been playing a ton as usual, can never get enough of tennis?
  • Don

    2 or 3 times a week, that's not bad, but I know what you mean, no amount of time ever seems like enough. I'm playing quite a bit, 4 hours every Wed night, 4 hours every Friday night, sometimes a couple hours on Sat, and a minimum of 4 hours on Sunday. This Sunday I'm playing for 6 hours. Plus Isometimes will sub for people if they ask me. You play in the city right?
  • Don

    Ah so you have the younger ones do you? I know what you're going through as I already id all that. I coached every sport under the sun for a lot of years and didn't play tennis for over 15 years. Now it's my time ya might say. No I don't pay for all of the court time. I have perm time on Wed nights and of course that's paid for in advance, then Sunday mornings I pay for, but a bunch of time is free. I hit with 4 junior players, one is 10, 13, 15 , and 16. This time is covered by their parents as I hit with them for free. The 16 year old is newer to the game, played for about 2 years now, he's ok but has a great attitude, the other three are all tournament players. I love to hit with the kids. Parents love me, I'm free !
  • Jill Werts

    Thanks, Jazz! I'll bring the entry fee to the first match. I'm hoping we get a bye for Fri night, like last year...that made things MUCH easier, as I'm a bit farther out from town than you. :-) I really enjoyed that tournament last year, though, so hopefully we'll kick butt again! :-)
  • Nick Vergara

    Hey Jazz - Good playing with ya. Looking forward to hitting with you again.
  • Lorelai

    Hey Jazz. I think we met briefly last night at McFetridge maybe? I was watching the matches and then everyone went downstairs by the tables with the draws and chatted briefly? I would love to hit sometimes for sure. Usuaully my best days right now is Tuesdays and weekends.
  • Jill Werts

    Hey, Jazz, I'll ask Dave if he'd be willing to tape us, if you have a camera -- how much time do you think he should spend at that? I know he wants to just be able to watch parts of the match, too...

    As to our uniform -- that's a good idea! I'll plan on wearing that same blue outfit on the 28th. For tournaments, we'll have to see what we can do -- one day could be the "uniform", but we'll have to talk about the other day(s) and see if we have similar colors to wear.
  • Bill

    yea, thanks. i'm starting to settle in a bit overall.
    i'm not feeling all this 'pressure' to force my involvement into the match.

    i'm starting to find ways to use my partner's play and some strategy to get some good net set-ups, and therefore put some pressure on our opponents

    i guess i cant complain overall....i'm 2-2 now and in the 2 matches i lost...we lost 5-7, 5-7 and the other was a 4-6, 6-7. so regardless of winning, i'm competitive. so my whining to you before was probably pre-mature ;-)

    you and jill are playing saturday i believe. i think i'm going to be around that day so maybe i'll shoot up to FV to root you guys onto victory
  • Jill Werts

    Hey, Dave said he'll be happy to babysit the camera. He did have a good point about the camera, though -- from the window upstairs, you can't really see the whole court, so you'll have to figure out what you want to record -- do you just want to record OUR play, in which case, we can record one side of the court, and see us every two games. Or we could ask Dave to move it from side to side, as we move? ...or we set it up to see most of the court, and just tape the whole match that way, getting us when we're on the half that it gets, and part of us when we're on the other half. :-)
  • Rose Northon

    Hey Jazz....not sure if I'm in the right spot here....but I am replying to your comment about Friday Night's match. I think this was a case where they were a more consistent team than us. Their only weakness was the girl's serve (however we failed to break her every time), and their strength was the guy's serve (not much pace but great spin). We just didn't adjust as much as we should have (we should have tried to move them around more..and we absolutely should have broken the girl more than we did). The girl (Yuko) had excellent placement and angles (and great hands)...made me think that I need to work on that more in drill situations....anway...Larry and I had a lot of fun playing them..if we had to lose...then they were a nice couple to lose to....I'm looking forward to our match..I hope you'll be able to make it and that your work won't interfere (but I understand how important it is to even have a job in the economic times we're going through right now!)...thanks for commenting!.....later..rose
  • Amy Tesch

    Hi Jazz

    you talking the courts behind the CMA? If so i used to live on those many many moons ago!
    I'd love someone to hit with in Chicago, but it will take me a while to get back up to speed...you patient?


