Ray Lewis

, Male

Alexandria, VA

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Casual Player
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Arlington, VA
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
4.0 male tennis player, seeking 4.0+ tennis players to hit preferably in Arlington or Alexandria.
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 4.0, If tennis is on TV - I am watching
My favorite local courts:
Wakefield High school, Barcroft Park, Wakefield park, TC Williams High school, Sport & Health
Favorite website:

Comment Wall:

  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi Ray!

    Thanks for creating the VA/DC Group. If you need any help with the page itself or anything, let me know. Take a look at the Bay Area one for ideas.


    It's great to have you here! We are all very excited to have created this "community-based" tennis website which puts the focus on the members. We launched Tennisopolis just three weeks ago, so you are a charter member. :-)

    To get started, please upload a photo or avatar for yourself (if you haven’t already.) Whether it's of you, your dog, your racquet it doesn't matter, but it helps people remember you. You can also personalize Your Page with pictures, links, RSS feeds, colors and more here.

    If you are looking to meet people for tennis matches, Look through the Groups or create a Group of your own and invite your tennis contacts. It's a good place to keep in touch with everyone in your circle.

    Tennisopolis is also a great place to network with people all across the country and talk about this game we love.

    Other places to explore:
    - come talk tennis in the forum
    - add your own photos
    - post your own blog entries.

    …and just hang out and meet great people.

    Welcome aboard,
  • Nanova

    Hi. We created an Avatar Grab Bag where you can get an image for your picture. Here's how to do it:
    1. Go to the Grab Bag.
    2. Choose a pic, click on the thumbnail, then right click on the image and "save picture as" and save it to your computer.
    3. Click Change My Photo below the gray head image to the left.
    4. Click the photo graphic and choose "upload from my computer".

    That should do it. If anyone has any questions, just send me a message. (Or, if you want to be truly unique, do the same thing with any photo you find on the web.)

  • Kiran Karra

    Hi Ray,
    My name is Kiran, and I saw your message on Tennisopolis through email. I was wondering if you want to play sometime, I'm open for both indoor and outdoor although I've never actually played indoor. I'd say I'm a 4.0 but have never been officially ranked, but I think I can hold my own (we'll see though right?) Anyway, let me know if you want to play sometime cause I'm new to the area so I don't really have anybody to hit with yet.
  • Kiran Karra

    Ok great Ray, Tuesday and wednesday after 5:30 or so are good for me. Are any of these timings good for you? If not, we can do the weekend if that works.
  • Kiran Karra

    cool deal. my # is: 919-889-9479
  • Mark

    Hey Ray,

    I play with a solid group out of Annandale S&H. Let me know if you want to hit some time. Thanks.
  • Kiran Karra

    yeah we can do that. just send me the details.
  • Kiran Karra

    I replied to your comment, but I don't think it worked or something. I was thinking maybe we could do it tonight a bit later than what you had said, perhaps around 8pm or something. If not, I am free on the weekend. Does that work for you?
  • Kiran Karra

    Hi Ray,
    Are you available to play sometime this weekend?, Sat or Sun?
  • Kiran Karra

    Oh man, that sucks. I'm lucky i missed it this year. If its warm (> 45 degrees), outside is fine by me.. Otherwise, we can do indoors if you can reserve it right, cause I'm not a member of any clubs or anything in the area right now?
  • Kiran Karra

    how about 4:30 or so, I am flexible though so really anytime after lunch is good for me.
  • Ray Lewis

    ok...i have tomorrow at 5-6pm booked. Since you are not a member you will have to pay a non member fee of $20.00 and usually half of the court fee but on this go around I will pay the court fee (20.00). Will that work for you? Also will you be driving? It is in Crystal City, VA. Let me know.

  • Kiran Karra

    Yeah, that works. can u give me the address so i can get directions to the place?

  • Kiran Karra

    Since it seems like a nice day outside, do you want to just play outdoors?
  • Kiran Karra

    Ok Thats fine. I think from now on hopefully the weather will stay like this and we can play outdoors in the future. Do you want to meet up at 5?, it seems like we only have 1 hour to play or can we warm up somewhere else?
  • Ray Lewis

    Let's stick to the 5 o clock meeting. If you can get there a few minutes earlier (say 430), if there's no one on the court we can go on and warm up during that time. Is that ok?
  • lee levine

    my wife and i just joined arlington y! we're playing in their flights sunday.
  • Sean Khamphouang

    Looking for a hitting partner? I just getting back into playing tennis again. Hit me up if interested. saybisous@gmail.com
  • Sean Khamphouang

    It's been years since I got rated. Probably my last rating was about 10 years ago, I believe i was still a 4.5.That was before college. Anyhow, no matter what my ratting maybe now, I enjoy smacking the balls around. Hit me up whenever you wanna hit. saybisous@gmail.com Take care.
  • Sean Khamphouang

    I do not have an indoor membership. Is there an indoor tennis court in DC? I just moved here to the DC area. I am from New Orleans. Tell me more about the indoor gym.
  • Ray Lewis

    I am a member of Sport and Health gym and they offer gym and tennis membership, unfortunately you have to have both as they just don't offer the tennis membership. There's also Fairfax racket club in Fairfax. Usually you book court time and it ranges from $20-40 per hr. At my gym it's $20 per hr. If you are not a member you have to pay a guest fee which is also $20. per hr. I mainly use it during the winter months so I'm not as rusty in the Spring when the weather gets warm. Where in Arlington are you?
  • Sean Khamphouang

    Yes the weather is nice now. Here is my number. 571-271-2736 My playing times varies. Chat with you later. Besides, I can't wait to use my new raquet.
  • Ray Lewis

    Kewl what racket did you get? What times do you usually hit during the week? and on weekends?
  • MJ

    where do you usually hit at? and which sport &health are you a member of?
  • J Ruffin

    Hi Ray,

    Thanks for putting this group together. Hope we can hit some time. I play mainly out on Reston, but since I work in DC I also hit with people downtown and in Arlington.
  • Sean Khamphouang

    I am free this evening (tuesday) call me up. 571-271-2736
  • Gytis

    Hi Ray, thanks for asking me about hitting/playing matches. Wakefield HS is okay. Send me an email at gkanchas@comcast.net with dates when you wanna play.
  • Gytis

    Thanks for a fun match you really made me work for every point. Next time we can just hit and practice technique...
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Ray - Thanks for inviting your tennis buds - I really appreciate it! Keep 'em coming. Another cool idea is to create a Group four you and your crew.
