joe wright

30, Male

essex, hornchurch

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

I am a:
Tournament/ League Player, Teaching Pro/ Coach
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
hornchurch, essex
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
im 15 dont do many tournaments but usually beat players above my general ranking. I been playing for 4 years neally and had a coach for two years.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
Pretty damn good.
On the court, I am a:
hacker, slicer, singles player, bomber, acer, two-hander, gamer, top-spinner, baseliner, gracious winner
My favorite local courts:
acrilic hard court and i do love a good clay court
Relationship status:
In a Relationship

Comment Wall:

  • joe wright

    heya ppl just wana say wot do u actuly do on ere if we chat tlk plz
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi. Tehre's tons to do here. Look around!
  • Mark / The Mayor

    Hi Sanders boi!

    Welcome to Tennisopolis! I created this tennis community so that people could meet to talk about the pros or create a local group to find hitting partners. We launched just a week ago. So I guess that makes you a charter member. :-)

    Look through the Groups top see if there is already a group forming in your area. If there's not, don't hesitate to start your own.

    There's a lot of fun to be had on Tennisopolis. A good place to start is by customizing your page and adding a picture.

    Invite your friends too.

    See you around,
  • Mark / The Mayor

    We're going to be adding a chat feature pretty soon, but until then, the main place to chill is the forum.
  • joe wright

    hello people just wondering if ya wana talk about tennis gve me a bell
  • hofertennis

    Thanks for the add as a friend. I hope your tennis is taking off and your having fun.
  • hofertennis

    What shots would those be Sanders?
  • hofertennis

    What kind of grip do you use on the backhand? Are you trying to hit topspin or underspin? Make sure your grip is turn back around so the base of your thumb in behind the handle when hitting.
  • hofertennis

    Joe, Do you hit with 2 hands off the backhand?