Mark / The Mayor


Albuquerque, NM

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Casual Player, Tournament or League Player, Tennis Media
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Albuquerque, NM
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
Hi. I'm the Community Manager, aka The Mayor of Tennisopolis. Welcome to the site! Tell your friends about us. Use the "invite" tab at the top.

Oh, about me? I'm a website developer as well as a tennis player and huge fan of the pros. I just got moved up to a 4.5 rating - success at last!

I love to follow the pro game. I get fully obsessed during the Grand Slam events to the point where I want to lock the door and just sit around watching in my jammies.

Please invite your friends to join.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
McEnroe, hands down. Agassi is second. Oh, you wanna know current faves? I like rooting for Murray, Azarenka, Radwanska, Coco. Other retired faves are Santoro and Spadea. Weird group I know, but hey. I love Federer and Nadal too, how can you not?
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 4.5
On the court, I am a:
rightie, watcher, poacher, doubles partner, singles player, returner, two-hander, top-spinner, all courter, gracious winner, gracious loser, tournament goer
My favorite local courts:
Tennis Club of Albuquerque
Lobo Club
Wellesley (now that they are fixed up)
Jerry Cline
Relationship status:
Favorite website:

Comment Wall:

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  • Meags

    Hi Mark
    I see you said you're an art lover and on this page there's connections to art ie studio design and the de kooning at the bottom. What's your interest in the arts? How did you get involved in it?
  • LuvTennis

    Of course I'm looking forward to the Masters tourney. But, (sigh) the Shanghai tournament is only broadcasted on Tennis Channel and FSN (Fox Sports Network), which is not in my 'package'. I guess, there's not enough sponsors and other enticements to make ESPN renew it's broadcast rights.

    Read the story here.

    Oh well.
  • Steve Coombes

    Hi Mark,
    Thanks for putting this together! I will invite all my tennis buddies. I look forward to meeting some new players too.
  • Robin

    Hi Mark, Thanks so much for your help
  • Protrainer Tennis

    Thanks Mark,

    Sorry so late, but have been sick. I haven't sold any WinSocks online yet. I will want to run the banner again never-the-less. It will be nice to see hits from the site. I think when the season gets closer; I will start to see some action. I just have not done any real marketing outside of the banner so what can you expect?

  • Alexander

    i am fine. thank you.
  • Edagowa

    Hi Mark,

    Thanks for stopping by and making me aware of these groups, I'll check them out. Hope you're having a great weekend!

    Oh, nice page.~~Shelia
  • Rachel

    ha tell it to youre kids. DONT PLAY WITH TOO MANY KNIVES!!!!
  • Jazz Burks

    Hey Mark,
    Thanks for the feature! I'll continue to spread the word about the 'opolis!
  • Sweta

    Hey Mark,

    Thanks to sending me massage and good to know about you.
    I am an Indian recently came from India for work .
  • Alex Altman

    Mark, thanks for the note! I'm definitely not quite as comfortable on a soccer field as I am on a tennis court. But I'll generally play goalkeeper if I'm playing in an organized game -- this way I can use my hands and contribute a little more...

    I don't know if I ever mentioned it, but you sent me a Nalbandian photo a few months ago that I thought was AMAZING. Like Sports Illustrated quality. So I wanted to tell you thanks, and say wow, what a shot!
  • Sweta

    Mark, Thanks to make me aware about Indian group
  • SC

    Pretty good... getting more practice than I can handle ;-)
  • Karen

    Hi Mark
    No I am not a Tennis Parent (if I read you correctly). She just wants to play the game casually and its good for her to exercise. She took group lessons in Ireland, nothing serious, just fun but loves the game. I have played with her but I myself am useless at it. My older son gets frustrated playing with her because he is 6 years older and its not a good game for him.
  • tim

    it seem likr you are new to south florida due to the limited enrolled when i typed in my zip code. i will await patiently until there are more locals to play with.
  • Chris

    hey mark,
    haha thx!!!! i should thank u instead, this is a great website and it help all of us finding people to play and our mid-peninsula group are really getting along too. we have so much fun.
    if you ever come to the bay area, let us know. =)
  • Garrett

    Hey Mark. This site is very nice. I'm glad I found it. To answer a couple of your questions you posted on my pictures.... the player behind me is actually Roger Federer! Kind of looks like it could be Mario Ancic. And when I had my picture taken with Wawrinka, it was in the middle of the day i believe. It was at the Pacific Life Open and he was practciing on a court far from the main crown. I was the only one watching him actually lol.

    I'm glad I found this website and hope I can find local people to play with. I can't seem to post a profile/avater picture though. I use a Mac Book if that makes any difference, but i'll try to post one later.

    Talk to you later
  • tim

    thanks, when i searched through zip i got zip!!
  • Randall

    The photo is not photo shopped in any way and as such that is a real sunset.
    It was taken on Maui and required that I jump off a 6 foot high lava rock and land in deep sand. Well, I jumped, and jumped, and jumped, until we finally got the shot we wanted. My hip flexors were sore for about 4 days.
  • Randall

    Are there any players in The immediate Palm Springs area here. If so would love to play....
    Aloha, Randall.
  • Michele

    Hey Mark, sure, why not. It doesn't seem like either group has a regular play time like we did in Mid-Penn. I'm not familiar with the area here but that's okay. I'll see what I can do to get things going here. Thanks! M
  • Michele

    Hi again Mark,

    Yes, I'd like to try and get the Rocklin/Roseville group going. Set me up as an admin, then HELP me through. Should I do each group separate or maybe combine them into one? I think arranging the place and time for the first drop in organized hit I should just go ahead and do. Then I'll be open for suggestions & ideas for the next event if folks have better ideas. I know when I was with Mid-Penn once Patrick set us up with every Sat at 11am at Canada College, the routine was set and the group was great and grew every weekend. Let me know what you think. Think I can do this? I would like to make it a great group like I had in Mid-Penn. Walk me thru......thanks!!! Michele
  • stan


    When i go to the site, I am automatically logged in, I can't do what you said to do.

