
34, Female


Profile Information:

Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
Tennis is the Love of my Life. I live to play it and I will play it well! I came across this fantastic quote from Michael Jordan,

"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost
300 games. 26 times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot
. . . and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my
life. And that is why I succeed.
I can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying."

This is the quote I always keep in my mind whenever I fail in different aspects of tennis. This quote keeps me going, to continue to pursue my dream sport!
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
David Nalbandian, Roger Federer, Justine Henin, Pete Sampras, Ana Ivanovic, Novak Djokovic.
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
Just started.
On the court, I am a:
singles player, two-hander, beginner, trash talker, top-spinner, double faulter, baseliner, drop-shotter, gracious loser
My favorite local courts:
I have no favourite courts currently! Most of the time the courts available here in Singapore are hard courts, but I would love to play on grass! I wonder how it feels like!
Relationship status:
In a Relationship

Comment Wall:

  • Scott Bellisle

    Ni Hao Catherine,

    I hope you and your family is safe in China... It is a shame all the people dieng. I know it must have been very scarey from the earthquake. My prayers are with everyone there. Just wanted to say hello and welcome aboard.

    Wan on,

  • Catherine

    Hello Scott..

    I'm situated in Singapore, in Southeast Asia. I'm not in China..

    My family is with me in Singapore too.
  • Catherine

    Is there anyone here who stays in Singapore? So many of the members here are from the States, and I feel so left out!
  • Scott Bellisle

    Good morning Catherine,

    I do wish this was Singapore, so we could hang out and play tennis all the time. Tennis is a big part of my life as well. Usually 5-7 times a week, but i also golf and hike often also. If yuo ever make it out this way, give me a call. I am glad that your family is safe. Which lovely lady are you in the picture??? Caio for now. Scotty B.
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi Catherine! It's great to have you here! You should start a Singapore Tennis Group and invite all your friends. This site is growing by word of mouth - so why don't you become the mouth over there! LOL

    This is our *new* generic welcome message that, fortunately, is required due to the enormous growth. We're growing by 100 new members a day, and we just couldn't keep up. But that's a good thing. ;-)

    Invite your friends too. We’re trying to reach 20,000 members by Wimbledon. :-)
    If you need any help, let me know.

    You just joined a super fun and infectious "community-based" tennis social network which connects tennis players, fans, coaches, and you.

    To get started, please upload a photo or avatar for yourself (if you haven’t already.) Whether it's of you, your dog, or your racquet it doesn't matter, but it helps people remember you. You can also personalize Your Page with pictures, links, RSS feeds, colors and more here.

    If you are looking to meet people for tennis matches, Look through the Groups or create a Group of your own and invite your tennis contacts. It's a good place to keep in touch with everyone in your circle.

    Here’s a primer on how to meet other players.

    The Forum is really the hub of the online community. Other places to explore: post youtube videos, add your own photos, write your own blog.

    …and just hang out and meet great people.

    Welcome aboard,
  • Catherine

    I'm the one on the right. The other is my second sister. It's totally cool to be able to join this tennis social network! To be able to interact with people who share the same interests! Back here in Singapore, I seldom play tennis with my friends. They are all so good in their strokes, I just started beginning of last year and I still need tons of practice!

    Instead I will practice my serves alone in school usually before my classes in the morning or after school, under the burning sun!

    What is your occupation? You sure have lots of time in your hands! Which country are you from?
  • Catherine

    Yay! I have just created a Singapore Tennis Group!! Really can't wait for many to join!! I'm so excited!! =)
  • mike

    albuquerque, nm
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Cool Group! No fill it up!
    Coincidence, but I happen to be in Albuquerque, New Mexico USA too. WE call it ABQ!
  • Catherine

    Maria Sharapova will soon be World no. 1! Nothing surprising about that.. But I'm still sad Justine Henin retired! She really played her game well.. I have also got a favourite tennis player, Ana Ivanovic. She's just awesome. I seriously think she's the best, and she is definitely better than Sharapova.. I just love her solid ground strokes, and I have told myself, I must play like her one day!
  • Scott Bellisle

