Mark / The Mayor


Albuquerque, NM

United States

Profile Information:

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Casual Player, Tournament or League Player, Tennis Media
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Albuquerque, NM
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
Hi. I'm the Community Manager, aka The Mayor of Tennisopolis. Welcome to the site! Tell your friends about us. Use the "invite" tab at the top.

Oh, about me? I'm a website developer as well as a tennis player and huge fan of the pros. I just got moved up to a 4.5 rating - success at last!

I love to follow the pro game. I get fully obsessed during the Grand Slam events to the point where I want to lock the door and just sit around watching in my jammies.

Please invite your friends to join.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
McEnroe, hands down. Agassi is second. Oh, you wanna know current faves? I like rooting for Murray, Azarenka, Radwanska, Coco. Other retired faves are Santoro and Spadea. Weird group I know, but hey. I love Federer and Nadal too, how can you not?
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 4.5
On the court, I am a:
rightie, watcher, poacher, doubles partner, singles player, returner, two-hander, top-spinner, all courter, gracious winner, gracious loser, tournament goer
My favorite local courts:
Tennis Club of Albuquerque
Lobo Club
Wellesley (now that they are fixed up)
Jerry Cline
Relationship status:
Favorite website:

Comment Wall:

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  • Andrew (Tampa Bay)

    Mr. Mark,

    Is there any way to get the Xbox Live Gamercard gadget? It's an app in facebook.. otherwise I could try to look for an html for it.. but I think a gadget would be great so more people could use it easily!

    Thank you,
  • Cory

    Hello Hello- Thanks for the nice welcome. I hope you have a speedy recovery and healthy rehabilitation. What an awesome site, I'm lucky to have come across it. Have a good one :)
  • Victoria

    Hi Mark and thanks for the welcome. I already have a tennis friend that is also a member of Tennisopolis and I hope to meet lots of other people as well. I like the idea of the site because when I moved here in July (of course you can't exactly play tennis in Palm Desert in July), i was wondering how I was going to meet other tennis players so now you have solved the problem for me!
  • Steve Woodworth

    Mark great site. Thanks for taking the time to put it together. We’ve already been invited to meet and play with the local Florida group.
  • Alphonse

    Interesting site. I have a suspicious nature, but the site appears to be what it says it is. I am a more of a player (and not necessarily a good one) than a fan, although I did go to the David Cup finals as the opportunity of those games being in Portland was too good to miss. It is the only exercise (playing, not watching) that keeps my attention for hours. Guess I wll officially join the Portland/Vancovuer group and check for any cold weather outdoor players.
  • Alphonse

    Oh yeah, the artist's studio in Culver City is way cool. Good work. This modular, almost truck trailer, style is very appealing, and promises to be efficient and affordable. I have looked into it for a beach house, but it ended up costing out more than conventional building.
  • Sarah

    Thanks Mark! You saved us a lot of frustration of getting to UNM and having to play in the dark.
  • Cheryle

    Thanks Mark! This is all new to me and I am so excited to get started playing the game of tennis.
  • Jessica

    Hi, Mark, I haven't gotten to play anyone yet, but I am hoping to next week sometime. My best day is this Sunday and seems like there is this game going on in Arizona that everyone is going to watch.The NYG coach is our former (only other ) coach from down here.
  • SATennisguy

    Hi Mark...will be in Alb last week of February...if weather is nice wouldnt mind to get out and hit or play singles..but doubles would be more fun to meet more folks...
  • lore

    Hi Mark, Thanks for the welcome. What an awsome site!
    Still looking for people who want to play in Pasadena.
    take care....
  • Teress

    I received the invite test to one of the emails!!! yeah!

    I was on the train at 6:30 am .... how was your day?

  • Jan

    Hi Mark - thanks for the comment. It's hard to look for people to hang out with and play tennis here in Lake Mary. I can only wish that someone would be willing to play...
  • dj1111

    Thanks for the comment and the reply, Mark. Maybe I will get an eastside group going. The LA Bucs were the 1st west coast NFL team. They only played 1 season (1926) and they were all road games.
  • Rob Billeaud

    The offer of an image for our N.Atlanta group would be much appreciated. I can't think of anything that would represent our area, except maybe a car, LOL.
  • Rob

    Mark. Thanks for saying hello. This is my busy season and I have been travelling a good deal. However, I did find some folks in Round Rock and Austin, and I am actually playing tomorrow AM.
  • Teress

    I haven't seen Robert online that much, perhaps he's busy. But I'll leave a message about it.

