
San Lorenzo, CA

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Casual Player, Teaching Pro or Coach
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
San Lorenzo, CA
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
just want to play for fun, recreational tennis, don't really like people who are too competitive. =)
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
Roger & Justine
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 4.0, NTRP 4.5
On the court, I am a:
singles player, one-hander, double faulter
Relationship status:
Favorite website:

Comment Wall:

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  • Adri

    Moving was ok; I didn't sleep well though, new place, new bed .... hmmm... Anyway, it was fun meeting you guys & hitting yesterday! I look forward for next Saturday with party included!! ;o)
  • Patrick

    Rinconada Park in Palo Alto at noon next Saturday the 19th. Be there with your game face... or maybe just some water and a racket. Heck, bring some beer if you want to. Just show up and have a good time. :)
  • Mark / The Mayor

    I started a group for Local Group Admins for us to share information on how to increase participation and help people find players.
    Search for "admins" under groups. Request an invite,
  • Michael

    thanks for letting me know. i won't be able to make it this weekend as i'll be out of town for a work conference. but i'll be making an appearance soon and i'm looking forward to it! -michael
  • Kat

    Hey, thanks for the welcome! Are there other beginners in the group?
  • Kat

    Cool, that sounds great, thanks!
  • Patrick

    Canada College this Saturday the 26th at noon. We've got all levels of play, so come on out. Come early or late if you like, but leave a message on the group page so people will know who's going and when. (And, conversely, we'll know who the poopers are. Heh.)
  • Vinay

    Chris - thanks for the note. It's soreness from an airbag going off so hopefully it isn't a big deal. Have fun and see you the following week.
  • Patrick

    This Saturday, May 10th, we'll be playing and picnicking at Rinconada Park in Palo Alto.

    Anyone and everyone is welcome. Bring anything you would like to share. Bring your family, too. There are grills in the park, so charcoal and burgers/hot dogs are definitely doable.

    Please comment on the event page here so people will know what others are bringing.

    And remember, most of us are new and don't know many others in the group, so feel at ease and feel welcome to join us. Meet some new folks and have a good time. Hope to see you there!
  • Michael

    hey... interested in hitting sometime this week? i'm thinking tuesday afternoon or wednesday at lunch. san mateo or burlingame is fine. let me know... M
  • Michael

    wednesday night works... how about 6:30p at wash park?
  • Michael

    6:30p at Central Park it is. See you then...
  • Katerina

  • Michael

    yo... see you tonight at 6:30p @ central park. also, do u wanna carpool on saturday? we can talk about it tonight. word.
  • Michael

    any chance you could hit tonight instead of wed night? let me know...
  • Michael

    wednesday @ washington park at 6:30pm, yes?
  • Michael

    ok, sounds good. see you at 6:30p at wash park. hopefully we can score a court!
  • Michele

    Hey Chris, Hope your shoulder is doing better. I'm confused on the next event, which I plan to attend!! Is it this Sat 5/31? Thanks!
  • Michael

    carpool again? i can drive this time. call me if you're down. M
  • Patrick

    Good plan to rest up... nothing is better for an injury than time to heal.
  • Stephanie

    Chris, just continue to Ice and Rest along with some anti-inflammatories (Aleve or Ibuprofen) around the clock. Doctor's orders... :)
  • Lawrence

    thank you chris!
  • Andrew (Tampa Bay)

    do you have an Xbox Live account and play Halo 3? There's someone that I've recently been matched up with that has the name--- Kinkybear128345 or something.......
  • Sujay Vennam

    Hey Chris, I would come on Saturday but I'll be camping this weekend. Is that a weekly event?
  • Michael

    well, it appears i suffered a microfracture on the ulner side of my forehand wrist. sweet. i'm going to be out for a while... UGH.
  • Michael

    thanks for the hit. it felt great to get back out there after a long injury break.
  • Michael

    so, when are we going to play next? i'm going to try and make it this saturday. if so, carpool? my turn to drive.
  • GG