    Hello cutie,

    Well a NRTP is for a rating system for which people who play in a league. If someone is a 2.0 they are a beginner, if they are a 5.0 they are real good. It is a National Tennis Rating system on your level of play.
    Anyhow, I will try to download some more pics of me. I do think I look pretty good for someone who is 40 y.o. I try to stay fit. I hike 2 times a week, golf 18 holes 1-2 times a week, shoot pool and play tennis usually 5-7 times a week. All sports are great. Sports have always been my life, it keeps me out of trouble and it keeps me fit. I think most Americans like to sit home and watch tv too much as well as eat too much and that is not good mentally or physically. Ok Catherine nice to hear from you and look forward to your response. Have anice weekend.

    Caio cutie,

    Scotty B.
  • Scott Bellisle

    Hey Catherine,

    I forgot to answer one of your questions about having a lot of time on my hands. I am a self-employed carpenter here in hawaii. I am lucky enough to just to have work about 15 hours a week to be able to survive and pay all my bills and still be able to do what I want. It really is an enjoyable life. I live by a way of life it is called K.I.S.S. It stands for Keep it simple stupid. Meaning a simple life is a happy one. To each to own, but by not having any children so far, I have had a happy life being able to do what I want whenever I want. Some people say it is selfish, but I say it is the perfect way for me. How about you??? What's going on in your life besides school?

    Talk to you soon,

    Scotty B.

    Bye bye Catherine
  • Dan

    Catherine, Here is a link to the USTA NTRP rating descriptions. It stands for National Tennis Rating Program.
  • Scott Bellisle

    Hey Catherine,

    Yes it is tough getting old, you can't do the things you use to be able to do when you were younger. I am 40 but look around 33ish, but still remember so vividly how I was when I was 18-20. I am not a mere shadow of how good I use to be. We will all get old one day. We can only live for today, yesterday has already past and wont be coming back. I live one day at a time and try to enjoy myself. Everyday we wake up it is a start of a good day.
    Nursing, yes, is a very difficult job and very stressful. But as you know it can be very rewarding also. It feels good to help people who really need your help or they just need your company. Never the less helping people is a great thing to do in life. Noone says life was going to be easy. Ok young lady I hope you get more time to practice. Have a nice day and always a pleasure hearing from you.

    Scotty B.
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Well, I'm popular on this site because I started it. :-)
    Albuquerque is in a beautiful setting - sitting at the base of a big mountain in the "high desert". There's a river that runs through town, but otherwise it is very very dry. Big blue skies 330 days a year. Great for tennis but can be a bit windy.
  • Scott Bellisle

    Hey Catherine,

    About Nadal, it rally it so incredible for him to play lety. But it really had to start from a young age. I started batting right handed when I was about 7 or 8, so I can bat left and right handed. Also I can golf left and right handed. I would like to be bale to serve right handed only on the account that my shoulder wouldn't hurt anymore. I have been trying to work on more consistancy in my game. These last couple of days I have seen an improvement in my game. I had taken off some speed and try to not kill the ball every time and it seems to be working much better. But I wont be happy with my game until I am ready fro tournament level play, which I am not and wont be for a while.
    How was your day today? Did you practice at all today? How is school going? Ok young lady. Have a good one and caht real soon.

    Bye bye Scotty B.
  • Catherine

    Exactly, really incredible of Nadal to play so well.. It is fantastic that you are improving on your game! Seeing an improvement in one's own game is the greatest joy any tennis player could ever experience. Having to persevere and consistently training until you reach the tournament level is indeed tough. But it is worth it. I also aspire to bring my game up as many levels as I can, until I am ready for a real, hard-core tournament. It is going to take me a lot of time and sweat though.. I still have a long long way..

    Yesterday I played with my friend at school for about 2 hours in the late afternoon til about 6pm, practicing our serves as well. And I played today at about 9am with the same friend at school again. Normally on Saturdays I have my own practice session with my coach in the morning, but because my coach has something on, the practice session was called off. So I called my friend down to school to hit a few rallies. I feel I am really "addicted" to tennis! Now it is a must for me to play everyday, to get the sense of satisfaction that at least I practiced and I am one step closer to perfecting my game, instead of lazing around at home like I always does in the past when I have free time..