    oh and B day is next month...did i put that in my profile? I cant find it...heck i'm new here :-)
  • Amy Tesch

    I'm only avail during the day on weekend.......................
  • Don

    Hey Jazz,
    Don't forget about me when you're in town visiting your parents, we need to hit.
  • Lucile Bosche´

    You could start by visiting my website www.tennisteacher.org. Click on the page entitled MEET THE MAESTRO for a condensed version of data on Oscar, and the FREE E-BOOK CHAPTER to read a segment from his best-selling book. And, of course, you can visit his website at www.tennisteacher.com for even more information.
  • Dean Wright

    Jazz; you rock.
  • Don

    Hey Jazz,
    Go figure you pick the first Saturday I've had to work in a long time. I have to start at 7am and won't be done until atleast 1ppm. "sorry" I would have loved too, played 4 hours last night and hit well. How's your game doin?
  • Don

    Well that depends, it's supposed to rain all day tomorrow. I am playing inside from 8-9:30 before the rest of the weekend tournament starts their matches at 10. I have to pick my son up at 3pm at the train station in Lisle. Let's play it my ear, maybe if the rain holds off we can get it in, starting to cloud up already here so they might be right for once.
  • Rachel

    thanks! hehe. album? i know hes doing a string of concerts in the 02 arena in London but nothing about an album? idk if he does make one be sure to tell me! lol
  • Jewell Fox

    Thanks Jazz, it's always good to get support!
  • Don

    Ok Jazz, I'm sure we'll bash some balls sooner or later. Let me know next time youre coming out.
  • Charbel

    Hey Jazz!
    So You're at Northwestern? Me too, I work in Tarry Building.
    Maybe we'll hit the court when the rain settles.
    Most weekdays 6pm will be a good time. I can only make before 2 on weekends though.
    (PS i'm out of shape, I'll need some time to get my act back together, but should be fun)
    Let me know
  • Amy Tesch

    sorry i cant tell which messages you've written to me, or which are just streaming from your conversations with other people??!
    I am newly umemployed so will have time now during the day to play. I am however traveling to WI quite a bit. I am up there this Fri 24th-29th, then back in Chitown....?
  • Amy Tesch

    thanks....I'm back in Chi town Wed am...care to take pity on me and play Wed eening or Thur sometime? I will be my first hit in 2 yrs..............

  • Charbel

    Ok Friday is good.
    Where do I have to go to reserve? the center across from the baseball Green?

    C you
  • Rachel

    did i ever tell you i LOVE that video?! xD
  • Rachel

    awesoooome!! oh its cool haha take all ya want! i took some from yours too heeeee
  • Charbel

    Hey Jazz,
    Thanks for putting up with me last time.
    Do you have time for some tennis tomorrow or sometime next week as long as the weather is on our side?
    let me know
  • Charbel

    would tuesday at 6 be good? it's suppposed to rain wednesday and friday...
  • Charbel

    see you then
  • Charbel

    Would like to try for Tuesday at 6 this week?
    Let me know
  • Charbel

    Hey Hope you did well in your tournament yesterday.
    How about we try to play on tuesday. I won't give any promises but if I can arrange my experiments I might be able to play earlier during the day (before you start work). Otherwise we'll stick to the 6pm.

  • Charbel

    That sucks for your lunch break!
    I should have a better idea tomorrow of when I can play on Tuesday.
  • Charbel

    Shall we do it at noon today?
  • Don

    Hey Jazz Man,
    So when ya coming out to Romeoville again?
  • Don

    Well let me know as soon as possable. Lets just say I book a week in advance. I played Sunday, last night, tonight, Thursday still open but probably not for long, Friday 4 hours set up in the morning cause I'm off and then maybe again at night, Sat and Sun I will play also. Don't quite have Monday set up yet, hopefully my wife doesn't work, that will screw me up that's for sure. Let me know though, it would be nice to finally hook up. I'll be Nadal, who you gonna be? How about Federer since he loses to him all the time (ha,ha)
  • Don

    Hey Jazz,
    I have 10 - 12:30 set up for Sunday in Lockport, let me know if youre gonna be at your parents. I could easily stop in Romeoville on my way home and hit with you.
  • Don

    are you talking about Sunday or Monday? Here is my cell # 1-630 ) 209-4520