
Profile Information:

Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Palm Desert
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
43 year old 4.0 player.
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 4.0
On the court, I am a:
doubles partner, singles player
Relationship status:

Comment Wall:

  • SocalTennisguy

    Hi Babette .... Are there lot's of Tennis players in Palm Desert? I'm desperate to get back to Southern California to play tennis but am torn between a tennis trip out and a couple of days at Saddlewood.
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi! It's great to have you here! This is my *new* generic welcome message that, fortunately, is required due to the enormous growth. We're growing by 100 new members a day, and I just couldn't keep up. But that's a good thing. ;-)

    Invite your friends too. We’re trying to reach 20,000 members by Wimbledon. :-)
    If you need any help, let me know.

    You just joined a super fun and infectious "community-based" tennis social network which connects tennis players, fans, coaches, and you.

    To get started, please upload a photo or avatar for yourself (if you haven’t already.) Whether it's of you, your dog, or your racquet it doesn't matter, but it helps people remember you. You can also personalize Your Page with pictures, links, RSS feeds, colors and more here.

    If you are looking to meet people for tennis matches, Look through the Groups or create a Group of your own and invite your tennis contacts. It's a good place to keep in touch with everyone in your circle.

    Here’s a primer on how to meet other players.

    The Forum is really the hub of the online community. Other places to explore: post youtube videos, add your own photos, write your own blog.

    …and just hang out and meet great people.

    Welcome aboard,
  • SocalTennisguy

    Saddlebrook, sorry ... it's outside of tampa ... they have 3 day adult camps, intensive, 5hrs/day and then "free play" in the evenings. How much tennis would you like to play? If I came out for a visit I'd love to hit for 2-3 hrs a day ... rally, points, sets, but mostly drill.
  • SocalTennisguy

    I think this site is great, but sometimes I wish there was a tennis dating website. I have vowed not to marry again until I can find a tennis playing girlfriend at which point I'll propose faster than you can say 40-love!
  • SocalTennisguy

    Well, I am a Software Developer for a large Philadelphia based telecommunications company. I lived in Southern California with my ex-(gf, not wife), from 2001 thru 2005 and only relocated back east because of my fathers health. I'm hoping to move back west sometime this year or next. Whatever the case, I sincerely hope that my final destination is one where tennis is king ... or at least queen :-) ....

    Hahahaha, to be sure, you are an attractive woman ... and it wouldn't suprise me one iota to find that we have more than tennis in common, but that isnt why I joined this particular site. I'd actually thought about writing a site like this a couple of years ago, but then work got in the way. I came here hoping to find steady hitting partners ... the kind that love the game and don't flake out because they want to hit the bars instead of getting out on the court (did that sound judgemental?). I've also been trying to decide on a tennis destination and Palm Springs seemed like a good place to look ... and voila, there you were :-)
  • SocalTennisguy

    Clearly there is a great deal of truth to what you've said here. I suppose it's easier for me to give guys the benefit of the doubt because I don't know what it is like to be a woman being pursued. On the other hand, I know my intentions are honorable so I'm reluctant to make assumptions about what the others might be after. Could be superficial I suppose. I know in my case, I love the game so much and intend to play it for the rest of my life, God willing. My last girlfriend was a marathoner but she didn't play tennis. While we kept active and often did things together, it's not quite the same. I want to be able to hit with my significant other whenever the opportunity presents itself ... maybe even play mixed-doubles events from time to time ... hit with other couples. The most important thing is that we do these things together. This is what I meant by the holy grail. "Hot chicks" come and go but someone who shares my love of the sport will likely win my heart everytime :-) .... And I wouldn't worry about the bio and the pic (I happen to think you're quite attractive). How much can we really know about a person's heart, mind, soul from reading a profile? And yes, I'm thinking Palm Springs, Vegs (LV Hilton has pretty good courts and pros on site ... also there appear to be a few good players there), and then there's still Saddlebrook. To be perfectly honest with you though, now that we've exchanged a few emails I think it'd be great to meet you and play some tennis. I have a feeling you and I would end up friends.
  • Jay

    Hi Babette! I'm definitely game for some hitting and maybe match play. I usually play at Mission Hills CC and Palm Desert Civic Center. Let me know when you are available to play and let's get to the courts!

  • Babette

    Hi Darryl - I like reading your notes! You have a nice writing style which is important. Glad to hear you may chose Palm Springs as it would be nice to meet. I used to travel quite frequently to Las Vegas for work and have stayed at the Hilton many times. As far as the rooms and location go, its not my favorite place. I think thye may be updating the rooms but its hit or miss and to whether you will get a nice new room or a 70s version of the Hilton! They do have a nice bar there though that makes great margaritas. So you are from CA! I am actually from Boston originally and have been making my way west over the years and am now her ein the desert. I have a home in LA with my ex (also not husband) and we had a vacation home out here. When we split up in August I moved to our home out here. With the real estate market the way it is selling either place is not in the cards for probably another year so we are trying to make it work splitting payments on both homes. Its worked out well so far. I am lucky enough that I have a job where I work from home mostly with travel thrown in at least every other week. I work for Wells Fargo Bank and I manage a marketing department for a group that does credit card processing for merchants. To be honest, I used to be an avid tennis player - I lived in Scottsdale AZ and played about 4 times/week. I played in USTA plus lots of tournaments. At that time I was a 4.5 player and won quite a few tournaments. About 5 years ago I pretty much stopped playing tennis because I was traveling so much for work and couldn't find a group to play with that I was into, plus I had a bad back. When I moved out here to the desert and became single again, I wanted to pick it up because I thought it would be a great way to meet people. I joined a tennis club but was disappointed because most players were about a 3.5 skill plus 30 years my senior! (That's the desert for you!) I wasn't finding the competition that I craved so once again I've sort of put the tennis on hold. I joined this site because I do want to start playing regularly again, but its hard to find the right place to do it. There is a club here called the Tennis Garden - its where the Pac Life tournament is played every March - and I hear there are good players there so Im thinking of looking into joining there instead.