    We need to get started some day :)

  • Joshua Bennett

    Ok, thanks Mark
  • francis duncan forbes

    hi mark i can answer any questions about img in bradenton as i am good friends with nick and his partner gabriel.also i might be able to get your members discount for adult training if you are i mentioned i have a 14 old who is 530 in the world right now and trains full time at img.also any questions on puerto vallarta as my family has been here for 30 years. iwould love to help you out as group discussions but i do not know how to set it up so if you could do it that would be great .let me know
  • Beldavid Tan

    Thanks Mark! I've just created a Tualatin Oregon group.
  • Thomas Delahooke

    Found the Vancouver group, thanks Mark.
    What I can't find is the NTPR (or whatever it is) rankings on the site to help those who don't know what level they're at. I can't imagine it's not available somewhere on the site but as I said before I'm hopeless in this medium !
  • Rayko

    Thanks Mark, you've done a good job here. I wanted to start one of these myself! This is at the Penmar park courts.
  • Lysandra

    Thanks! I'm excited to discover this site and look forward to meeting some great tennis buddies!
  • Corinna

    thanks Mark...yess...its fun way to meet other tennis lovers..and hopefully get enuff together to get soem games happening !!
  • Ming

    Thanks for the warm welcome, Mark. I look forward to meeting up other members in Seattle group.
  • Frenchtennis(3.5/4.)

    HI Mark,

    No problem you can remove it, I didn't know you had a group already , the idea is get together and play some tennis
  • Pete

    Hi Mark,
    Thanks for the welcolme. Looks a good site - hope everyone gets something out of it.

  • omar acevedo

    hey Mark thanks for your comment.
    i am so ready to start playing tennis again.i hope we get to play one of these days.
    you let me know if you guys are getting together anytime soon.

  • jade woerner

    Hi Mark,

    my computer did something weird. I losts lots of contacts and datas but it is fixed now. Yeah I think I was the first 50 to join this nextwork. I"m happy to see this site has grown so big. Great!!

  • lore

    Hi Mark....thanks for your reply.
  • Nicholas Clawson Stiver I

    Mark! You started this? How enterprising of you! This is pretty cool man, great idea. How many people do we have now? Is it primarily based in Albuquerque? We should hit some time, hommie.
  • Dave

    Thanks for the welcome note Mark. This site is what I've been looking for, now I need to find some friends and start getting my swing back. Thanks again!
  • t/pain

    Mark, the site is superb. What a smart and direct way to find tennis players in the area. Thank you for this.
  • Joey

    My real name is Eddie but I go by Joey somthing my parents started when I was to little to know better.
  • Justin


    Nice little site you've got here. I seemed to have misplaced/forgotten where the link to custom page layout for group is located, your direction would be appreciated.
    Just for fun I'm going to run a geographically specific google adwords campaign with a narrow focus. Congratulations and best of luck for your continued success.
  • Rayko

    Hey Mark.. Team Pain is currently capped at 2 members... perfect for doubles.. If one of us dies, then there's another guy in line.. but you're next after him!
  • Scott S.

    Hi Mark.
    Thanks for the warm welcome! I look forward to being a part of your tennis community as it develops and blossoms.

    Stokeez is a new company, founded by my self, and my business partner. We expect to launch our website in the next 2-3 weeks. We're very excited as you can imagine.

    I thank you for expressing your interest, however, I would love to make it a surprise...I think you will be impressed.
    I even foresee a symbiotic relationship with Tennisopolis.Com.

  • Andrew (Tampa Bay)

    LOL I feel like I've exploited my upload privileges for a while. (Who pays for the file storage? lol.. not you, right? LOL)

    And yeah, I've had my schedule up since day 1 (or 2); whatever I can do to make it easier for myself and others in my groups to find someone to hit with!
  • Justin

    I'll let you know how the campaign goes....should go live monday/tuesday....
  • t/pain

    Actually there are only two members in t//pain. Chris and I. Niko is not. Glad you liked the logo, send you a full color version that Chris designed via email. its terrific.

    t//pain "no mercy"
  • David

    Thanks for the warm welcome!

    Yeahh, that was some good stuff, that bowl of sangria. We had that during a vacation on the Canarian Islands.

    Thanks for the tip on the Vancouver group. I'll try to register right away.

    Congrats to a great website and concept! Thanks to you and your buddies a lot of people already had and will enjoy good moments all around the great sport of tennis.

  • Doug Jose

    I'm the president of the Hyde Park Tennis Club. Our manager this season will be Rock Anderson. We're still working on lining-up a "pro", or perhaps several people to give lessons.

    How about you?
  • J

    Thanks for the welcome!
  • Andrew (Tampa Bay)

    so I just noticed the "Member Search" box on the main page, between videos and new photos.. Maybe you should place it above photos? Some people might not notice it and might not notice the member tab where you can also search.. I mean, why not move it up, ya know? lol.. It's kind of in a weird spot as it is, I think.
  • ThePoet

    I'm not sure really. I'll try my best to contribute to the forum though.
  • Daniel

    I have joined today(2/19/08) and like what I see.Great job Mark !
    I will try to get some ideas for Westside's Group Logo.
  • Charinda Charoen

    Well, I just joined about 10 seconds ago. Let's see what happen.
  • Joey

    Cool. Ya one member so far has joined the group. I sent an invitation to the whole team a couple days ago. We'll see if it takes off!!

    If you DO feel up to it. We should hit man. We don't have to play. Drills kick ass too. What do you think?
  • Andrew (Tampa Bay)

  • Beldavid Tan

    Yes, he is my son. He'll be 2 in a couple of weeks. How old is your daughter?