Mark / The Mayor


Albuquerque, NM

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Casual Player, Tournament or League Player, Tennis Media
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Albuquerque, NM
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
Hi. I'm the Community Manager, aka The Mayor of Tennisopolis. Welcome to the site! Tell your friends about us. Use the "invite" tab at the top.

Oh, about me? I'm a website developer as well as a tennis player and huge fan of the pros. I just got moved up to a 4.5 rating - success at last!

I love to follow the pro game. I get fully obsessed during the Grand Slam events to the point where I want to lock the door and just sit around watching in my jammies.

Please invite your friends to join.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
McEnroe, hands down. Agassi is second. Oh, you wanna know current faves? I like rooting for Murray, Azarenka, Radwanska, Coco. Other retired faves are Santoro and Spadea. Weird group I know, but hey. I love Federer and Nadal too, how can you not?
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 4.5
On the court, I am a:
rightie, watcher, poacher, doubles partner, singles player, returner, two-hander, top-spinner, all courter, gracious winner, gracious loser, tournament goer
My favorite local courts:
Tennis Club of Albuquerque
Lobo Club
Wellesley (now that they are fixed up)
Jerry Cline
Relationship status:
Favorite website:

Comment Wall:

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  • rg

    Do you wanna hit tomorrow, Saturday. Let me know if you are still avail, and what time/location is best for you.

  • Joe Cipriano

    Hi Mark...thanks for the note. Yes, I love ED FM. Fun stuff there :-) Joe
  • chris reilly

    hey, thanks for the message.....too bad you live so far away..
  • Don Spiegel

    Thanks. I am considering this option.
  • Takis

    Thanks M your a big help.
  • Chrisje

    Great job, Mark! You are well on the way to 10K members by the Open! I'm sure passing the word around in Tampa....I think I was member 300 something not that long ago!! Can't wait to see the number at the opening of the tournament!
  • Andrew (Tampa Bay)

    nice new funky chat tool thing.. now you just need to get the new and improved who's online face thingy! do it! lol
  • Jameslk

    what surprising!
    Glad to meet you ! ...
    I love tennis and Design is a interested job.
    thank you.
  • Jameslk

    Thank for your suggestion. i'll call you if i have problem with it.
  • Chad

    Hola Senor.

    Good to meet you!

  • Fan-Li

    Thanks for the email. It's my first time in this tennis online community. Still figuring out all the features and trying on to feel too old for not being tech savvy!

    $25 E Gift Card to the 10,000 member. It's on us. Congratulations Mark for creating this site!
  • Annie Eby

    Yes, I should. Though it's a small school with tennis courts on site, I haven't met many people to play with--there's a couple who will play sporadically but I'm hoping to play a lot more this year now that I've found your site. In Alaska right now, but will log in and get involved more once I'm in Santa Fe! Thanks for starting the site!
  • Christie

    Thanks so much for the friend request! It's my honor! =)
  • Alisha

    Hi! Do you have any suggestions about how to coordinate playing singles versus other women? I have no idea what all the levels mean...I have played tennis informally for years and have a strong forehand, back hand not so much...but I just need some guidance. I can play mornings, weeknights, or on weekends. Thanks!
  • 3L

    Lisa for President! =) Let's work together Mayor, to name Tennis our official national sport! hehe
  • V-

    Thanks for the welcome. The only thing i am really interested in is playing tennis on a consistent bases...finding people to practice with and finding others interested in competitive tournaments. I have joined the Dallas groups already. I am really trying not to join a private club because they are so expensive and even then some don't arrange matches. Just want to hit on Saturday and Sundays and a few days after work....
  • Rob

    hey mr. mayor! great site! i love that designed house in culver city.
  • Rachel Keen

    yeah, i love Djokovic!!..thanx for making this, my brother showed me this yesterday and i had to join!! and i think it cool that the fuzzy yellow balls guy is on here too!!!
  • Alexander

    haha. the guy mowing the lawn is me. anyway, what is the front page? main page? but my picture is not on the main page.
  • Andrew (Tampa Bay)

    Sent ya a message.
  • Nidia N. Torres

    Thank You . Cant wait to start playing again.
  • V-

    Just sent you a message....
  • V-

    I know it is really a daunting task to run a site like this but I wonder if I could make a programming request. It would be great to be able to arrange the groups a person joins in a certain order. Right now the most recent group a person joins is at the top of their list where I would love to have the group I started at the tip of my list. This seems to available on most other social websites i have joined. Any luck getting that here? Thanks..V-
  • tennis baller

    sent you a message!
  • Vincent Borrelli

    What a great idea for a site! Thanks for creating it mark! I'm looking forward to hitting again soon! Vincent
  • Protrainer Tennis

    That sounds awesome Mark... I appreciate the special attention.

