Miguel Martin

Profile Information:

Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
San Antonio, TX
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
I am originally from Spain, but I have been living in San Antonio, TX for 5 yrs. After some yrs as a proffesional player, and then as a college player, I am now teaching-coaching. I have 14 yrs of experience and I have taught in Spain, France and USA. Tennis is my passion so I hope I will get to meet more people who share this passion.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
David Ferrer
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
I'm a pro!
Favorite website:

Comment Wall:

  • Miguel Martin

    Hey guys! If anybody needs help just write me!
  • SATennisguy

    Hola Miguel, welcome to the Aces Group - a number of us get together and play, workout each week...make sure you are able to get group messages...use this to get messages out to everyone...plus also its a good way for you to contact everyone at once also...looking forward to hitting with you...perhaps you can work some group discounts for Aces to get together for lessons...

    Play hard...play often
    Charles - SATennisguy - AA Group Administrator
  • Jesus Ramirez

    Welcome to the group... Miguel... What part of town do you play in?
  • Emma

    Hi Miguel,

    Glad you joined the group. Hopefully this will help get the word out and we can put together a clinic or something. I am definately going to take more lessons with you. I really enjoyed getting back into tennis. Can we schedule something for Saturday 4/4/08? Let me know.

  • Miguel Martin

    k. I'll call u after I get off! around 5
  • Lari Bender

    Thanks for the welcome! I look forward to meeting you. Do you give lessons for children? ( 10yo boy).
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi Miguel! It's great to have you here! This is my *new* generic welcome message that, fortunately, is required due to the enormous growth. We're growing by 100 new members a day, and I just couldn't keep up. But that's a good thing. ;-)

    Invite your friends too. We’re trying to reach 20,000 members by Wimbledon. :-)
    If you need any help, let me know.

    You just joined a super fun and infectious "community-based" tennis social network which connects tennis players, fans, coaches, and you.

    To get started, please upload a photo or avatar for yourself (if you haven’t already.) Whether it's of you, your dog, or your racquet it doesn't matter, but it helps people remember you. You can also personalize Your Page with pictures, links, RSS feeds, colors and more here.

    If you are looking to meet people for tennis matches, Look through the Groups or create a Group of your own and invite your tennis contacts. It's a good place to keep in touch with everyone in your circle.

    Here’s a primer on how to meet other players.

    The Forum is really the hub of the online community. Other places to explore: post youtube videos, add your own photos, write your own blog.

    …and just hang out and meet great people.

    Welcome aboard,
  • michael falletta

    Hi miguel,this is mike welcome to the group.You look like someone I bought a babolat racket from?Let me know if you are the same guy.Also I need some help with my serve.
  • Emma

    Thanks Miguel, we'll see you Saturday.
  • Miguel Martin

    K. Call me then! Good luck tonight!
  • SATennisguy

    Miguel, check out the Court Time tab at the top..I did one for this weekend clinic, but you can do them for your future events...follow directions - at you can invite folks, both your Tennisopolis friends and or other emails you want to enter from other folks you have going to your clinics...it will also show up on your page...the one I did shows up on my page only because I created it...took the pic off the IW tennis page
  • SATennisguy

    Miguel - changed time and photo on the COURT TIME entry....talk to you when I get back from Ft. Worth/Dallas later this week.
  • SATennisguy

    Thanks for the spell check...fixed it
  • Emma

    Que tal Miguel,

    Are we having a clinic this Saturday? If so, what time? Let me know.

  • Berit Mason

    looking for some tennis lessons. live northside. can you give me some information? just a few lessons just to get me going again to start. thanks!
  • SATennisguy

    Miguel, got your message but caught up in office working..doing mostly email...will not be available Saturday mornigs..trying to work on getting more group participation so doing some stuff at Clark to see how many folks really want to get out and play etc....
  • SATennisguy

    Miguel, I have not been able to get enought folks to want to do the clinic on a regular basis...its been very difficult..even this morning, only Michael, Carlos and Abs showed up...no one else...not sure what to think but its frustrating...
  • SATennisguy

    Miguel, sorry I was not able to come today...I have spent most of my day on my roof preparing and painting my chimney that was repaired....hope it went well today...
  • jennifer

    Hi there! I am new to the group. Just looking to be able to play more frequent. You say that you coach. Where do you coach?
  • Emma

    Hi Miguel,

    We have been so busy. We've been out of town for two weekends straight and this weekend we have James' family in town. We are interested in taking a private lesson. We'll call you to set something up as soon as we clear our schedule a bit.

  • jennifer

    Hey there! i think you think I am the other Jennifer. I will be out next week tuesday but will be out of town this weekend.
  • Jennifer

    Hi Miguel, I just got this! I ended up working very late Monday and was so tired Tuesday morning. Do you do anything on Friday or Saturday evenings? I'm not even sure where there are lit courts but that would be ideal. If not I'll try to come to your next morning clinic.. Tuesday again right? Delete Comment
  • Jennifer

    Hi Miguel,
    9am is a bit early for me... I work pretty late.
    Just keep me posted. I'll come to the next 10am clinic you put on.
  • Jennifer

    I probably can't this Wednesday but do you have them every Wednesday or Tuesday or do you just plan as you go?
  • Kenneth Ramirez

    Hi, Miguel. i just joined the group. I was wondering when I can set up an appointment to the clinic. I would like more info.
    Have a good weekend!

