Scott Bellisle

56, Male

Kaneohe, HI 96744

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Casual Player
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Kaneohe, HI 96744
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
My name is Scott and I am 40 going on 32. I play tennis about 5-7 times a week. Of course I am not as good when I was 20, but can play a fairly decent game. Life has been very enjoyable and am enjoying the ride so far.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
Being left-handed of course I love Nadal
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 4.0, NTRP 4.5
On the court, I am a:
lefty, doubles partner, singles player, gracious winner, gracious loser
Relationship status:
Favorite website:
http://tennisopolis of course

Comment Wall:

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  • Catherine

    4-6 hours of tennis! That is a very long session of tennis! Who do you play with? It's so good to have so much time on your hands.. You can play tennis as long as you like =D
    Due to my schedules in school, I can only afford at most 3 hours to play tennis..

    Having to quit tennis due to injuries is such a sad thing.. So it is always important to take note of the phrase, "Prevention is better than Cure"! Do take rests when you are tired and take care of yourself =D

    Also, why are you surrounded by nurses? You many many friends who are nurses too? =)

    Bye Scotty!
  • Scott Bellisle

    Ni Hao Catherine,

    Nice to hear from you again. Yes, I played a lot more than 4-6 hours of tennis today. I started at 9 am and finished a 5 pm. I am so very tired and can't wait to go to bed already. Yes I love having a very flexible schedule to do what I want.
    Prevention was impossible due to it was a over use injury. All the years of competitive volleyball shredded my shoulder. So if I want to really play like I use to wihtout pain, I have to have it fixed. As for nurses in my life. People who I have worked for are nurses, my last 2 room mates are nurses and now I am thinking of moving to another house and one of the room mates is a nurse. Nurses everywhere, it seems like everyone is a nurse, now even you a nurse. Congrats on your part becoming a nurse. It takes a very special person to want to help poeple in life. I use to work on an ambulance for a couple of years and I did enjoy it a lot. Anyhow little sweetie, I am going to bed already. It is tough getting old, haha.

    Wan on,

    Scotty B.
  • Catherine

    Is it really tough getting old? You seem so energetic! Indeed nurses are everywhere in the world. But only a few really enjoy the nursing career.. Me for example, don't really enjoy nursing. Somehow I regret taking it up, and I always wonder if I really made the right choice.

    But I always tell myself to trust in God, that everything is in His hands and He has planned everything out for me.

    I also do regret that I started tennis so late! Plus the fact that I have to work for 3 whole years after my graduation from school, I really dread it! When am I going to have enough solid time for tennis?? I cannot wait to start tennis full time! I want to really focus on tennis full time, and join tournaments.. But well that's my dream. I have no idea if I can make it though.
  • Diana

    Hi Scotty, Thanks for your compliments. I wish you were here so I will have more friends to play tennis with.
  • Catherine

    I managed to put about 3 hours into tennis today at school. Hit a few rallies with my new friend, who attends the same lectures with me, but she is not from my class. I really need more practice on my strokes. I spent too much time on practicing my serves, and somehow serves are "over-weighing" my strokes. Kinda not consistent.
  • Scott Bellisle

    Hey cutie,
    I hope you had a nice day today. You like to practice your serve that is a good thing. Having a great seve is very important. When I was younger, my serve was so fast it was unreal and being a left hander made it even more difficult to handle. But, of course you have to practice all aspects of your game. Today Dan and I practiced for a little while just on our net volleying and it definitely helped. I do look on a lot. If you can get just one tip that day you check it out, that is great. Playing sets is good, but practice is what makes you a better player. So I just found out today about your country. I didn't know your country has had England involved in it. So that is how your english is so good.
    Never the less I am glad that your english is good, it definitely helps you communiate with others. Ok Catherine have a nice day and chat real soon.

    Wan on,

    Scotty B.
  • Catherine

    Hey! I didn't know you are a left-hander.. Just like Rafael Nadal.. Cool! And yes, I do also pick up some tennis tips from youtube too.. Quite some time ago I downloaded some tennis training videos into my iPod from Fantastic videos.. Some of it teaches the double handed backhand, single handed backhand, serves, forehand & backhand volley, baseline rallies, etc! Good videos, that guided me along my tennis training sessions.

