Matthew Silverman

, Male


United States

Profile Information:

Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
West Somerville
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
I played varsity tennis for 4 years in high school and then intermittently throughout college. I still love to play and am hoping to find an evenly matched partner who provides a challenge to my game -- and vice versa.
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
Not bad, NTRP 3.5, Do not know my rating, Not bad.
On the court, I am a:
doubles partner, singles player, top-spinner, baseliner, gracious winner, gracious loser
Relationship status:
Who Wants To Know?

Comment Wall:

  • Matthew Silverman

    don't let this picture scare you please, its the only one i had readily available.
  • Joshua Louis


    Hello, and welcome to tennisopolis. I am looking for someone to play tennis with and saw that you were in the Boston group. I live in Somerville, and would really like to meet you and play tennis sometime. Call me at: (617)625-3326. E-mail me at: I hope to hear from you soon, and stay dry.

    Joshua Louis
  • Joshua Louis


    Thanks for the reply. I am available on the afternoon of March 11th, all day on the 15th and 16th, during the day on the 18th and the 20th, all day on the 25th, during the day on the 27th, and all day on the 28th. My e-mail is:, and my phone number is: (617)625-3326. Take care and I will hopefully talk with you soon.


  • Mark / The Mayor

    LOL about the picture quote- don't let it scare you. You look like you are about to decapitate the photographer!
    Welcome to Tennisopolis!
  • Andrew Kessel

    Hey man, I just moved to JP too. We should play some time. I work during the week but one of these week ends, especially once it's warmer. JP has a couple of public courts that I know of. They are all along the South West Corridor (where the T runs through JP). Specifically, I live near Stony Brook and just a few minutes walk down (towards Green Street) Lamartine there are two courts.
  • Andrew Kessel

    Depends what you're looking for but I just got my racquet strung at City Sports in Chestnut Hill on Route 9, not too far. They had a lot of tennis stuff but I don't remember their racquets being that nice if you are in the market...
  • Andrew Kessel

    Hey Matt, I got kind of busy but I do want to play now. I might be going to the Cape this weekend - are there any days you can play early evening (around 6:15) when there is still an hour + of light? Otherwise we can try again the Saturday after this one if it falls through.
  • Andrew Kessel

    Definitely man, I can play Monday or Tuesday but maybe would rather play Tuesday? Do you have a preference?
  • Andrew Kessel

    Tuesday at 6:20 works well for me, Stony Brook has one court that seems to be in decent shape. Definitely bring the balls, cool man - I am psyched to get back out and do a little hitting
  • Andrew Kessel

    That's too bad. I'd like to play later this week and I might have a little bit of time tomorrow early evening (say around 6:45 ish) but otherwise I am busy until next week
  • Andrew Kessel

    Alright I'm down, let's play after work at the Stony Brook courts. I'm thinking we should start some time between 6:15-7:00 but it depends on when I get back from work and what I might be doing later in the evening. So we'll be in touch tomorrow, my cell is 802-318-6967. What is your #? Looking forward to a hit - hope the weather holds out
  • Andrew Kessel

    Matt, it was great playing with you on Tuesday. I think we are definitely competitive with one another. I do want to try and play regularly on Tuesdays if we can. Unfortunately I have a business trip this next week (this is not too common) so won't be able to play until the week after next but let's definitely try to get a rhythm going with it. Thanks again!
  • Tenacity

    Tenacity, a Boston based tennis organization, is renovating three tennis courts in Boston. We need volunteers! Would be great if could come out on June 14. There will be organized tennis on June 14th at three Boston parks following a community service cleanup. Guaranteed good competition! Come volunteer and than play some serious tennis!

    You are guaranteed to have a fun time!

    It will be happening on June 14th from 12-4pm. Time commitment is pretty flexible so if you have to come late or leave early, its all good...

    I posted some basic info below and if you email me ( I can provide you with more info.

    There will be good food and some organized tennis after the remodeling is all done. Plus you will get a free shirt and snacks and water throughout the event!
    Tenacity provides character development, literacy enrichment, and tennis opportunities to Boston students. In preparation for this summer's Summer Tennis and Reading Program (STARP), Tenacity will be remodeling three of the STARP sites with Advantage: Boston.

    We need volunteers! Advantage: Boston is happening on June 14, from 12-4pm at Carter Park in Roxbury, Ringer Park in Allston/Brighton, and English High Park in Jamaica Plain.
    We will be landscaping, painting and constructing!!

    Food will be provided and organized tennis will take place afterwards.

    If you would like to volunteer please pick which site you would like to be at and what you would like to do.

    Bring/Tell your friends!

    Hope to see you there!

    Much obliged.

    Ananth Pandian
    TenacityCorps Member: Reggie Lewis Center
    Tenacity, Inc
    367 Western Avenue
    Brighton, MA 02135
    617-562-0902 ext. 6
  • Andrew Kessel

    Got your message - will be there at 6:45
  • Andrew Kessel

    Hey Matt,I was hoping to play tonight after work if the rain holds out. What do you think? Give me a shout out after 5:00
  • Andrew Kessel

    Hey Matt, do you want to play today - maybe around 6:20?
  • Andrew Kessel

    Sorry about not getting back to you sooner - can't play until Wednesday. Might be able to do Thursday or Friday too. Let me know
  • Andrew Kessel

    Hey Matt, can you play tonight (after work) ?
  • Andrew Kessel

    Hey Matt, it's been awhile since we've spoken but if you want to hit possibly on Thursday let me know. Also, I'm having a party this Saturday night at my house if you want to come. You can bring your roommates too.