  • Miguel Martin

    You are more than welcome to come tomorrow morning at 9:00am
    University of Incatnate word
    4301 Broadway
    San Antonio 78209

    feel free to call if you need more information

  • SATennisguy

    Miguel, how are the clinics coming...havent talk..just wanting to catch up...
  • SATennisguy

    Hi Miguel, not sure if you are doing it since I havent gotten one, you are best to send out a group message from the group page...that one goes directly to everyones email address that is a member of the group..great way to reach out to 68 members at one time....also dont forget the court time tab .....
    talk soon

  • SATennisguy

    Hey,,,were you pretty happy about the Euro 2000 win by Spain...I watched that match...some pretty exciting stuff...
  • Kristin Frischmuth

    Hey Miguel, I heard you have a clinic going... when is it? how much? Any other info would be helpful as well, if you can think of anything else. Thanks!
  • Ketan M

    Hi Miguel, could you please give me the web address for your website. This link doesn't seem to go to the website. Where is your clinic at? What are the timings?Thanks
  • Kristin Frischmuth

    Hey Miguel, Thanks for the info. I will not be able to make it this week as I am getting ready to go out of town on the 21st. I will be gone that entire week, so it would have to be 3 weeks from now. Would I pay for the 3 days all at once, because sometimes my schedule is a little hectic. It sounds like fun, I just may have an issue with the actual commitment of 3 days out of the week.
  • Ketan M

    Yes I did. I'm a student so its a little steep for me. But thanks for the info and I will pass the message around.
  • ricardo

    i am an ok player. pretty average and looking to meet others to play on a regular basis
  • Chede

    Hi Martin, I am trying to reach on your mobile, but no luck :(
    I want to talk to you, when you get time, could you please give me a call at 201-245-8522
  • SATennisguy


    This is the link to his page..under Kevin...you can find him either on the group page or under my friends..his picture is of him in what looks like black shorts and top with sunglasses on...he will be back hopefully in the clinic this weekend
  • Alicia Scobey

    Hi Miguel - I just joined this group today. Charles advised me to locate you to see if you could provide me some additional information as to any weekly clinics/classes that are offered during the week. Thank you for your time - Alicia
  • Alicia Scobey

    Thank you for your reply! There is a 50/50 shot for this Saturday. Would I be able to attend the Tuesday/Thursday evening sessions as well? If so, where do you play and what are the fees? Thanks again for all of your help,

  • Naceema

    Hi Miguel,
    Really enjoyed meeting you and participating in your clinic. I'm looking forward to improving my game with your help. Enjoy your holiday. I'll be back for another clinic when I return from travel. Naceema
  • Naceema

    Hi Miguel,

    I'm glad to hear you have a facility near me...DeZavala was kind of far but for $10 per clinic it was worth the drive. How much would you charge me for private lessons. PS. Remember I will be out of time on Jan 10th but I'll return to clinic when I get back to Texas. Also, please remind Charles to send your address or shoot me an email so I can drop your check in the mail. Many thanks. Naceema
  • Naceema

    Hi Miguel,

    I will definetly call you when I get back. You have a blessed New Year as well. Naceema
  • Dallas

    Hey Miguel, I still owe you ten bucks...I can get with you this week or see you saturday. Sorry for the delay. Thanks

  • Jorge Garcia

    Hey Miguel, I just moved to SA recently, and I am looking to get back into playing tennis on a regular basis....i do need to get back into the swing of things, though. I have not played in a few years, and am a bit rusty. Are those tennis classes on Sats still ongoing? Are any available at other times?
  • Naceema

    Hi Miguel,

    Please accept my apology...I got to Maryland and things have been so crazy I haven't been checking my email. And I haven't forgotten that I still owe you $20...I'll drop it in the mail as soon as the snow melts here!! The cardio tennis class sounds like so much fun. I will be returning to SA for only one week then I have to return to MD for more work and will not return until mid March. I will touch base with you then. Thanks for keeping me in mind.
  • Jorge Garcia

    Hey Miguel, Got your message buddy, thanks....I will be out of town this weekend starting Thursday but I am definitely looking forward to touching base with you for next week. I'll call you later today after work. Thanks, again!
  • Jorge Garcia

    Hey Miguel, thanks for your message. Unfortunately, I have a class Wednesdays until 9PM. I will be attending the Saturday thing, though. If you get the Tuesday/Thursday thing going, please let me know. Thanks, again.
  • Maria Whidden

    Hello Miguel, its been some time since I've been on here. I still have yet to make it to a clinic. I have been dying to go but my life is just too busy. My goal is to go The 7th Saturday clinic. Where do you meet for the evening classes? I'll try to go this Saturday on the 28th of this month. Are you having a clinic then? Hope to meet you soon. Take care
  • Alicia Scobey

    I apologize for the late response!!! I started a job and got really busy. What days are you having classes?