    I am trying to finish up my online ordering so I can take orders via credit card and paypal from my website. I will contact you shortly to arrange payment and get started with the campaign.
  • Ety Rankov

    Hi Mark,
    Very cool site! Just signed up last week and already have a tennis pal to play with! Thanks for rekindling my love for tennis! I already went out and bought a brand new racquet, bag, shoes etc. :)
    Quick question - did something happen to the layout of the pages since yesterday?
  • Scott S.

    Hi Mark.
    The video was(is) of Anna Chakvetadze while playing Davis Cup in Israel. The crowd really let Anna have it, I think for beating Shahar Peer at the US Open last year. So Anna would go on a rampage when ever she made a winner or a good point. I believe you can find the video on youtube...It may be titled:
    AChak Attacks

  • Sean

    Thanks for the tips. I'm sure the site would allow me to hook up with more tennis player in the area.

  • Vincent Borrelli

    Hey Mark,
    I hit (for 2 hrs.) for the first time in 10 years and can barely move... I need legs but got enough of my swing back and it feels amazing! ... a few questions for you: do you recommend the Tennis Club of ABQ (playing at night would be nice); and do you know of any clay courts in ABQ or Santa Fe? Thanks! Vincent
  • John

    Hey Mark. Yeah I read it thanks and I messaged her back. I opened up the message board on the stringing club and I would love to hit sometime. I got a job over at TCA so I will see you around there a little more and Oach wants me to play on the 4.0 league there instead of Sierra Vista
  • Vincent Borrelli

    Hi Mark, what's the best way to invite ABQ people to hit? I'm probably a 3.5-4.0 player (HS team & a little college) but don't have my legs back yet... can you post to a city group?
    Thanks! Vincent
  • Vincent Borrelli

    Is his name Bill I think? He knows my good friend Jim Jacob, who also recommended I hit with him... definitely have him get in touch! or 254-4860. Just got a new racquet and eager to see what it's like. Thanks! V
  • Rachel

    yay its back! good job Mr. Mark sir, i missed it lol
  • Cheyenne

    its all cool, wish i could help
  • Protrainer Tennis

    Hi Mark, I didn't think the message went through by sending a group message because I never got any of them. Yes I need help with the button... Do you know how to write html code to keep TinyMce from stripping crucial parts of code that I am pasting into the HTML Editor? I am more than ready to do the banner deal as soon as I can get the button working.

    Sorry for the multiple messages.
  • Houston area Tennis Player

    I appreciate you adding me as your friend. When you are in Houston and like to rally some balls across the net sometime for fun and exercise, please let me know.

  • Chris Smith

    Hi Mr. Mayor,
    Thanks for the introduction if you are ever in NC maybe we will play some tennis.

  • Protrainer Tennis

    Thanks Mark. I am looking forward to it.

  • Protrainer Tennis

    Awesome Mark!!! You do great work. Can't wait to see it up.
  • Protrainer Tennis

    Let's Roll!!! It looks very professional.
  • Protrainer Tennis

    Mark, Before you post it is there any way to put a tennis ball image on the racquet face to show that it is a hittable device. That is really what sets it apart from all other weighted training aids.
  • Protrainer Tennis

    I can be the same image. With just half a ball showing on top of racquet image . I really like what you did so don't change that.
  • Protrainer Tennis

    You are the Mayor. That looks great Mark. Thanks
  • SATennisguy

    Hi Mark, yea...just wipe them out on occasion..keeps it easier to track things...getting ready to do that with discussion too...have them all for group pretty much when started...
    PS - as administrator we use to be able to see the members email addresses..cant anymore...or did I miss something?
  • Tom

    Mark, Thank You for the Tennis Video's.


    Looks like where want to be,can play there mostly all year long,GOOD LUCK IN YOUR TOURNAMENTS!...J
  • Protrainer Tennis

    Hi Mark. I just included the shipping anywhere in the US for $35.00 By the time I pay shipping and paypal I end up just a tad under the original $25.00. Maybe if I can move some volume, I can lower it and maybe run some specials. I also thought about maybe offering a tennisopolis discount. Can you help me with a recommendation to members?
  • Protrainer Tennis

    I haven't sold any units on the site so far. It will just take some time to break the new product barrier I guess. There is not another device available that lets you hit the ball with it installed. I hope folks will warm up to it soon.