    Singapore's main language is the English language, and I study it as my main language back in my younger school days. We have mainly 4 different races namely, the Chinese (I'm a Chinese), Malays, Indians and Eurasians. Each of these 4 races has their own language, but the main language in SIngapore is still English. To be a nurse in Singapore, we must know our English language well! =D
  • Chau

    Hi Scott,

    Thx for the comment. In a nutshell, I tried playing way back when, but I never practiced that much, and so never built up strength in my wrists to be good. I'd like to pick it up again, but hard. I have friends that play, and that motivates me to want to play. But alas, I'm still content with watching. And my shoulders - ppl always comment to me that I must be a swimmer bc of them, but no, hahaha, I was born w them. I do work out, though, to stay in shape. As we age, that is a must. Doesn't the pic make me look tough, though? lol. I had just gotten my hair cut, and I took a picture to send to my sis. It was the one pic I had at work to post on my page here.
  • Scott Bellisle

    Hey Chau, yes you look tough. I might look tougher if I had your shoulders. It is funny how you are born wiht certain muscles that didn't take any work to look so awesome and others you can't get even if you work at them every day. I do think short hair only looks good on certain women and yest it looks good on you. I would agree you have the upperbody of a swimmer. Haven't seen the lower half so can't comment on that, haha. As we get older it is definitely harder to keep our muscles we worked so hard for while we wre younger.
    So when is your friend coming here the first week of June was it??? Maybe you should come here with him. Ok have to run. Have a good one and talk to you soon.

    Chau for now, haha

    Scotty B.
  • Scott Bellisle

    Hye Catherine,
    Yes I have been a lefty my whole life and so is dan by the way. As for Rafael Nadal, he is not a natural born lefty, he was born a righty, but plays lefty. That is unbelievable for someone to play at his level and not even his real hand to start off with. I do believe that lefty's do have an advantage in sports. I don't get it people play against us every day for years and years and still never get use to our serves. As for youtube, yes it really is great. I use it for a lot fo things. Excercises for my bad rotator cuff I find some good things to do. I will check out thanks. Well there young lady I hope you have a nice one and chat real soon.

    Bye bye Catherine,

    Scotty B.
  • Catherine

    Hello, yeah, I know about Nadal being a right-hander actually! Which makes it even more amazing for him, as a born right-hander to play as a left-hander! I always thought, what is his reason for doing so??

    Are left handed players stronger in their strokes? Why is it so?

    Have a nice day!

    Bye! =)
  • Nate Massimo

    Hi Scott, let me know if you would like to play on the week of June 16, as I will be in honolulu. Tks.
  • kimo

    sounds good, bro. i'm down for a game. when do you guys usually play? i'm usually available around the weekends and some days/nights. let me know and let's get game together.
  • Chelsea

    Hi Scott! I play as much as possible. Fortunately, I just got my USTA appeal back, so hopefully I will be playing on a team soon(fingers crossed!). I havent ever played at alamoana..we usually just play at the courts on Pearl Harbor. I AM willing to come to kanoehe and play!!! I am free on Sat. evening and Sunday all day!! Let me know
  • Catherine

    Hey Scott! How are u doing? =D
  • kimo

    yes, i have played doubles. not a lot but i can play. what times do you usually play? this weekend's a bit busy for me but i'm itching to play soon. aloha!
  • tommy

    haha! how you can recognize me?
    Are you the guy who is dating the young Chinese lady?
    my email :
    when do you guys play, let me know
    my phone no. 256-5061
    good to see you,
  • Chelsea

    Well..I just got done with my USTA match earlier..but unfortunately I work tonight at 5, and tomorrow at 330. The only free day I have thus far is Tuesday. Let me know if your interested in hitting then!! I would definately love to!
  • Catherine

    hey, u have been really busy with work yeah? What is your job?
  • Catherine

    School has been really busy for me. I still try to make time for tennis, now I'm playing at least thrice a week.. I try to play more each week, and I am enlarging my tennis social network, getting friends from school as well as outside to play together. I am also resting at least a day each week.

    I am seeing more consistency in my second serves, and still training on the power & control of my first serves. As for my groundstrokes, I am trying to put more topspin into my forehand..
  • Scott Bellisle

    Hey Catherine,

    How are things going? Things are fine over here. I know it is hard trying to find time when you have school to cope with. It is good that you are finding more poeple to play with. I am glad to hear about your second serves. Service part of your game is very important. Too bad you aren't here... Keep practicing and one day you might just become a great player. One day at a time.

    Caio sweetie,

    Scotty B.
  • Catherine

    Yes! That is the day I am waiting & striving for! I want to be a great player =D


    However I do not get much support from my family. Recently I have been home late because I play at night.. My parents scold me for being home late.. But the thing is I am not out late socialising, but playing tennis! PLaying the sport I love.. They just don't understand.
  • Catherine

    Indeed.. I know as long as I know what I am doing, as long as I know tennis is the sport I love, everything will then fall in place. I should live doing what I like (of course not at the expense of hurting others), and not doing what others want me to do..

