Mark / The Mayor


Albuquerque, NM

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Casual Player, Tournament or League Player, Tennis Media
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Albuquerque, NM
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
Hi. I'm the Community Manager, aka The Mayor of Tennisopolis. Welcome to the site! Tell your friends about us. Use the "invite" tab at the top.

Oh, about me? I'm a website developer as well as a tennis player and huge fan of the pros. I just got moved up to a 4.5 rating - success at last!

I love to follow the pro game. I get fully obsessed during the Grand Slam events to the point where I want to lock the door and just sit around watching in my jammies.

Please invite your friends to join.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
McEnroe, hands down. Agassi is second. Oh, you wanna know current faves? I like rooting for Murray, Azarenka, Radwanska, Coco. Other retired faves are Santoro and Spadea. Weird group I know, but hey. I love Federer and Nadal too, how can you not?
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 4.5
On the court, I am a:
rightie, watcher, poacher, doubles partner, singles player, returner, two-hander, top-spinner, all courter, gracious winner, gracious loser, tournament goer
My favorite local courts:
Tennis Club of Albuquerque
Lobo Club
Wellesley (now that they are fixed up)
Jerry Cline
Relationship status:
Favorite website:

Comment Wall:

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  • Danette

    Mark, now that would be an idea. But first I have to get my "tennis legs" back. I have been away from the courts a bit too long. Before I do anything, I have to get ME back! I am embarassed to say that I do not even own a racket anymore. :(
    I have to start over. So much has changed since the days I held court...good one huh? Anyway, All I need is a racket, a slow and easy excercise regimen and then someone willing to come out on a court and hit with me.
    I will get there.
  • Amy

    So Mark, did you hear? Tennisopolis has its first E-Coach! Big Mike is going to E-Teach/Train The Beginner Racqueteers! How cool is that! :-)
  • Teress

    Local Tennisopolis Groups is GENIUS!

    how are ya?

    Oh my it's been a good while. lol. miss Tennisopolis greatly. yeah.

  • Chris

    Thx for adding me mark!!!! =)
  • Amy

    Thanks Mark! I try and go throught the members pages a little each night and leave welcome messages and tell about The Beginner Racqueteers and The Atlanta Aces.I think that is so great of Mike to be our E-Coach!
  • Amy

    I will be glad to find an icon for that group! How do I get it to him? Let me know!
  • George

    Thanks Mark. So the big question is how do I find new members for my group? What can I do to improve its visibility?
  • Wale

    Thanks Mark. This is an awesome site, and I understand where you're coming from. I wish you the best of luck!
  • Cindy

    I'm new to this online stuff... How did you know I was going to the PLO? I thought I responded to someone else! Did I respond to you by accident?!?!

  • geofrey

    hi, im confused on how to find people in the san diego area, where do i join the san diego thing>
  • Hiro

    What a beautiful artist's studio you designed!
    I just started working in architecture and I hope someday I can work for nice projects like yours.
  • Paul

    Kudos on the great site.
  • Shawn Lee

    Good Work Mark
  • opie

    mark, this site is pretty nice. no one really sets up match's though. any ideas on now to get ppl to play. if and when you do play matchs? are these matchs being recorded against our "usta" ratings. how this work.

    i joined you and something called "tennis tour" not much happening there as well.

    thanks, opie
  • LUke

    hey hows it going>?

    Just stoppin by to say hi , am new to this site
  • Emily

    Thanks, Mark. Can't wait to start playing again.
  • Erin

    Thanks for the welcoming words! I've done a search and so far I'm the only one in Tennessee, I'll have to see what I can do about that!

    Good to know that there are other people out there just as obsessed with tennis as I am. I nearly had a panic attack when I heard that ESPN dropped Indian Wells coverage, so I was glad to hear that FSN picked it up. I'll have to hit the boards and chat up some of the other tennis-philes. Thanks for making this site, it is great :)
  • tennis baller

    Done - I added the link, no problem
  • Andrew (Tampa Bay)

    Genius! I forgot the P.L.O is very soon! I wish I was close enough to drive there :(
  • Chrisje

    Mark, I just added my Tennisopolis badge to my website. I just had the link before, but the badge is cool! then click on Community
    Thanks for creating this site and bringing together all the tennis fanatics!
  • SC

    Thank you Mark for offering the help - I am sure I will needs lots of it especially getting the rules and game strategies straight. :-)
  • Andrew (Tampa Bay)

    hehe, I've already got that! LOL.
  • Dmitry Fonarev

    Sorry, I am in Lex, Mass.
  • Michelle

    Hello Mark!

