
Profile Information:

Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
This is the Admin guy. Be nice to him. :-)

Comment Wall:

  • Mark / The Mayor

    Welcome to Tennisopolis! We are all very excited to have created this "community-based" tennis website which puts the focus on the members.

    In Tennisopolis, every member can:

    - add your own photos
    - post your own blog entries
    - customize your profile page
    - talk tennis in the forum
    - join or start a group

    …and just hang out and meet great people.

    Welcome aboard,
  • BlueShirt

    Yes! invaded like TW. When I first got there it was nice. But then the MTF'ers followed and all the good folks at TW left. shame, really =(