    Thanks so much for your understanding!

    By the way, that is a great picture of you=D I finally can see how you look like, and you look good! You don't look 40 at all! You certainly look younger than 40. Oh yes, the scenery looks awesome too! Must be very windy there!

    Actually I have got this burning question.. How do you pronounce your last name? Bellisle? I have tried figuring it out, but I really do not know how to pronounce it =D
  • Catherine

    Interesting name!

    Yes! I seem to have the same situation as you.. I will also always try to change the way I hit, something different, to be more consistent. Really, tennis is all about perseverance. One can never improve without constant practice.

    Recently I played in a mixed doubles match, and it is my first time playing in a mixed doubles match. Apart from come practice games that I play, I never played any actual match. I was actually a stand-in for another lady.. My partner and I lost the match terribly.. And I felt I played VERY badly. Seems like I don't have the confidence to hit the shots like I do during my practice sessions. When I am playing the match, I get so nervous, my feet get stuck to the ground, my reactions were so slow, my volleys were so weak and I could not even do proper forehands!! I'm so afraid. It is like a nightmare. Whatever happened to all my solid forehand shots and volleys?? I just cannot perform under the stress of a match.. What should I do??
  • Catherine

    Yes.. Really tennis is all in the mind.. Apart from physical skills & techniques, a lot of it comes from how one thinks and prepares himself or herself.. I must not let failure overcome me, instead i should be more adamant, telling myself to continue doing better.. Each failure will bring me closer to the success I want.. It is through failures that we learn to survive, isn't it??

    I have really understood much better from your last post!

    Thanks so much =)
  • Catherine

    Don't worry, your hard work will pay off! Just be consistent in training your rotator cuff muscles.. I believe you can make it! But of course, do have ample rest when you can, so as not to over-work yourself..

    I am happy for you that you have got more topspin in your shots! Which definitely means more depth and kick in it! For me I am still working on it.. I seriously lack a lot of consistency.. Sometimes I play well, sometimes I don't.. I gotta practice more..
  • Scott Bellisle

    Hey Catherine,

    I do believe in persistancy. I have always been very persistant in life and usually get what I want. Last night I went to the tennis courts about 9 p.m. for about 30 minutes and just practiced my form. Actually serving and playing out points without a ball. Just going through the movements and finishing the point. It felt pretty good and I will continue to do that for a while and see what happens. I just wish I could get my friends to practice instead of playing sets all the time. I would rather just practice every single day until I am tournament ready and then play in tournaments. We will see what happens in the future. I will try to build up a little shoulder strength and see if that helps my rotator cuff. I will give it about 3-4 months of rigorous work outs to many muscles in my body. I will be like 25 again. I had an awesome body when I was 25, I do miss it. But I really don't think I am not far off. Ok you have a nice day and always a pleasure hearing from you. It probably would be easier for us to repsond using our regular email addresses. Mine is I can send you some omore pics too. Send me some pics if you get around to it.

    Bye for now,

    Scotty B.
  • Catherine

    Wow, you really are persistent! It is going to be hard for you not to improve with your persistence and love for tennis..

    Currently I am still having problems playing a real game.. I still feel I cannot play my best.. I have played tennis every day this week.. Now I am all red in the face due to the hot sun here in Singapore! Tomorrow I am also going to play with my coach.. Well today the friend I was playing with suggested to play a tie-break. I was reluctant, knowing that I am still not prepared to play a game. I still have yet to overcome my fear for a tennis game..

    My email address is:

    Yes, it will be much more easier to send each other mails and pictures through our emails!! I am looking forward to the pictures you are going to send me! =D
  • Makisha Lester

    I just read your message from a while back and I am flattered and giggled the whole way through. Thanks for the compliments and nice meeting you. Take care. lol

  • Crys

    Well I am due for a vacation! :)
  • Mark / The Mayor

    The US Open is already here, so NOW is the time to come make your picks in the US Open Bracket Challenge sponsored by Avery Tennis.

    Little known facts:
    1. It's free.
    2. It's fun.
    3. The Grand Prize is a new Avery M3 Control racquet.
    4. Do I need any more reasons?
    5. It's more fun to follow the tourney when you have points at stake.
    6. Bragging rights.
    7. OK, I'm all out...

    Come fill in your bracket, more info here.
  • Crys

    Hey Scott how is it going? All is well here over in beautiful Florida. Just getting ready to go to the US Open. This year I will be attending the Quarters and the Final MAJOR EXCITEMENT!!!
    How is it in HI? Gotta get there one day, although I am a little worried about those volcanoes. Well take care til next time!