    Looking forward to meeting some new friends to practice tennis with! Thanks!
  • Michael

    Hey Mark...

    Do you have a facebook page? Facebook has an option where you can build facebook 'groups' page. When people join this group, all their friends see it and it can usually build more members rapidly.Your group could simply be a link to this site with maybe a brief description.

    just a suggestions.

  • Sal

    Hi Mark

    Thanks for setting up this site and connectig tennis enthusiasts for hitting and improving game skills. I'm hoping to meet with like-minded people and hit regularly. If you're ever in DC area, give me a shout.

    BTW, that artist studio looks really cool, great work!!!

  • George

    Hi Mark and thank you for the warm welcome. I can't figure out how to join a group using this website. I clicked on the link on your message to me and got on this "ning" website that wasn't operating at the time. help?!!

  • Larry

    yes, any way to combine the two accounts? I tried to log in previously but my email address wouldn't work? Sorry
  • tennis baller

    absolutely my friend! i'd love to get shots of some of the top ballers practicing (gratuitous shirtless shots of the boys NEVER hurt) plus the fashions they practice in are sometimes more interesting than what they're made to wear on court.

    other than that, some shots of the grounds and stadiums (at night) could really work also.

    thanks mark!
  • Ned

    Hi Mark, thanks for your warm welcome. I really hope to meet people in Toronto to play tennis through this site. Great idea and I think this should exist for all sports. Keep up the good work!
  • Pete

    Thanks for the welcome aboard. I started the Dubuque Tennis Nuts group. I sent it to my team and a few other tennis fans at Loras College.
    Keep up the good work!
  • Colin

    Thank you for the welcome, Amy! I look forward to the future!
  • Nicholas Clawson Stiver I

    Lets play I think I can kick your ass now
  • Lise

    Thanks great site... now if I can just manage it without accidently deleting people like I just did you!

    So, sorry not usually to technically challenged!
  • Adrienne

    Hi im new and was wondering if you ever play at the woodland park courts near greenlake?
  • Steve Viglione


    Must say, unbelievable site.

    Talk soon!
  • Andy M.

    Mark. thank you for your intrest but I'm not sure that I can put any thing together for my area. I'm just learning the game a wish there were other people that also wanted to play, but most everyone plays with friends and other people that they already know. I joined looking for others in my area that wanted to play but did not have someone to play with. thanks again take care Andy M.
  • Rick

    Hey Mark, Awesome site! Can't figure out how to join a group. I'm interested in joining the seattle group. Can you point me at the right direction.
    thanks, Rick
  • Mia

    Thanks Mark! I didn't see that before.
  • Junko

    Hi Mark, thank you for the wonderful site. I was looking for this kind!
  • Jon

    Thanks for the welcome Mark.
  • joel

    Thanks for the putting together the site... Good Place.
  • Brenna

    Hey Mark! Thanks for your warm welcome!
  • Matthew

    Mark, Thanks for getting Manhattan Tennis out there. It was amazing, as soon as you wrote all those people, the membership shot up from a few to almost 30!
  • Erin

    I signed up, filled out my bracket. My mouth was watering over the Tommy Haas v. Nicolas Keifer match-up and the potential Safin v. Tipsarevic match-up.
  • Will Hamilton

    I'm in. I went out on a limb and picked Federer to win it all...
  • Chris

    I did and I did my first name like you said
  • Elaine

    I am enjoying this site, thank you.
    I did mine already!:) Djokovic takes it for a second time!!
    I really enjoyed filling it out! thanks
  • Andrew (Tampa Bay)

  • tennis baller

    oh no - another jelena. that's what i'm here for (i think anyway)