Mark / The Mayor


Albuquerque, NM

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Casual Player, Tournament or League Player, Tennis Media
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Albuquerque, NM
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
Hi. I'm the Community Manager, aka The Mayor of Tennisopolis. Welcome to the site! Tell your friends about us. Use the "invite" tab at the top.

Oh, about me? I'm a website developer as well as a tennis player and huge fan of the pros. I just got moved up to a 4.5 rating - success at last!

I love to follow the pro game. I get fully obsessed during the Grand Slam events to the point where I want to lock the door and just sit around watching in my jammies.

Please invite your friends to join.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
McEnroe, hands down. Agassi is second. Oh, you wanna know current faves? I like rooting for Murray, Azarenka, Radwanska, Coco. Other retired faves are Santoro and Spadea. Weird group I know, but hey. I love Federer and Nadal too, how can you not?
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 4.5
On the court, I am a:
rightie, watcher, poacher, doubles partner, singles player, returner, two-hander, top-spinner, all courter, gracious winner, gracious loser, tournament goer
My favorite local courts:
Tennis Club of Albuquerque
Lobo Club
Wellesley (now that they are fixed up)
Jerry Cline
Relationship status:
Favorite website:

Comment Wall:

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  • Meags

    Yes the k blade 98 (tsonga raacket) a great racket!
  • Meags

    yeah 2009 very busy with shows in London, Denmark, Liverpool, London again, Cambridge and Belgium. Ive just been shortlisted for an award too so busy times. All that with teaching two days a week and doing a Masters course at Uni. So trying to find time in studio is gonna be hard but it needs to be done. Oh and time for tennis 3 times a week!
  • Justin

    I noticed the member emails are no longer displayed in the group admin area. Is there anyway to view them again?
  • joel

    Hello Mark!

    Stopping by to wish you Happy Holidays!!
    I've been MIA and all this holiday spirit - I can already feel is such a energize! Time to get back out on the courts and site! You have a awesome Holiday and NEW YEARS! =)
  • Paul Loscavio

    Mr. Mayor:

    Thank you for the welcome. I am with a new racquet sports 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization called matchPoint International ( I would like to speak with you about how MatchPoint might be able to work with Tennisopolis in some way.

    Our organization presently works with four racquet sports: tennis, beach tennis, short-court beach tennis (a gender equity sport), and paddle tennis.

    We work with after-school programs, camps, park & recreation departments, at-risk communities, tournaments, demonstrations, and clinics.

    I am in the San Francisco Bay Area though our organization is headquartered in San Diego. Please let me know if you would like to talk by phone or by Skype.

    Thank you,

    Paul "Panda" Loscavio
    Director of Worldwide Development
    MatchPoint International
  • Karen in CA

    Mr. Mayor: Thanks for all of your hard work. This is a great site! One question: how do I consolidate my messages so I only get one message a day?!?
  • Paul Loscavio

    Great idea Mr. Mayor -- I just set up the beach tennis group and invited a dozen or so friends -- I expect to invite several more people soon.

    Panda out
  • David Patterson

    You are correct, this is not my birthday but the year is correct. I trust no one with my actual DOB. Have a happy new year & I'm sure tennisopolis will continue to succeed in the new year. I know I have personally mentioned you guys across the online tennis world many times in my daily online travels.
  • J. Calderon

  • Deidre

    Thanks for the B-day wishes! No, I missed Federer's recent loss. Yes, it is time for the AUSSIE OPEN!!! Can't wait. Who'll be our women's super star this year? What about for the fellas?
  • Jazz Burks

    Hey Mr. Mayor,
    They did it again! The picture with my son is gone. Is this a ning thing? Its super weird.
  • Arlene Higginson

    I sent a msg earlier about my Sports Art. I'd be happy to donate Art/Graphics for ad space....let me know what you think...Thanks Arlene Higginson
  • Teress

    Why thank you! Such a special bday greeting from you! :) I will drink my gallon of water responsibly! lol :) cheers! T
  • Rafael

    Oh yah, Nestor rules... He and Zimonjic gave the Bry Bros a run for their money in Shanghai, what killer match! see ya Mayor, raf
  • tennis baller

    will do!
  • Thomas Meyer

    I hope it's just a saying in her country, like hey dude in this country. I have my hands full with one five year old boy.
  • Thomas Meyer

