


United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Casual Player
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
I'm new to the island and looking for people to play tennis with in the north shore or central oahu area. email me at ernst_w@hotmail.com if you'd like to play. -wendi
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 3.0
My favorite local courts:
Waialua Elementary School & CORP
Relationship status:

Comment Wall:

  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi! Welcome to the "community-based" tennis social network which connects tennis players, fans, coaches, and you.

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    To get started, please upload a photo or avatar for yourself (if you haven’t already.) Whether it's of you, your dog, or your racquet it doesn't matter, but it helps people remember you. You can also personalize Your Page with pictures, links, RSS feeds, colors and more here.

    Thanks to everyone inviting their friends, we now have over 8700 members and we're growing by 100 new members a day. Invite yours too!

    If you need any help, let me know.
  • RC

    Hey Wendi,
    I just left a message with Ian to see if he and Christina will be there tomorrow and what time will they're going to be there. Don't worry, there should be a lot of people playing tennis on Monday.
  • RC

    Hey Wendi, not sure if Ian or Christina was able to contact you, but I wouldn't want for you to drive all the way out here and they don't show up. Let me know what time you plan on being at Corp and I'll be there. And if they don't show up and you were interested in Mix Doubles then I understand if you don't show up...no worries.
  • RC

    Hey Wendi, let me know what time tomorrow...see you then.
  • RC

    Hey Wendi, that was fun...hope I made up for last time...ha.
  • wendilou26

    Yeah. I had fun. We'll have to do it again some time. I'll drop you a line when I get back in Sept.
  • Randy


    When is good for you for tennis...I work til 4 pm m-f and diveSat and Sun till 3 pm so I guess it is late afternoon or evening?
  • Randy

    Will do...my work is busy this week (not so much next week)
    my cell is 808-590-4820.
    above are pics of All our dives ever week (you asked for it)

    call me or I'll try to call you...
  • RC

    Hey Wendi, sorry for the slow response...I've been really swamp with work. I'm also sorry to hear about Christine. So sure, let's play...we'll need another pair to play doubles. When and where do you want to play?
  • wendilou26

    If you want to play doubles maybe Randy knows someone. How's Wednesday at CORP?
  • RC

    Sounds ok to me, Wednesday late afternoon or early evenings... just let me know when it's all set up. thanks Wendi.
  • wendilou26

    I haven't heard back from Randy. You just like doubles? Maybe Ian would be interested. Or singles okay? Today or tomorrow 530 is okay with me. let me know
  • RC

    Wendi, as usual it was fun. You seem to have gotten better from the last time we played. I know it was short and sweet but next time I"ll go to your neck of the woods. Dont' get mad, but after we left, I followed the bright lights before Meheula St. and sure enough there were 4 LIGHTED tennis courts next to the softball field. I wanted to call but no cell phone number...brrr...oh well, next time. Take care.
  • Randy

    Thank you for the 'all to short' tennis. Next time I will not serve to yu like that and my daughter is playing wiht her friends now and doesn't want to play with Dad....14 years old, you know.

    There are 4 brand new lighted courts in Mililani by my house for the future....just let me know.
  • RC

    hmm, if it's the weekday afternoon we'll have to start early cause I won't be able to say too long in the evenings. Let me know time and place. and I'll move things around schedule wise, if I can...
  • RC

    Hmm, a choice...ok Thurs would be good. Your neck of the woods or corp?
  • RC

    okey dokey, tennis at 5pm...remember sunsets earlier...so play time is at 5...be there or be square.
  • RC

    Ok you adenaline junkie...I don't know how you won that tie break, but kudos....it was your consistancy. Had lots of fun.
  • Randy

    Thursday Night after work works for me! Anytime after 4 pm perhaps at the Mililani Rec. center #3 = lights and new courts?

    808-590-4820 cell
  • Randy

    Did you get my comment about tonite??? I'm ready 590-4820 when?
  • Randy

    I will standing by looking forward to it...808-590-4820 cell