  • Lou Lom

    Hi Scott,
    What time and days do you play? Where in Kaneohe do you play? We live in Kailua.
    My husband plays Sr. and Super Sr. 7.0. He's a strong 3.5 and would like to play maybe 1-2x a week more. He plays weekends at Punahou. I'm a 3.5, are there women who play too? I wouldn't mind playing with women if it's early morning or eve when it's cooler, I have to be out of the sun (bad for increasing my ana's which kill off my platelets). We are also gracious winners and losers, more fun that way.
  • Kat

    Scott! Something tells me you may wanna play something more than tennis on this site. Thank you for the compliment sweetie.
  • Kat

    You are quite flattering but I am not in search for love on this website. Just really want to play tennis. Your quite a stud and I think you will do well finding the brown sugar of your dreams.
  • Scott Bellisle

    Hello Yotaro,

    I do thank you for coming to play at our place. As you see from my game I am a half decent player. I am trying to get ready for the night doubles tournament next year. I do feel that we need more 4.0 and 4.5 players to join our group. Our group except for a few is slowing my porgress down and even disabling me from getting better. If I am going to get better, I am giong to need to play with people better than me. Unfortunately I do think that you are going to have to find someone for now that is about your ability. Then when you do feel that you can hit like most people in our group come join us. You are a real nice guy and very likeable and very respectful. I do wish you luck and like I said when you do get better please come join us, but for now I don't think that you can keep up with our group. Keep your head up and keep practicing. Tennis is a great game and is best shared with people with the same abilities. Again thank you for coming out and playing yesterday and good luck.


    Scotty B.
  • Billy

    Aloha Scott,

    Sounds like a plan! My schedule isn't the best but maybe we can get something together! We will be in touch! Email me at:!

    Aloha, Billy
  • Judith

    Aloha Scotty,
    Thanks for the invitation but I'm not that good.I think I'm between 2-2.5 level.I haven't played much lately but mostly we play at CORP.Maybe when I'm really really good at it,I'll play with you.Thanks again.Have a Blessed night.
    Judith :-)
  • Lou Lom

    Hi Scott, what time do you play in the evenings?
    ie. Tues, eves?
  • Lou Lom

    Ron is going to play Ala Moana Wed. at 2:30pm-5 or 6pm, oceanside, us. plays with the 3.5/4.0 guys from Punahou Tennis Club.
    and Fri. 6:30am to 9am at Diamond Head w/ a different, older gang. Want to come?
  • Lou Lom

    yes, I understand, esp. with the price of gas these days. the governor should do something about it! Hawaii prices goes up the fastest and comes down the slowest---bad for gas prices...
  • tommy

    sorry brother, I m busy working now, mon~sat, in the acupuncture clinic, being a clinic supervisor.
  • yumei

    thanks Scott, for writing to me and, i do like to watch you guys play for a bit, that will encourage me and give me some idea how to do so, like i told you that i have no one teach me.i just hit the balls on the wall, for fun, i guess.
    i only hiked few easy trails here in hawaii. see you on Sat.
  • yumei

    hey Scott, i stopped by this morning before noon, but no one was playing in the court, too bad i didnt get to see your play, let me know if u guys play again some time soon,
  • Judith

    Thanks Scotty,,,,how about you? How've you been? So you were at CORP with your friend? I like to play in that court.Me and my friends play during the evening..around 7'ish on weekdays.You're welcome to play with us if you want.But as of this month I'm out of back next year.I'll let you know.You have a Blessed day.Take care.
    Judith :-)
  • Judith

    Aloha Scotty....I won't be back till the 28th of dec.Maybe on the 29th we will play.I'll let you know.So you're moving to the mainland? I'm sure you can find some tennis buddies there.You have a wonderful Blessed Christmas too.Take care.
    Judith :-)
  • Mark / The Mayor

    We're running a fun Aussie 09 Bracket Challenge for tennis fans. Make your predictions and follow along. This is the link. Please share this link with any of your friends on Tennisopolis and beyond.

  • stephen swartzendruber

    you hate to loose- tennis in waianae anyone ? ss
  • stephen swartzendruber

    you hate to loose--- ss
  • stephen swartzendruber

    Hi Scott- was going to play today in Kaneohe - but the traffic was backed up- did have a good session last week though- how is life in conn ? Do you miss the coconut heads ? You must be in cultural shock there. Have been watching the australian open- it's unreal - hope all is well steve s