Doug Jose

73, Male

Cincinnati, OH

United States

Profile Information:

Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
more later
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
Not bad.
Relationship status:
Favorite website:

Comment Wall:

  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi Doug!

    I guess you got my note.

    Welcome to Tennisopolis! I created this tennis community so that people could meet to talk about the pros or create a local group to find hitting partners. We launched just a week ago. So I guess that makes you a charter member. :-)

    Look through the Groups top see if there is already a group forming in your area. If there's not, don't hesitate to start your own.

    There's a lot of fun to be had on Tennisopolis. A good place to start is by customizing your page and adding a picture.

    Invite your friends too.

    See you around,
  • fleabitten

    Hi. If you are into pro tennis, come talk trash in the Forum.

    c ya 'round, FB
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Thank you for starting the Cincinnati Group. (You should have done that weeks ago. - just kidding.) You watch, it will start filling up soon. I'd put money on it.
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi doug, I was just leaving a note for Rock about how you could create a Group here for HPTC and add logos and invite your members. Groups here have a lot of powerful functions - you can use the Forum as a bulletin board and you can send message (announcements) to all members. You can also make the Group private so only your registered members can join. Furthermore, once the Cincy Group takes off, then you can send invites to those folks and network better. Of course, you can add a link to your Group from and visa versa. I can help get it set up if you need. Tennisopolis is growing by 60 members per day and we envision 10,000 members by July. Let me know if I can help,
  • Rock Anderson

    I sent a mass invitation to quite alot of local (and international) tennis players that I was fortunate to share a court with in the past year. They are starting to trickle into the network, and I would expect quite a few Greater Cincinnati Area players connected here, soon. Thanks again Doug, I think this is a great idea! Rock
  • drew

    hey doug, i joined the group and tried to send a group message but had no luck...anyway, i'm coming back that way to visit my folks for most of march from california. i'm 32, pretty solid but haven't played much since moving into the ski town world of the west so i would love to get some sets in while i'm back. my parents live in anderson so if anyone from the group wants to get out and bang it around tell them to shoot me an email at thanks...drew