

Cambridge, MA

United States

Profile Information:

Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Cambridge, MA
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 3.5
My favorite local courts:
Courts on Pemberton St. in North Cambridge near Porter Sq.
Courts at the Harvard Dance Complex next to the Radcliffe Quad on the corner of Garden St. and Linnean.
Courts at Ellery St and Cambridge St. near Harvard Sq.

Comment Wall:

  • Reena

    Hey, I'd love to play sometime (and on a regular basis would be great as well). I'm free on Wed. evenings. I'm on vacation now but will be back July 9th. Email me at reenamat@gmail.com and let's set up a time to play next week. I live in Davis so it will be easy to meet up.
  • Mark / The Mayor

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  • John

    Hi Diana, sorry for the delay. I've been extremely busy of late, and haven't had the time to play. If you're still looking for a hitting partner, i'd be interested in meeting up to see if we're a match.
  • Ash

    Hey Diana,
    Was just wondering if you are still looking for a partner to hit sometime. If so, then I can come over to the courts. I work in the South part of Boston and Cambridge is an easy drive for me. Do let me know
  • Reena

    Hey, I don't have your number but it looks like we're rained out for today. Want to reschedule for another night this week? I'm free Tuesday or Thursday.
  • Reena

    Saturday sounds great! Want to shoot for 9am?
  • christopher brennan

    Diana lets play together. What time do you get done work? Tuesday would be best for me next week because I have the day off work so I can make anytime that is good for you. Other than that, any day is fine but probably 7 and after. I know lit courts till eleven too -- so the sun isn't really an issue. I'm excited about this let me know your schedule. cheers.
  • Francis

    hi...thanks for the invite, but i can't this weekend....i'll play next time...enjoy!
  • christopher brennan

    5:30 is good. I live right off the Central Square Red Line T Stop in Cambridge. I'm willing to travel by T also to a local near you if you know of a good one, to be honest I don't have a favorite court around here at the moment I used to have a real nice one in Brookline I liked but i moved. I'd like to check out somewhere new though, why don't you pick one of the courts from your "favorite locals' above and we can meet there at 5:30.
  • christopher brennan

    There are two at Hoyt and two more a street over. There are generally people there, but that will be a danger anywhere. If you prefer I will take responsibility for apologizing for making us wait if people are there and we can try those courts? Or if you want to play on home turf, I will not complain if we have to wait. There is a wall outside of the court to hit on and warm up at if we do have to wait so maybe thats not so bad. Let me know what you think, i'll be doing push ups and studying tape.
  • christopher brennan

    ok i will see you there. i'll have a red hat. You put thursday, but since you also posted this on your site i will assume that you were in a rush and meant tuesday. see you there.
  • Joshua Louis


    I would love to hit with you. I am only a 3.0 level player though. Do you still want to hit with me? We can do either location. Although, I would prefer the Garden St. courts. I am available, Tuesday and Friday of next week. Let me know.

  • christopher brennan

    Diana just so we are clear, we were talking about frank loyd wright but i was thinking of buckminster fuller when i said those book names, but i know who both are i just copy pasted one name over the other. fuller is pretty awesome though. thats all i think we said tuesday next week right? confirm that for me or i wont be sure. thanks.
  • John

    Hi Diana,
    I had an old email address attached to this account. I've updated it now, and will be checking it regularly. I live really close to cambridge, so let me know when you're free to hit/play.
  • christopher brennan

    so are we on for wed. the 24th at six thirty? let me know if you still available.