  • stan


    I was able to sign in now, but I don't see the link to send a message to the group.
  • Van Sias

    Hey Mark, I'm over in chat. But what's happening when I click on publish post, the page is just refreshing, without going live.
  • Michele

    Hi Mark, Can you help me? When I open up the site it still takes me to the Mid-Penn group. Since I don't live there anymore I would like my home page to be Roseville - how do I change that? Also, I'm not getting messages in my yahoo in box anymore. I have to go to Tennisopolis to check if I have messages. Sorry my unsophistication....thank you, michele
  • joel

    Awesome !! I got many features - I will start enabling them! ;)
    Have a awesome day!

  • tennis baller

    Hey Mark,

    I notices the message you left me about the Tennis Bloggers group. I don't remember getting a email notice letting me know about it. Strange. Anyway, it sounds like a good idea - have you started it already?

    i am young. i am now starting. so can you introduce me to the interested profesional tennis players who would like to help me?
  • Rick Jones

    Thanks for welcoming me to the site. Hope to find some great tennis players here
  • Cyndi

    Thanks for making this site it's great! Having people's rating on their profile (e.g. when you view members in groups) would be very helpful. Or separating by groups somehow so you can find people on your level. Forgive me if these exist & I just don't know how to use them yet!
  • Rich H

    When I click on "Add as friend", instead of showing "request sent", the cursor goes back to the top of the page and nothing is requested. What's happening?
  • Jazz Burks

    yeah I got it I sent you a reply i hope you got it
  • Halla

    Bikini Kitchen, a Cooking show that we're aiming towards the Food network.
    For the red carpet I'll be in a blue BEBE dress and blue suede 7inch heels. It's not Cannes but we'll have just as much fun.
    Dan & I will have our rackets and tennis shoes in the car ready to for our next doubles match...
  • Rachel

    he's AWESOME!!! ill love him to death and hes the bestest greatest bombest singer/person ever!!! i like him haha
  • Josh DSouza

    Thanks Mark for the warm welcome to the page..looking forward
    to making a lot of friends out here and setting up some interesting
    tennis matches to boot....

  • Fred

    Thanks for the warm Welcome! I think it's great to have a vehicle like this to connect people who have a common interest. Keep up the great work!

  • Jim

    I am glad you like it Mark -- nothing like honesty in humor.
  • Robin

    Hi ...Just had a great time at the Five Seasons Tennis Mixer in Ft. Mitchell.....It is not only but a great learning experience because I got to play with players that were sooo good...cant' wait til next time.......Thanks everyone...everyone was so nice and friendly...
  • Rachel

    OMIGOSH THATS AWESOME!! lucky! i wish i lived through the 80's!!
  • Jazz Burks

    Hey, Mr Mayor! Rember when all the networks went down Mon/Tue? Well all my pics came back except the one of my son! Have you noticed any of that going on with the other accounts?
  • Jazz Burks

    Yeah re-uploading is no problem. It might not be the maintenence downtime anyway. I don't sign out of the site when I'm at work maybe someone got on ,screwed around, and deleted that pic. Now I must be more careful considering the current situation.
  • sean

    how can you be a NTRP 4.0 and 4.5? i like that you like to play up a level, most people are scared of a challenge. i would love to hit with you sometime. i'm usually at Jerry Cline or Sierra Vista. i'm available on weekends and evenings on the weekday.
    let's arrange something.
  • Darrick Siagan

    I usually do the bandana thing, or pull it back halfway with a headband (not pinching in half like McEnroe). hats would never stay on w/out a bandana.

    By the way, have you thought about adding being able to see the date when someone was last online? It would make it easier to see who is more active, and more likely to respond.
  • mikeindo

    Tennis lately? Yes, Brooks and Juliet and I have gotten out into the driveway with the soccer goal as a tennis net. Been feeding balls to him (and tossing some to her to hit her too-big-for-her racket). He's hitting it ok-solidly! We've been out to the real courts twice. His two-handed backhand is more controlled and steady than the forehand...
  • Justin


    I noticed the member emails are no longer displayed in the group admin area. Is there anyway to view them again?
  • Peter Rossetti

    Hi Mark, great site!

    My only suggestion, ok its become a pet peeve.
    Its to have peoples NTRP listed in their profile picture before you would actually have to click on them to find out what it is. If they don't know what an NTRP is and don't post it, i would know not to investigate them further.

    I'm just finding i spend alot of time trying to find someone of a matching skill set, forgetting who i've clicked on in the past.
    Just my 2 cents and thats all it may be worth.
    have a great day, Peter
  • Andrew (Tampa Bay)

    Nifty little logo you've got there in your profile pic (scrolls up), oh wait, you just stole the "T." Pff... lol! Glad to see Ana is still on top, I was worried there for a few weeks whenever I received another email reply to the "Who belongs on top?" discussion.. hehehe
  • Brad Rowe

    interested in advertising, can it be local?
    Brad Rowe
  • Meags

    Hi Mark
    I replied to your interest in moving to a heavier racket and i thought that you should go with the wilson k 6.1 95 as it was a similar racket to your n code but with the heavier head light combo.
    Well, as you prob know ive been questioning what racket suits me best. My fischer is amazing, big swinging no power racket. I also love baseline rallies with babs pure drive roddick but stiff and volleying is harder. I just bought the wilson 6.1 (18/20 string pattern) and it arrived today, its absolutely amazing, more control than the fischer with the same power as the roddick. I am so happy ive tested a few and this is the best. Hope this may be of help in your search..............