
Profile Information:

Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Los Angeles, CA
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
Just moved to LA from CT, so I am DYING to get out and enjoy this weather. I played tennis in high school, was #1 singles freshman-senior year. Haven't gotten a chance to play as much I would like to because of weather in CT. I need to get back in shape so I am looking to play as much as possible. I work from home in the Hollywood Hills near Studio City, so my schedule is pretty relaxed. I am a 4.0 I think, maybe and inconsistent 4.5 or 5.0. I'm fun, and play with a sense of humor most of the time, but if you want a competitive b*tch i can do that too!
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
Haven't been watching too much pro tennis lately so I can't say for sure.
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
Pretty damn good., NTRP 4.5
On the court, I am a:
pusher, slicer, singles player, bomber, serve-n-volleyer, acer, returner, two-hander, trash talker, top-spinner, grunter, foot faulter, baseliner, drop-shotter
Relationship status:
Favorite website:

Comment Wall:

  • t/pain

    Calley, Welcome to Cali...Playing at the Loz Feliz courts during the week nights if interested. Oh, I'll take the competitive b*tch player in you.

  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi Calley! It's great to have you here!
    I see you already joined a Group – fantastic - introduce yourself in there to meet people for matches.
    Please Invite your buddies. We’re trying to reach 20,000 members by Wimbledon. :-)
    If you need any help, let me know.

    Welcome to the fun and infectious "community-based" tennis website which connects players, fans, coaches and pros.

    To get started, please upload a photo or avatar for yourself (if you haven’t already.) Whether it's of you, your dog, your racquet it doesn't matter, but it helps people remember you. You can also personalize Your Page with pictures, links, RSS feeds, colors and more here.

    If you are looking to meet people for tennis matches, Join the group in your area and introduce yourself in there. Some groups have regular meeting times and some are more one-on-one and flexible. If there’s no group in your area yet, start a group page for your town and invite your tennis contacts. It's a good place to keep in touch with everyone in your circle.

    Tennisopolis is also a great place to network with people all across the country and talk about this game we love.

    Other places to explore: come talk tennis in the forum, add your own photos, post your own blog entries.

    …and just hang out and meet great people.

    Welcome aboard,
  • dan lester old guy in studio city hills...available most days because very flexible scheduale,entertaimnent buissiness..ect...looking for someone to hit with who can keep me running..let me know 818 943-6003
  • Rod

    Hey Calley,

    I just joined and I'm looking for people to play with... Not to sure if I'm at your level, but I've been looking for people better than me to help me improve my game...let me know if you're interested...r.
  • Russell

    Hi Calley!

    This is random -- So, I met you at Lunch 2.0, and now, when I am trying to get more into tennis..there you are. You're everywhere!
    If you'd like to hit a few on a Sunday morning, let me know. I gots no skillz, but I make up for it in stupid enthusiasm. :-)

  • Jerry

    Hey. Where do you play? I played at Studio City Rec Center before but they are pretty packed sometimes. Let me know if you are interested to hit Sat mornings or other times during the weekends.
  • Patrick

    Hey, Calley...I just joined the LA online tennis group.

    I just moved here 3 weeks ago, and am looking to get out and hit with some people, and saw you on the list.

    If you want to 'check me out' before contacting me, you can go to my professional websites to see that I'm normal. :)

    You can contact me at if you'd like to play tennis some time...feel free to round up some other people and we could do doubles if you'd prefer.

    Hope to talk to you soon.

  • George

    Hi Calley, I am looking for a mixed doubles partner to play against another mixed doubles team in Burbank. We are 3.5 - 4.0 players.

    Shoot me an email if interested?
  • David

    hey there - have a regular doubles game of good players weekend early afternoon or if you just want to hit sometime with fellow tri-stater (freshchester) hit me up-
  • gordon

    hello my name is gordon would you like to play some time
  • Gary

    Hi Calley, I live/work in Sherman Oaks and am looking to play for fun, exercise and perhaps a little competition. I'm available to play weekday/weekend evenings. I'm a decent, competitive player.
  • Anant Tamirisa

    you want to hit? live in weho but work in santa monica so pretty flexible.
  • OneLuv (JC for short)

    I'll be in the area on business this week into next week. Let me know if you are available to play. My work is real flexible and I can pretty much schedule tennis around it. Email me it's probably the best way to schedule some court time.
  • Paul Ferguson

    i am on the westside... let me know if you'd like to hit sometime!

  • Derek

    Hi Calley! I need to test my skills as a player, and your good enough to prob. whoop my ass, but you never know. I can pick up quick and could use some pointers im sure. Im available anytime so call me at:(805)368-9184. I can meet you anywhere you like to play or you can play in my town 24hours a day at my courts.
  • Rob

    I used to play in high school. Stopped for a while, but it's coming back to me pretty fast. I've got a good first serve, and a killer backhand. Would be fun to hit sometime. Hit me up.
  • t/pain

    It has been some time, dropping in to say hello. Are you well?
  • Derek

    Hey Calley! What time do you like to play? I know it's been hot as F**K so maybe if your into it, there's a place i go that's open 24 hours and has a 2 courts,pool,hot tub,steam room,and nobody ever is there at night. Call me, and maybe we could meet for a few sets. Or we could meet anywhere that sounds cool. (805)368-9184
  • Scott

    We live close by, lets play. Email me at if you want to hit.
  • JMac

    Hey Calley,

    Wanna play sometime? I'm in Sherman Oaks.
  • BW

    Hi. I'm new to this. I guess I'm #102 to the LA group...
  • Greg

    you seem like you're a similar standard. Let's hit up. I'm in Hollywood.
  • JeremyM

    U have quite an on-court personality. I haven't seen many pusher/serve-n-volleyers but if ur atleast a 4.0, i'd be down for a hit
  • Marcus Dumouchel

    Hello Cally, I'm a strong , fast top-spinner 4.5-5.0
    Always looking to hit...
  • AJ

    hey....AM in Sherman oaks....if you're up to a daily/weekly tennis games......after 6 pm......let me know.....
  • Derek

    Are you still looking for a match? Lets smack the ball around sometime! (805)368-9184
  • Timmy "Z" Zickuhr

    Your probably not that good if your from Connecticut. If you think your good hit me up sister. I was a SoCal junior ranked player and remember kicking the tight borg shorts off of dudes from Darien in national play. Ha!
  • alexis

    hey calley... i am looking to hit a couple of times a weekl... i live in hollywood but i work in north hollywood so we can meet anywhere near by... i am free everyday late afternoon... i don't know my skill level but i can hit it over the net... i hope we play soon... have a great day
  • Daniel Better

    wow, you sure do a lot of stuff on the court! well if you are in the West L.A. area and want to hit sometime then hit me up.
  • alberto juarbe

    I new to the area myself, looking to hit and hit hard . I am a solid 4.0 maybe bit better, would be down to hit sometime. sounds like you got game.
  • Maxim

    Hey Calley. I am looking for a tennis partner around Hollywood area. I can play any time.
  • Lenny

    Calley, dude, why are (nearly) all your friends guys? Is that a good sign or a bad sign? And are you really NTRP 4.5?

    Have you tried the Griffith Park Vermont Canyon courts since you've been out here? Nicest in L.A., but shhhhh! Don't tell anyone....
  • jacob

    would you like to play tennis call me at 323 9859007