    Apparently you know more than me, it is a boy
  • Shawn

    Thx. I had just done some hang gliding in Rio for fun. I'm always looking for that next great adventure.
  • Thomas Meyer

    ohene write me the following:
    dad means father in my country. it is a way of showing respect for the elder men here. i respect you and that is why i always call you dad
  • KATY

    I would love to help but haven’t kept up on that circuit!!
    I just want to play again mainly for the exercise and fun.
  • leela

    how can i chat on site? buried, you said, so how do i dig it out
  • Shannon

    Thanks :)
  • David Patterson

    I'm glad I could organize The PanHandle Florida group. I knew their were more players in this area, they just needed a place to find each other that was casual. If we can keep this 60 degree weather we will be doing something in February.

    We actually got a Floridian who is ranked in the state now. Can't wait to play him, I'm sure he'll beat me...

    Keep up the good work on this site. You are definitely filling a need out here in the tennis community.

    Tennis Plaza consultant
  • FrozenYog

    thanks for adding and creating the network,
    i sure this site will grow like a snow ball,
    and be eaten by the Google monster for 5 billion tennis balls
    i am right?
  • Go Gasquet

    thanks for the add.... WOW what a match with Gonzo last night,
    so empty here today after that match, but so proud of the way Richie fought & the way he played.....
  • Wandie

    yep, it's siouxsie sioux :)
  • NHD00

    This is a great site Mr. Mayor. I looking forward to finding folks in the area who enjoy hitting some ball after work/weekends.
  • William

    Great site! Can't wait to find some tennis partners.

    How do I view a comment? Comment:246680
  • Go Gasquet

    Thanks.... Have a great collection of pics.... So will go through & make some albums... will spread the word around on MTF & Tennis Forum
  • don

    Thanks for the great advice. I will work on it.
  • Don

    Ya I remember you making the comment. The problem is that most of the people are from the city and I am not so the chances of us hooking up aren't good from the get go. No biggy though, I play a ton already.
  • bryan

    Well its going good so far. Went to the first wsop events in tunica but didnt do well in the tournaments but made up for it in the cash games. Just trying to have some fun and make some money.
  • tennis baller

    Thanks! Yeah I really like the outfit. I was so tired of the sleeveless so this is all good to me!!
  • NHD00

    Having technical difficulties..what am I suppose to do to set the pictures as my profile?
  • Kim

    No, tennismobster is not my blog but its one of the ones I follow and its how I got here. My blog is where I blog about ordinary and fun tennis - mainly ladies doubles.
  • Skeet

    Mark, yeah I moved back to OK. guess I need to start a local group up here. Can't believe there aren't any yet for Tulsa or Ok City.
  • Hollyburntennis

    Thank you Mark, what a great site!
  • Ilan

    thanks for the bday wishes! have a great day....
  • Kin

    Hey Mark, it's not my website just a friend's website i'm trying to help promote. I really like how the website is on tennisopolis
  • Contessa ChiChi

    Thank you so much for a kind welcome, Mark, and all the great info you provided me. I can see I have my work laid out for me, and I'm happy to dig right in now. Take care and wishing you a perfect day!
  • Sandia Racquet Services

    Great Site. Thanks for creating it! We look forward to sharing and having fun here.
  • GBA Tennis

    Thanks for your comments Mark...

    Great job on the site!!
    lovin Tennisopolis..
  • Larry

    just opened a Group listing as you suggested (thanks). How do I go about having tennis groups in my area check it out; or how can I submit to them for review? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated

  • Juan

    True that! Thnx for the tip, will be taking it off asap. ! !
  • M/M

    Hey Mark, I just published an article on for the USPTA called Hands Together. If you are a member take a look, if not I can get the article for your viewing. Let me know if you are interested, I am asking because I would like to advertise on your site.
    Thanks David
  • Dean Wright

    Thank you, When I was young I thought Mac walked on water, I even had hair like his, believe it or not.

    Hey Mark,

    This is writing and I would like more info about advertising on this site. Please email me about it. Thanks!!
  • ThePoet


    Is it possible to get a spell check and some smilies on the forum?
  • SATennisguy does not allow me to delete comments on the group page...this is so I can clean up the old ones