    Anyway, I do hope you make it out to the area as it would be fun to meet you. Your photo is very handsome as well. I'd be happy to send you some more photos - perhaps you could give me your email address so we could stop blogging on here? When are you planning your vacation for? I have this urge to do like a week at a resort somewhere and lay by the pool, play tennis, eat great food, etc. etc. WOuld be a little awkward doing that with someone you don't know though but if you have any good suggestions I'd be open! Hawaii, Mexico, etc.
  • Jay

    Hi again! Saturday sounds good. I'll try to see if we can play at Mission Hills. I am just a guest there; my friend lives there and I'm not sure if he can bring in another person. It is quite expensive to join MH at $2500 initiation and $188 monthly. Indian Wells Tennis Garden has a much better proposition. We can play at Palm Desert Civic Center or somewhere else if you prefer. The courts at PDCC are excellent and well-maintained. They are also lit until 10 PM. Let's keep in touch as Saturday comes closer so we can get the details on what time to meet and such.

    Thanks again! I look forward to playing a good match!
  • SocalTennisguy

    Hi again Babette ... my email address is ... If you can drop me a line there I'll respond straight away.
  • SocalTennisguy

    By the way, Scottsdale is a very cool place. I've visted there 3 times and each time had a blast. There is a Conference Center and Hotel there ... don't remember the name but I stayed there years ago. They had pretty good courts and I ended up hitting with the pro there everyday. I think I'll make the trip to Palm Desert. I'd really hoped that this would be the year that I attended the French Open but it's not looking good for '08
  • SATennisguy

    Hi Babette...just some info...if you add folks as friends, then you have the option to send them personal notes without everyone seeing them...give it a try...welcome to Tennisopolis...

    Alamo Aces Group Administrator
  • amy

    Hi Babette, my name is Amy would you be interested in playing singles. Amy
  • amy

    Hi Babette, I'm a 3.5. I play either at Civiic Center in Palm Desert. They have very nice courts. I also belong to IW Tennis Gardens and we can play there. I usually don't use this site very often. If your interested in playing...... please email me when your back in town at
  • Seth

    Hi Babette...would be fun to rally...let me know...Seth
  • SocalTennisguy

    Long time, no see ... Looks like I'm heading back to Southern California for good. in June :-)
  • Jay

    Hi! Were you playing doubles at Palm Desert Civic Center 3 or 4 days ago with another gal and 2 other guys? I thought I saw you but I wasn't sure. If it was you, I was with the group next to your court.
  • Nick J. Paciulli Jr.

    Hi Babette. I would love to play. I am a solid 4.0 when I play a lot. I am a natural athlete. I would like to play at the Civic Ceter? yes by C.O.D. Call me at 760-776-9108. I am a good player. Let me know. Also, I would need a ride there or by the River. (I sold my motorcycle a bit ago.) I can play during the days (mornings) or evenings. Let me know. Thanks.
  • Jay

    Yes, she was a very good player, solid at the net. :)
  • SocalTennisguy

    How's your tennis these days? I'm finally heading west for good ... arriving on or about 7/31
  • Michael Christian

    wanna play sometime?
  • SocalTennisguy

    Hi babette, drop me a line at ... I am getting on the road next Saturday on my way back to Southern Calfornia. Of course I haven't forgotten about you. Looking forward to meeting you. Could be and will hopefully be sooner rather than later. I'm going to make a stop in Denver to visit my little brother and his family, then vegas for a day or two relaxation. Got any vacation days saved up?
  • SocalTennisguy

    Hello! Well, I finally made it. In Santa Monica now and happy to be back on the west coast! Drop me a line sometime if you get a chance. Hope things are well with you!
  • Mike

    hey there, im new to tennis and am looking for a partner a few times a week, any chance you'd like to play?
  • william

    I don't know exactly how to use this site. I would like to play some tennis, i am coming to PS on the 17th I have been at a tennis camp in mexico for 2 months. My mom lives in PS I am from Vancouver but may relocate??? My mom tells me there are drop in sessions for tennis... maybe we could play and then also drop in for doubles??? As I said i really don't know the situation there but I am sure I will find out, I am William my mail is Thanks ( I would like to play with a female partly for the social aspect but I am not necessarily looking for a date, I just tend to like to play women at least part of the time)
  • SocalTennisguy

    Still playing tennis?