Mark / The Mayor


Albuquerque, NM

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Casual Player, Tournament or League Player, Tennis Media
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Albuquerque, NM
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
Hi. I'm the Community Manager, aka The Mayor of Tennisopolis. Welcome to the site! Tell your friends about us. Use the "invite" tab at the top.

Oh, about me? I'm a website developer as well as a tennis player and huge fan of the pros. I just got moved up to a 4.5 rating - success at last!

I love to follow the pro game. I get fully obsessed during the Grand Slam events to the point where I want to lock the door and just sit around watching in my jammies.

Please invite your friends to join.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
McEnroe, hands down. Agassi is second. Oh, you wanna know current faves? I like rooting for Murray, Azarenka, Radwanska, Coco. Other retired faves are Santoro and Spadea. Weird group I know, but hey. I love Federer and Nadal too, how can you not?
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 4.5
On the court, I am a:
rightie, watcher, poacher, doubles partner, singles player, returner, two-hander, top-spinner, all courter, gracious winner, gracious loser, tournament goer
My favorite local courts:
Tennis Club of Albuquerque
Lobo Club
Wellesley (now that they are fixed up)
Jerry Cline
Relationship status:
Favorite website:

Comment Wall:

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  • Andrew (Tampa Bay)

    Maybeeeeeeeeeee put it on the front page where the forum and chat banners are?
  • Andrew (Tampa Bay)

    Thanks Markopolite! hahaha. Everytime I watch Ana rip her shots across the court, I want to start playing again! Too bad my new schedule only allows me two days to do so.. $$$ lol. Still have to demo all those racquets.

    How have you been?
  • Qi

    Anybody play tennis in Redmond? I m a beginner. I wanna join some group. I am new here from Shanghai. Mark, could you introduce somebody to me?
  • cynthia Tripp Kampf

    thanks for the invite- i hope to hear more from you-
    why did you join tennisopolis?
  • monique

    Hi, just wondering about a comment i recieved from a member of tennisopolis, (backspin) assuming i am wearing a 'fur' hat and advising me to do 'something' about it.. Can you please forward a message to backspin that this is not a political forum here, I was under the impression it is for tennis fans. Backspin is making me rethink my membership here due to his/her negative and wrong assumptions (false by the way - it is synthetic fur).
  • Patrick

    Om the main page, the group map link takes me to that page but then redirects me immediately back to the main page. I've tried various browsers and it's doing the same thing on all of them. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, and if that's the case, please let me know. Otherwise, you might want to check that out.
  • mikeindo

    you know, i dont remember specifically. i know i didnt pick monfils to get that far. is there a place to see what your picks were after you've submitted them? cuz i wondered myself what i'd picked! i think i had a couple good jumps in the earlier rounds. fyi, i actually picked ferrer to be in monfils' spot and he lost the round before to monfils.
  • Perry H


    Love the site! It helped me find a hitting partner in the first few days I was on!! Woohoo! How to get some of the cards I read about to drum up support at Events I attend? Also, any plans for window decals? I'd buy one!!
  • Edagowa

    Hello Mark,

    Thank you for the welcome. I haven't gotten around much yet but I will. Looks like a great group!

    Have a wonderful day :D,~~Shelia
  • Glynda

    good guess, if it was a guess...that certainly is Joe's. = )
  • David Charles

    Thanks, I just joined today.
  • David Charles

    Mark, I sent the Fresno/Clovis group a message. I joined that group and show up on the register but I didn't get the message that I sent. I'm not sure anyone else did either. ??? How can I tell? RVDave
  • Andrew (Tampa Bay)

    "likie" LOL. So does it seem "chattier" already?
  • Andrew (Tampa Bay)

    What's up with the weird friend notifications in the "Latest Activity" box? On the main page it said, "You and (whoever) are now friends." I'm like.. okaaaaay?

    Then I go to my page to check my friends, and then the box changed it to like, "Bob and Mary are now friends."

    ????? I don't know, I think it's kind of silly to see who's becoming friends with whom.

    At least the chat bar has taken off again! :D
  • Svetlana

    I'll add some photos from London soon.

    Lana :)
  • Roger

    Yes, I got it. How do I discuss something with you a little more privately other than an open forum. I tried to respond directly to the e-mail, but my response was kicked back.

    Let me know.

  • David Charles

    Mark, what is the purpose of the search groups search. I type in Fresno/Clovis and my returns in no match!
  • OneLuv (JC for short)

    Just dropped in to check out your page. I see you spent some time at the PLO this year. Do you go every year? If ou have plans on going next year let me know and I can arrange to have you and your family stay at a resort while you are in town instead of a hotel.
  • Ethan

    It looks like you're the man. I just moved to Irvine, CA from Utah, and I want to start a tennis ladder in Irvine fro friendly/competetive play. A friend of mine created a site similar to this one called Like your site it's totally free and focused on promoting tennis. However, that site allows users to create and manage ladder and tournaments. I played in a very active and well established ladder that was set up through that site and I'd like to use it to set up the ladder in Irvine. I've been sending individual e-mails to group members of the O.C. group based on their proximity to Irvine, but I'd like to contact all players at once. Can you let me know how to do that? I want to create the ladder so I can play more tennis! I created a ladder while I was in Lawschool back east (, but the global tennis network website manages them much better. Let me know if you have any ideas for getting people involved. Thanks,
  • Ken

    Thanks Mark. See you on the website often.
  • Protrainer Tennis


    Have you received your WinSock yet?