    Hey Chris! Looks like you and I are the only one who RSVPed to attend. Are you going? If not, no sense for me to show up:)!
  • GG

    Hey Chris! I think I'm going to pull the trigger on a racquet, and wondering what strings to pick. Do you like your hybrid? Can you give me pros/cons. Also, any recommendation on string brands and type? Thanks.
  • David Patterson

    I'm glad you don't play Halo, I respect you more as a tennis player..... using your time to acquire a real skill....
  • David Patterson

    I love playing tennis when it's like the gods smile on you and you can't miss a shot no matter how badly you're out of position. I love those times and wish they would happen more often.

    If I am ever in San Mateo, I promise I will contact you for a match. Always looking for someone to beat me that doesn't play tennis for a living.
  • Jun Sato

    oh, ic. i shouldve written back to you here, huh^^...obviously I'm too new here. Anyway thanks, Chris!
  • GG

    Just a quick note to thank you for the hybrid recommendation. Loving the feel of the new racquet. Thanks Chris!
  • GG

    Yes. My arm is a little soar, but I can still play.
  • Tiesha

    I'm in Mountain View now; will you guys be playing anywhere close any time soon? Palo Alto is good...
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi Chris,

    The US Open is already here, so NOW is the time to come make your picks in the US Open Bracket Challenge sponsored by Avery Tennis.

    Little known facts:
    1. It's free.
    2. It's fun.
    3. The Grand Prize is a new Avery M3 Control racquet.
    4. Do I need any more reasons?
    5. It's more fun to follow the tourney when you have points at stake.
    6. Bragging rights.
    7. OK, I'm all out...

    Come fill in your bracket, more info here.
  • Rafael

    What up Chris?
    Heck o fun at the BBQ... see you this Thursday- I'll be out there, later
  • Britt

    Hey Chris,

    I did join the group on SEP 6th @Canada College. Does the group mee there every Saturday no matter what, or when it is posted online here and people respond?

  • Hamid Nayini

    Thanks for letting me know Chris. My schedule is pretty sporadic so it would be hard to commit to this (yes, I'm a bit commitment phobic :)) but am always looking to hit with new players. I'm a 4.0-4.5 and have access to a private club in Palo Alto, so if you're around the same skill level and interested in getting a good workout, let me know. Delete Comment
  • Hamid Nayini

    Cool, and thanks again for the invite. I'll try to make it out. I understand about injuries, so no worries. I can hit for hours without playing games or sets (barring any injuries of my own). As long as I'm out there, I'm happy. Anyhow, let me know when you feel like getting out there and we'll arrange s/thing.
  • Sherry

    LOL! Hey, thanks for the welcome. I'll try to find another pic where I'm not blurring my friend's faces....Hahaha!
  • LuvTennis

    thanks for the welcome, Chris. Will definitely try to make one of the event.
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi Chris, I see three of your groups on the left here. Did it fix itself?
  • Michele

    Hi Chris,
    do you think the courts are too wet to play today?
  • Michele

    hey, no problem. it was definitely raining so i did not go, but i'll see you this sat. only 2 weekends left for me, i'm sad. moving...
  • Joe

    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for the invite to check out the weekly events. Always good for meet new hitting partners. I will drop by sometime.

  • Aaron C

    It's cause I'm incarcerated... we don't really play tennis in here... my new game is handball. Out in 3 to 6.

  • LuvTennis

    Hey. Curious ... The Mid-Week event that you're arranging starts at 6pm at CSM. I thought CSM courts don't have lights. How much tennis do you guys get before it gets too dark. An hour? I think it starts to get dark around 6:40pm these days.
  • Clarissa

    Thanks for your note Chris. I am certainly interested in going during the weekdays, and I prefer it when there are less people actually! I hope to be able to go to the event tonight. If not, I will definitely come and hit with you guys the next time.
  • stu

    thanks for the invite chris,i'll be hitting with you guys soon enough,cheers,stu