    Take care, Scott!
  • Catherine

    Hey Scott, did you leave a comment for me on the 23rd of May? I can't seem to load it..
  • Scott Bellisle

    Ni hao Catherine,
    I hope all is well for school and tennis. I was bummed out today only playing two sets. Tomorrow is another day though. I have a couple of guys who are real good coming to play so I am real excited and wish it was tomorrow already.

    Caio Catherine,

    Scotty B.
  • Catherine

    Hello! Yeah.. You seem to be the only person I'm keeping in contact with at this website! =D

    But I'm really glad to hear updates from you, to see how you are doing. I had another great time of tennis today. Weather over here is very wet, raining on and off, non-stop. But managed to practice in school today (which rained shortly after), and then I head down for another practice session with my coach in the evening. My coach taught us the "top spin serve" today. Haven't gotten used to the stroke yet. Somehow it is a type of "safe" second service. When the is hit high, and still lands in the service box. My flat serve lately hasn't been that fantastic lately.. Seems like it's due to my shoulder problem. It hurts every time I bring the racket back up high and swing it down full force during my serve. I can't rotate the joint properly , it seems.

    I have also been running more lately, and hitting the gym. I really need to lose some fats, get active and exercise, and also train my stamina.

    Bye bye,

    hear from you soon, Scotty!
  • Scott Bellisle

    Hey cutie,

    I try to keep in touch. I had just finished playing tennis just a few minutes ago. Not a long day today, but I know the jacuzzi will feel good and then the pool. I live at a real nice condo complex.
    I use a lot of topspin on my serve. Being left handed I have a natural spin anyway. everyone has a problem
    with my serve. Yesterday I played a game the first game of the set and I had served and we had 12 dueces and then finally we won the game. But that was 29 serve sides. Talking about a bad shoulder. I have a bad rotator cuff, so I would imagine you have the same. It hurts when I swing above my head, but now it is starting to hurt until I loosen up. I do take motrin to help with inflamation. You might want to try that as well. Just take 800 milligrams of it and only about 45 minutes before you start and you will see a difference. I don't need a second serve, I have to first serves. I feel confident enough to keep it up, but that is what hurts my shoulder too. But hey I can't hit things easy I go all the way. Running is a great excercise except later in life your knees will bother you. If you could run on a treadmill that would be much better for your knees. Ok sweetie, have a good one and look forward to hearing from you.


    Scotty B.
  • Catherine

    12 dueces! I also played with a friend of mine a few days ago, around evening time. I played a game with her (normally I don't play the actual game, I only play practice rallies with my pal), and we had about 8/9 dueces.. It was so funny, because none of us seem to able able to clinch the game point! But in the end, we didn't finish the entire set.. My pal didn't want to continue, because the game was getting too draggy.. It was my first time playing tennis in the cool evening.. Much better than playing under the sun, when it drains my energy.. Playing in the evening is really fun!

    It's really good that you don't rely on second serves.. That would make your serves deadly. But for me, once my first serve is faulted, I would lose confidence in getting it in the second time.. So thats why I have to learn the top spin serve.. Somehow my second serve is slow and crooked. It curves even before it hits the ground and curves even more after it hits the ground. It is supposed to be this way?

    Regarding the motrin, I will consult my private doctor and get advices on how to deal with my bad shoulder.. Amazingly, it is only the first few times of serves that makes my shoulder hurt badly. Once I served like about 20-30 balls, it gets used to the motion of my swing and don't hurt anymore.

    Looking forward to your reply =D

    Take care Scotty!
  • Scott Bellisle

    Hey little cutie,

    How are things going? Things are good over here. Yes I have been working a lot, but now I am able to go back to working for myself. I do carpentry for work,remodel kitchens, bathrooms and all tha tkind of work. I wasn't able to play tennis during the week, only on the weekends. I didn't like that and now back to my old work schedule, which I love. How is tennis going for you? Have you been practicing lately? About your serve. Yes it is good to have curve before and after it hits the ground. Me too about after hitting about 40 balls, it loosens up and feels better, but after about 4 hours it hurts real bad and I have to quit. Next month I will go to the doctors to have my shoulder checked out and find out what is really wrong with it. On that note I am going to go to bed now, this is really late for me. It was nice to hear from you and look forward hearing from you.

