
, Male


United States

Profile Information:

Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Brooklyn, NY
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
32 y.o. male 3.5 player in Brooklyn, NY
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
I'm getting there., NTRP 3.0, NTRP 3.5

Comment Wall:

  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi Sean, thanks for starting the Brooklyn Group. When i first started the site, I started a few groups to get it going but I'm definitely trying to not start them anymore - too many people think I live where they live. ;-) Just advertise this a bit and it will grow like wild fire. I'll help out with that too.

    oh, also add a pic for the group - peeps like pics.

    BTW, refer people to the site and get a chance in our $200 giveaway.
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Cool Brooklyn logo!
    Reminds me of a retro t-shirt.
    I'd buy that shirt, no question.
  • Knibbo

    Hey Sean
    Thanks for your comment. I am in Crown Heights too. The thing for me is there is a court at the old boys and girls club which is about a block from me on Rutland road. There is also the one I mentioned on East N/Y ave. I guess the nearer the better for me. I suspect you've seen a lot more game than I. So I would guess I am at a level 2. My most regular hitting partner have been my 11 year old son whom I have been trying to get to love the game.
  • Kellen

    I saw in previous message ur in crown heights? Im in crown heights...When the nets r up I normally play at Ft.Greene park. I also am a member of NYSC. They have indoor courts. Do you have any other suggestions?
  • sean

    well, crown heights isnt too far from the prospect park tennis center which has cheaper rates in the evening (for indoor bubble play). in the spring/summer it's all outdoor and cheap (you'd just need your permit). i know of a couple outdoor courts in bedstuy that are ok.
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi Sean! How's it going?
    Here comes tennis season. Come join this group I created for Local Group Admins to share tips on how to get people more active in the groups.

    btw, below I see your comment back to kellen - but it is on your page, not his. Use the "comment back" function and it will go on his page.
  • Jonathan

    Hey Sean! Thanks for the comment. I hope the court you're thinking of is on Myrtle (on the corner of Nostrand Ave), if so, that court is directly across the street from my apt. building and I can play there whenever. Weeknights usually work best for me but I'm usually available to play anytime on the weekends. Let me know when you'd like to hit and I'd definitely be down to do so. The sooner, the hunger for some competitve rallies are growing by the second!
  • Jamar

    cool deal! my schedule is similar.. let's shoot for sometime after Wed of this week during the afternoon/evening. feel free to email me at
  • Jonathan

    Haha! Hey, I definitely have an old school mentality: if there's a net and a playable court, let's hit some balls! Would you be able to play tomorrow at 7:30? Let me know. Thanks!
  • Jamar

    This week has been hectic for me... I will be back in the city after the holiday.. then it's on... nonstop I will message ya when I get back.
  • Kemar

    Hey man I am just seeing your comment...i can't navigate this site for nothing...but email me man we are actually pretty close to each other.. where do you play? I like playing at Prospect Park (better bounce than Forte Green and Lincoln)