

Profile Information:

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Tournament/ League Player, Playing Pro
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
Former collegiate player. Had a pretty serious back injury and as a result have been sidelined from the game for a long while. Working on getting myself back into tennis shape at the moment.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
Rios, Courier, Ivanisevic, Agassi, Nalbandian, Kraijeck, Murray, Moya,Tanner, Connors, Ashe, Jmac
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
Pretty damn good., NTRP 6.0
On the court, I am a:
doubles partner, singles player, bomber, acer, two-hander, top-spinner, lobber, all courter, gracious winner, gracious loser
Relationship status:

Comment Wall:

  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi The Poet,

    It's great to have you here!

    Welcome to Tennisopolis! We are all very excited to have created this "community-based" tennis website which puts the focus on the members. We launched Tennisopolis just a week ago, so you are a charter member. :-)

    First things first, invite your tennis friends!

    To get started, personalize your profile page with your picture or an avatar here.

    You can also:
    - add your own photos
    - post your own blog entries
    - talk tennis in the forum
    - join or start a group

    …and just hang out and meet great people.

    Welcome aboard,
  • fleabitten

    Hey Poet. You're gonna love this site. I'll see you around.
  • Mark / The Mayor

  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi Poet! It's great to have you here, contributing all your knowledge. I think you need an avatar:
    There's some good ones for poets here:

  • Nanova

    Hi The, (just kiddin) Welcome to the site!

  • Mark / The Mayor

    Cool customization here!
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Wow, Poet sorry to hear about your back. Was it a tennis-related injury?
  • Mark / The Mayor

    I feel your pain, but on a much more minor level of course. I tore a ligament in my left knee on New Years Day snowboarding. I'm of of tennis until I have surgery or it heals on its own. I'm meeting with an ortho in a week. Obviously, its not as serious, but it gives me great insight into your situation - sucks.
  • Mark / The Mayor

    don't know yet. the soonest appt i could get with an ortho is on the 16th. It's starting to feel better, so I'm optimistic (overly maybe) that I will not need surgery. I have a small velcro brace and no crutches. Swelling has gone too... my dad had a more serious knee problem and he had to wait 6 weeks after surgery before he could play tennis.
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Amen. But I am going to meet with a orhto "surgeon" so if it's like scrubs, he's going to want to cut. LOL
  • Mark / The Mayor

    I wrote those guys and haven't heard back. I'm starting to think we are too late. I ws too slow to make up my mind. I know Blue wrote them too.... god that was a good idea. mad at mayself..
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Did you enter your bracket yet? Don't forget like I did last year. Did you ever find out how many players we need?
  • Walker Joe Jackson

    Hello Poet, Thanks for having me as a friend. Are you a poet?
  • Mark / The Mayor

    I went over there and read the form again - it says we need 5. So we need flea. I'll message him and nanova. if one of them does it we should have 5.
  • Skeet

    greetings Poet. working on some matches tomorrow let me know if you're up for hitting some balls.
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Great idea regarding the AO post. We could put it in the Pro Tennis or the Match Results category, probably the latter. have you noticed the main page can definitely show some spoilers. I'll workon that eventually, but fo rnow it is a fact of life.
  • Mark Lowder

    Thank you! Great to find this.
  • Mark / The Mayor

    You are still looking good in the points. bill is too - he's way up there. I picked ferrero over nalby, and somehow went down. i guess my other pics were horrible....
  • Andrew (Tampa Bay)

    By the way, the men's final will be at 3:30 am ET saturday morning, or 12:30 am for you.. on ESPN 2. I don't know why they didn't have that written in, maybe they just forgot to add that. But during the semi-final matches they tell you it will be live so ya. Good thing I was leaning to Djokovic, I knew he would probably win! Federer was just hitting too hard, the ball would come back to Djokovic almost instantly, and Djokovic was just taking his time, following through and just hitting the ball perfectly.

    Although, I only saw like 8 minutes of the match.. I stayed up until 3:28 and somehow passed out, woke up during the second set, and passed out forever.
  • Andrew (Tampa Bay)

    Actually, the match is Sunday morning, oops! lol
  • Michael Mattei

    Guess this is old news, I spent the first week in Oz at the second week of the Open. Just got back as I went all over. Very Exciting. Had front row seats directly over the player's entrance. I sent 15 or so images in. Best match was the men's final, looked like Jo-Wilfred really might do it after the dramatic first set win. Man, these guys hit hard. Tsonga has considerable clay court experience so the French should be smoking. If he faces up with Nadal there, that is going to be a barn burner. I can hardly wait.
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi Poet, I saw your post in the "chat" where you said you were bored... has the chat replaced the Forum. I'm trying to get the Forum rolling again (like it was during the AO.) Post something in there for me because I need it.
  • Andrew (Tampa Bay)

    Come on post somethingggggggg. LOL.

    What's going on man? Biege? Beige?

    Whatttttt? You're like always logged in according to your pic above the chat box, but alas, you're not! lol.
  • Andrew (Tampa Bay)

    Nice layout and top pic, by the way. Have you any poetry you would like to share? Maybe post it in the FORUM? lol..

    Otherwise send it to me however. I used to write little things myself, so it would be fun to read your's!
  • Andrew (Tampa Bay)

    Knock, knock! Ding, doooonnnnnnnngggggg!
  • Amy

    Hi Poet! I would love to read some of your poems! I write poetry too! It is one of the greatest forms of self expression!
  • Amy

    I sent you an e-mail...hope you got it!
  • Amy

    Can you send me your e-mail address? For some reason, it is not working! Glad to hear from you though!
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Cool. Some others that played:
    bill baker
    blue shirt - two words

    i already sent mine in.
    thx, M
  • Mark / The Mayor

    I took this photo at the Pacific Life Open. Here's a little decoration for you:

    My other PLO pics are on my page. I got some pretty good ones.
  • Andrew (Tampa Bay)

  • Andrew (Tampa Bay)

  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi Poet, I'm poking you. Wake up buddy!

    The US Open is already here, so NOW is the time to come make your picks in the US Open Bracket Challenge sponsored by Avery Tennis.

    Little known facts:
    1. It's free.
    2. It's fun.
    3. The Grand Prize is a new Avery M3 Control racquet.
    4. Do I need any more reasons?
    5. It's more fun to follow the tourney when you have points at stake.
    6. Bragging rights.
    7. OK, I'm all out...

    Come fill in your bracket, more info here.
  • GraphiteMachete

    Hey Poet, thanks. I am waiting for the racquet to arrive. I am surprised that I did well in the very first bracket challenge I have ever participated. Beginner's luck, I suppose.