    Caio for now,

    Scotty B.
  • Scott Bellisle

    Hey Catherine,

    I totally understand how you feel about tennis and want to become a great player. I also think most parents don't really know how to be good parents. causing the kids to have certain issue when they get older. As long as you like and it is hurting no one else go for it. Try to make them understand how you feel about the game and how excited you are about it and maybe in time they will feel different.

    Scotty B.
  • Scott Bellisle

    Hey Catherine,

    First let me pronounce my name in simple ways. Bellisle, Bell is pronounced like it is spelled and isle and pronounced like aisle. Like when you get married you walk don the aisle. So Bellisle it is and it mean beautiful island, ironoc to where i live on a beautiful island.
    As for tennis, I do get so frustrated with it. It seems like everyday I want to change my form and try something different to become more consistant. No matter how hard I try alwasy the same result, but I keep coming back for more everyday. I am glad to hear your second serve is doing much better. As long as you commit to it and always do it no matter how much you double fault. It doesn't matter how many times you double fault, it only matters you keep doing it until you get it and then always practice it to make it even better.

    Caio cutie, Scotty B.
  • Scott Bellisle

    Good morning Catherine,

    It is funny no matter how much you practice, it really is mostly a mental game. Not only because it drives you crazy, haha. Yes it is all about keeping the right frame of mind the whole tiem your playing. When you practice your not afraid to make a mistake. When you play your more cautous. You have to feel more confident of your game and go for it and no matter how many times yuo misss, you keep on trying to improve your actual game playing abilities. When yu play good, you feel good and the set usually goes your way. When you play bad nothing seems right. Try not to get yourself down and move on to the next point. Forget about the last point and think positive and that is all you can do. Do your best and if your best isn't good enough, well you tried your best and that is all you can do. Ok sweetie. Have a ncie day. I have a tough match today. I have never beaten this guy, but came so close last time. I was 2 points away from winning and I lost it. I wasn't too mad that I blew it, but happy that i did so well against him.

    Caio bella
  • Scott Bellisle

    Ni Hao Catherine? Wah hing hao. Ok I can't spell it.
    I played a few sets of doubles today. I really didn't want to play, but played ok and keep working on having an always changing my strokes. I had switched to a new age forehand, compared to a traditional way of hitting. The new way has so much topspin it is crazy. I am amazed how much topspin I create now. But the form is so completely different from my own, it is like starting all over again. If I can get use to it, it is a total weapon, very lethal. I had started working out with the total gym and hopefully it will help my rotator cuff. I keep my fingers crossed all the hard work I am going to do in the next 6 months will pay off in the long run. Anyhow my dear it is getting late and I need to go to bed. You take care and chat with you soon.

    Bye Catherine,

    Scotty B.
  • Lou Lom

    Hi Catherine, I'm Chinese too. I knew a Vivian Soh from the Univ. of Hawaii once, from Singapore. She married Jim Smith and had 2 sons. I know it's a needle in a haystack, but have you heard of her?
  • Lou Lom

    How long have you played tennis? When I started, I wanted and played every single day for hours to try to get better. We were fanatics. If it rained at 1 court, we drove till we found a dry one, haha. We were nuts. My ex daughter in law plays tennis, she lives in Bangkok now.
  • Lou Lom

    My 1st instructor, Bob Keaunui, said the best way to get better is to play tournaments. And he was right. You become even more inspired to improve.
  • Lou Lom

    Tennis is 30% mental. You can defeat yourself, look at Roddick and Blake...they have a lot of talent, but need a mental coach. Don't be afraid to lose, don't count the bad shots, count your good shots... the glass is half full!!
  • Lou Lom

    We don't play together much now, because he is too good. Yes, we met in the 2nd tennis tournament I entered. It was a blind draw and he was my partner. We won, so I kept him. I also won the 1st tournament I entered, it was a blind draw. I waited too long to enter tournaments, about a year after starting (but I played every day, 5 hrs a day). So I was moved up to the heavyweights soon after. I missed the fun of playing lightweights.