  • Aaron Sussman

    Hey Mark,
    I just got the message you sent me on 6/13. I was in Nicaragua from june 12th to the 19th, and caught a masty stomach bug just as I got back. I am feeling better though and could play some evening later this week if you are interested. Maybe 7 on Wednesday or Thursday?
  • Zef Lekaj

    Thank you for all the information Mark. I definetly would like your help in possibly setting up a group. What we could do is host events at my club during the summer or indoor seasons. Almost like an open house where people can come and take a look at my club and also play. Would you be a good candidate for setting up round robins?
  • Zef Lekaj

    Thank you for all the information Mark. I definetly would like your help in possibly setting up a group. What we could do is host events at my club during the summer or indoor seasons. Almost like an open house where people can come and take a look at my club and also play. Would you be a good candidate for setting up round robins?
  • tennis baller

    hey mark!

    for some reason my blog posts haven't been showing up on the main page. any idea?
  • Andrew (Tampa Bay)

    Ugh the pic is on here too! Anyway, read my message because I want to know what the little "w"'s in the bracket mean!
  • Andrew (Tampa Bay)

    Oh no, well at least I'm ahead of .. YOU muaahha
  • Perry H

    Mark, you mentioned I should send you a few words on my experiences with

    I love this site! I found hitting partners within DAYS and was playing again. I met a local beginners group I hit with each week that is growing through the site exposure. It's great to have forums, local groups and tennis news all on the same page. Keep up the great work Mark!
  • Ines Nedelcovic

    Hi Mark,
    Thanks for your warm greeting! I have been a 2.5 player for a long time but this year I'm determined to improve my skills. Hope to be at 3.5 before too long. Cheers!
  • Jake

    Hey Mark, how do I know if someone replied to me via chat? ie. I asked someone to play this weekend but how will I know if I get a reply?

    signed, Agassi still rules!!!!!
  • Andrew (Tampa Bay)

    You and Mark are now friends
    2 minutes ago

  • RC

    Hey Mark,

    I'm just trying to motivate these people in the Oahu Group that Dan created. I just started really playing tennis about 5 years ago and I know how hard it can be to learn the game as an adult. Sometimes it knowing where to go to get them on the court.
  • Andrew (Tampa Bay)

    8500 Members! Woohoo! Thank you for inviting all your tennis contacts - keep 'em coming!
    22 minutes ago
  • Jose

    Hi Mark
    Thanks, can you tell me what other groups are in my area, My search return out blank.
  • matt thorman

    hey back at ya, i just got my first computer & am not sure how to put pictures on yet any suggestions? i love this site & love to play, although i haven't played in quite awhile, i do look forward to meeting local hitting partners, this must be the place to find somebody right?
  • Jamie W.

    Hi, thanks for creating this site! Just a thought though. I've had a couple of missed communications after I comment on someone's wall, and then instead of them replying on my wall, they comment on their own wall. I think it's pretty easy to do, especially since there's a place right above where you read the comment to "Add a Comment."

    So I have to continually check the person's page to see if they've commented on their own wall. Perhaps making the "comment back" phrase more prominent, or putting a little notice message in the box that "FYI, you are writing on your own wall," (or a much better solution I haven't thought of) might rectify things.

    Like I said, just a thought!
  • E

    Aw thanks for the comment! I don't really know how to do that sequence photo, a friend of mine took it with her Canon something or other, I wanna say powershot? It is pretty cool though =)

    Thanks for welcoming me here at tennisopolis! I'm kind of disappointed that there aren't more people from Pittsburgh on here. I guess I'll just have to start inviting! =)

    Albuquerque? I've been thinking of moving to the Southwest for a couple of years after school. How's the tennis down there? I've heard bad things about snakes and scorpions! =O
  • Ross

    Sounds like some people are meeting other tennis players and that's good. I can't quite tell who is talking to whom. We play in the same part of town but I'm just hanging onto 4.0 by a string. Good luck maybe I'll catch on yet.
  • trung vu

    hi Mark,
    thanks for inviting me to your group. I live in Fairfield, California though. if you are by tge area, call me for a tennis match, thanks
    trung 503-9890507
  • David Ranney

    Hi Mark,
    You asked about posting an ad for my book. Would you please let me know what the cost is etc etc.
  • Dilun

    Hey Mark,

    Cool, well the courts are still there and I play mostly at PSHS. What year did you graduate from there? I went to JJ Pearce btw.

    Yes, I am one of the assistant organizers.
  • Arthur Seabra

    thank you...very helpful and informative !
  • Ketan M

    Hi Mark, I didn't get the welcome message for the alamo city aces group. Could you send it to me please. Thanks!
  • rg

    Hola Mark. I'm in town this Thursday til next Thursday - and I work in ABQ a couple of weeks a month. Wanna hit sometime? I'm a 4.0, very baseline-ish and a little rusty.

  • tennis baller

    yeah - incredible and maybe the best Wimby match of all time for sure. i'm taking a breather from writing the next two days - i'm burnt.
  • rg

    Saturday would be great. What time/location is best for you?
  • Waruni

    You're welcome, glad you like them. It was a top day. Got within touching distance of players on the outside courts.
  • Fatima

    Hi Mark,

    I thought we used to be able to send a message to all members of a group. Did you remove that function?
    I'm trying to find a 4th player for a game we're having this evening.
  • GG

    Hi Mark!
    Thank you so much for creating this website. I've been absent from the game for 25 years, mainly because I couldn't find players to hit with. Since I joined tennisopolis, I've met many nice people and on my way to getting my game back!

    Question about retrieving replies. I had someone respond to my comment. Typically, I would get an email notification or the comment would show on my page. I had a situation where I missed the response because I had to go to the other party's my page to view the comment. In this case, I ended missing the meet and would like to prevent that in the future. What do you think happened to the thread?
  • David M

    Hi Mark,

    Yes I am in advertising and would be happy to add your site to my available offerings. I mainly focus on outdoor advertising, but if I come across the right client anything is possible. Do you have a rate sheet or something that shows what an advertiser gets by advertising on Tennisopolis?